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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 26fun係全球網站的排行第1527位!!
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Originally posted by 12d3 at 2006-5-26 02:49 AM:
/ \2 [5 b7 ~' M7 w1 }/ k% v/ g0 f香港政府資訊中心都只係排名第1,343位:+ k! `5 j! w# S
http://www.alexa.com/data/detail ... =www.info.gov.hk%2F
# a: i! ~. k0 ]3 s% `. b6 Q
* `; l+ m$ U1 h8 e8 b我建議entfun發起派分行動黎賀一賀~
, d4 z# O# a+ O# J5 {( f
/ T: a' e' }: Q- h3 a
$ h8 V" n; N8 j' G
Originally posted by long winer at 2006-5-26 12:34 PM:7 K! a2 d6 g& v  X1 H  N1 c% E( Z9 w
, R1 P) b5 ~4 e& _; O5 V# ^1 q. a
( \* f1 @% T$ C8 W. q
2 O- p: }& v5 p4 N8 f
我即意思係有冇一版係可以第一名, 第二名咁列曬出黎, 唔該曬。
so great...6 Q; J$ J3 G: t! l3 k
congrulate to everyone who contribute to this honour
you should look at the methodology of ranking before thinking it is really rank 15xx in the world.
' ~: n, V& V) _- w. J# r. p% M# f% n+ w( i
alexa ranking is based on tracking cookies or toolbar trackings to rank the site. my believe is the US and Europe computers are pre-installed with anti-spyware already, so the stat collected are mostly from asia.
) W1 k$ R8 L! y$ Q( \; j$ T# Z2 u& P8 ~8 V7 V" f$ j- c* ?
also, the ranking is based on pageviews, which in a typical 26fun page, if you click on the image links, it is counting as 5-10 pages views instead of just one.
0 z- M; L: a# J+ \0 [& q6 q$ S4 L3 \; X/ e1 U5 P, n! Q* L
it is still worth celebrating, because there are probably a lot of people installed the tool bar and got the tracking cookie inside, so there are still a lot of people viewing 26fun.
Originally posted by queenly at 2006-5-26 01:44 PM:, i" g; d& j, D" L
2 u/ K( u. ?8 ^
我即意思係有冇一版係可以第一名, 第二名咁列曬出黎, 唔該曬。
0 s% ^: E7 ^% u6 [http://www.alexa.com/site/ds/top_500
! w+ S  s, s3 P3 h
5 v  W$ X  g9 c# D7 P右面
Originally posted by d228216 at 2006-5-26 04:42 PM:
  Z. L/ {* l% o2 A, Q5 `6 w9 F3 X, W' M$ w+ d9 e" l. T* x5 k
http://www.alexa.com/site/ds/top_500' b1 {4 v6 Y8 t+ M. I* a

9 B, g& J$ b1 O& m; m& D9 v右面
) l: g6 L; [4 C* `6 f+ s% W
thank you
Originally posted by 12d3 at 2006-5-26 02:49:8 Q. [$ Z) u: R1 P
: g# v2 b& l6 l( o我建議entfun發起派分行動黎賀一賀
. a4 }$ h; H) `1. 有乜好賀? 而家你父親生日或你個仔滿月?# D/ a' h& y$ ^' {: T
2. 派分? 你瞓醒未?
係香港網站排行排85* `; E. T3 Y9 S" [" |; q
http://www.alexa.com/site/ds/top ... untry&lang=none
Originally posted by ronald001120 at 2006-5-26 06:57 PM:
! u& \% j' ]$ O3 M3 F1 i7 H係香港網站排行排85
& `& ?  O/ {) w  Xhttp://www.alexa.com/site/ds/top ... untry&lang=none
6 q. |7 @7 n1 {. Z$ w3 p  z; l9 ~1 kyoutube排第十一?) E- a& M0 e3 Y
前面有人質疑排行榜的公正性, 現在開始有d相信
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 26fun係全球網站的排行第1527位!!

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