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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 未拍拖o既人~"最"大原因?
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! n5 L; x9 g3 m6 \3 V% u你只要有誠意+真心,點都有少少機會既.........!
You dont have to have money to get girls, brothers.

Why don't you let her go ??

Originally posted by Rika at 2005-4-18 04:40 PM:: Q6 W+ q* P; _9 E" }
* v4 e3 m1 {; }8 q

8 y2 n% m# u' j: D1 Owhat if she doesn't come back.. just let her go?
6 o* y+ P) ?: U5 |( x. S5 @* M# }- c" K$ T3 l
If she decided , she want to leave, why don'y you let her go ?
2 t1 Q) k( K6 f. a) Q* s$ t* A" g+ `
A relation is established by BOTH parties, if she decided to go, then you can still go on loving her. I sometimes think the feeling of doing such kind of foolisg thing is quite good ! Feeling yourself as a great person to her, but please also think at her position , why did she choose to leave ?
3 E7 t" u- h; l# k
+ ]# F8 O( E; lUsually, there are two reasons: ; c7 T) W1 c3 b0 `3 q) f& p! G

& e  n. M$ J7 D  H5 G9 ~4 f# [First , they think you are not good enough AT THE MOMENT,
- ~* s2 `0 E2 s. Z5 I5 L( ASecond, they THINK someone is better than you,
$ v, b$ v  H, V5 a* M- m8 k5 `# l
4 j; @1 l2 ~) e+ y( [) ZThese two reasons is a truth in her point of view otherwise she won't choose to break up as no one want to have this happened in general.
) [6 I8 E$ K5 x5 j9 n2 q( B; @$ z: O$ K  `
Remember, you can be better than the current state, go and learn more different things to improve yourself is the solution to reason one, for reason two, it doesn't matter with your effort  ( W8 r! g. }- g
/ |- E$ Y1 J4 d( u# |3 F, _

) T0 r9 R* T8 r; h# }/ ]9 @* \( M) f" l. |+ ^; D! I7 c
Originally posted by tung kin wah at 2005-4-23 02:00 PM:5 F) J/ J+ e2 n9 q

) C4 s% d% T  o) Y
# @, M  O3 n6 [: m+ {If she decided ,  ...
: N! v8 ~) l% W0 u* Q4 Q

3 v+ X0 T2 ^3 c7 II agree with you~4 a3 a) F# N+ Z' p" d
Positive and excellent opinion
Originally posted by sugarbear at 2005-4-20 02:05 AM:0 W3 R, q! J5 k, _1 F2 }9 N1 m
You dont have to have money to get girls, brothers.
0 R3 D' e( f( n5 T

/ w+ O3 ~# o( i; J有就好D囉~
Originally posted by michael86 at 2005-4-19 11:41 PM:( J  E: ~6 D( q  u- Z
/ `( j* ]# G) [# j, Q# j9 E你只要有誠意+真心,點都有少少機會既.........!
. ^( Q9 T+ `4 z8 A3 P- g- W" |
" |- B7 [; t. T* e
冇錢&冇樣# e5 e! ?$ _% Z1 q' {4 x& s3 k0 y
; t4 I! t7 Q! M$ A5 K7 c/ w" m/ n! K7 _係有機會... 少D囉~
Originally posted by pcpdcoco at 2005-4-19 09:01 PM:
# e: v: }3 O2 ^3 Q# W* O, c( E6 p因為讀男校,所以冇機會識女仔
9 Y9 Q$ i- R' B+ S; ]* n: |  p
  v6 K* L$ m5 D9 ASounds like excuse only


; ?& I% ?8 w$ T+ C1 n肯定關個樣事...
冇$唔係大問題..要拍到拖..最緊要識溝女技巧~關心女仔~送人返屋企lee d唔小得~
Originally posted by 阿細 at 2005-4-24 11:04 AM:& L4 Z, a: t. D
冇$唔係大問題..要拍到拖..最緊要識溝女技巧~關心女仔~送人返屋企lee d唔小得~
8 P) f2 B; u  T0 }& K! U
- I  q2 R) h; A7 {/ i7 k0 f冇錢&冇樣
3 u+ y# k4 r  ?5 b點識溝女都無用
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 未拍拖o既人~"最"大原因?

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