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What Does Your Birth Date Mean?

Spiritual and thoughtful, you tend to take a step back from the world.
. k+ D# w* P  [( ^6 @" }0 ?You're very sensitive to what's going on around you, yet you remain calm.5 ~; I4 S0 M$ j) b
Although you are brilliant, it may take you a while to find your niche.# K: G; R' t& s; N$ J! P
Your creativity is supreme, but it sometimes makes it hard for you to get things done.
3 Y* n7 p7 n* ~. g5 [. X. @% ^9 c+ N0 a( O) ?
Your strength: Your inner peace& Z( R: I* m% P+ g2 k  Z
8 w6 X, C) F& [% v7 z! O; C
Your weakness: You get stuck in the clouds
+ A4 I: L3 [' |. E5 ]8 K4 L
# m- t7 t% w  c9 }! AYour power color: Emerald
, I  g' N( `" W3 v' y7 N6 D
" Y* j; c* w- A/ \$ |" oYour power symbol: Leaf
# P  P8 u4 ~4 c7 g% O! ]
5 R* `8 w7 G; e+ e& t( B1 lYour power month: November
You have an extraordinary character - moral, responsible, and disciplined.
! q! t( p' h3 M4 ~# V1 a/ fYour sincerely and honesty shine through in almost every situation./ W# o4 J$ d" B4 L! O5 S
Driven and focused, you rarely let your emotions get the better of you.
* p# P6 y6 Z' e0 D# Y' f- r; ]- G. zYou're level headed and rational. People count on your to look at things objectively.9 E/ x& |' J$ c: o+ n: n+ t) ~
1 z1 }3 @9 t! K
Your strength: Your unwavering loyalty and ethics- M; J$ F. r; a+ ?8 G
1 p; Y. Q- U3 w, \1 c
Your weakness: Your rock solid stubbornness
5 ~* B' q" ^  I# ?8 H, e
" {4 b' ~4 ]' f* |; i1 p; v( ^Your power color: Navy blue; Z# F& A! {; c) O& t9 z- W
( J+ r, z1 c1 D0 s
Your power symbol: Shield% I4 c& z! n% W( D
. j3 H. R7 X" G! e5 q7 s- \/ d; I
Your power month: April
希望升到 1000 分.....係有時間既話...
You are an island. You don't need anyone else to make you happy.3 @! D& I; r; q+ k6 `/ {
And though you see yourself as a loner, people are drawn to you.: T1 h6 N2 L' [/ U3 Y' P: d! P( o
Deep and sensitive, you tend to impress others with your insights.
4 q+ Z8 r6 g% e; HYou also tend to be psychic - so listen to that inner voice!
$ O, E5 ~5 P7 U. p8 j. G9 ]2 d& r& U. @6 @4 z9 t3 L
Your strength: Your self sufficiency  f& m6 ^. D% P" h. l6 L

: Y8 B: R# r  o' o  Q7 WYour weakness: You despise authority/ C+ O* C8 y7 I) a! |' v: O
6 N5 d4 C& }# }/ D
Your power color: Maroon
( w' q& {1 Q$ i9 k) Z/ G  ~
) R1 x" G+ }: k3 ]  e- Z( U+ x2 IYour power symbol: Hammer$ U9 L2 Y% E* o' ?9 R

5 X* d, F' M5 g7 `1 q; D$ vYour power month: July
Spiritual and thoughtful, you tend to take a step back from the world. # P( N* L( t4 C
You're very sensitive to what's going on around you, yet you remain calm.2 [) V0 ^5 K5 C  Q. x& w! N; R
Although you are brilliant, it may take you a while to find your niche.9 P* ?6 j  o2 R. \% C. g
Your creativity is supreme, but it sometimes makes it hard for you to get things done.
& B" y' V  Y0 q" L/ n
' y, l5 l+ N7 X. N0 @Your strength: Your inner peace
& M8 K; ?+ \2 g2 [* i# q2 r
2 m- R. p- V- A" D( ^) a0 nYour weakness: You get stuck in the clouds
4 a* T0 Z, S$ h5 b
2 ?& K2 `7 D/ Y, P5 N- Y" GYour power color: Emerald% D4 L* |- U# E/ ?& f
. f7 m% [% ]' |2 G9 L
Your power symbol: Leaf
2 d' ~5 J* L$ w
" i0 U- Y! m& s$ |1 GYour power month: November
Originally posted by eqhigh at 2006-11-12 03:43 PM:
! T  n. [: _4 `1 t& ASpiritual and thoughtful, you tend ...
" _! D# e9 @2 D" O你同我同一日生日嗎?
Originally posted by 自由神 at 2006-11-12 04:06 PM:$ Q$ k7 E8 B+ J4 z8 _" K* ]. D

! n% J6 n5 ?" h你同我同一日生日嗎?
8 h% h5 R$ p) ^3 o7 D# ]% M+ d9 K
0 @3 V: q: P- J& b
1 a2 q2 f- _3 Y$ Z
$ R  ^, ?( z/ C. i, R6 N我係11/10
Originally posted by eqhigh at 2006-11-12 04:09 PM:
4 g* D9 `9 E0 I8 A1 Y* `& A" H' y: X6 J
+ r2 C# T( _) o* x# d! y! \; e

. c; ^# d" z, Y, }6 o4 J; J唔係掛...佢真係咁寫喎
" G: G5 \" |& f1 f1 j我係11/10
/ r+ E/ e/ F/ ~# }# s. t
Originally posted by 自由神 at 2006-11-12 04:09 PM:
2 }' o! N& O1 b: ~. C4 |4 K
3 x& e, b$ T0 G* M, A3 L5 U& {好在!唔同!我7月11日
# }% i2 U0 y) I; q  W& ?5 Q. h: }
% _3 R8 E6 R8 a3 y! F, |( C# Y" k: X" k
Originally posted by eqhigh at 2006-11-12 04:13 PM:
2 r, N; ~/ a) K4 E! f* c" k* a$ L2 u2 _% U! z7 H/ Y4 a7 n1 I: q% m" e! ?
3 N' \2 l4 Z) s, l# ]+ Y( i6 K! i
) n/ N! K7 N2 ^8 l極有可能!又一個呃人既網!
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » What Does Your Birth Date Mean?

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