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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » I m very sad
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Originally posted by hippo722 at 2007-2-3 10:52 PM:  l8 S9 m2 _3 E* M# t
hi man
. I  F* @" d2 u+ s/ j" p3 ?take it easy8 o7 D, N& o0 T# a# d# z- ^. x
tomorrow is a new day
4 d7 @3 f$ |& w8 K* E' [. v# h1 c4 l
thx man, it would be better i think if my gf is beside me to overcome this period but she chose to  leave me....we were together for like 4 yrs
Originally posted by superjackyy at 2007-2-3 22:55:
7 I" \- V, m8 s1 M  t) b1 Y. H9 U
6 C' }; P2 V; l, E5 A$ u+ ^
Bachelor of Art7 r$ Q* u: h, D5 G
my major is Hospitality n tourism Management
1 b3 e2 a& I" @every interview, they were offering my jobs like waiter.......aiii
! k3 ]4 [$ Z, k0 K% {5 Q: Fi tried hard everyday ga really to find a job
7 V. s, Y1 j6 r( l& p5 \
我明白你苦況,但i can't help you

don't be sad....as the guy in the show said " NEVER GIVE UP "
強 --- 郭富城
6 i; D, z* H9 Z$ o' G! I     B* v4 ^/ \7 d. d4 ?

3 ?4 n4 v. S2 W7 r1 M) F4 j. _: Q" E- _0 n* \) Z: M

9 U) F  _2 F' f; V' }& O) y% d" L    曲: 雷頌德  詞: 林振強  編: 雷頌德
0 t! m$ j7 `, |2 b( k
+ d, Q7 U* ]2 Z; G8 |) t, S
+ ]/ `2 _$ p) K* m7 k' i& n0 x* s* J1 s- b8 w& Z' i9 o
○ 需跨多少個山  漫漫長路與海
: v6 I. S- j: S* }# t) g
$ E2 d, a+ F# l    方可真正覓到心裏精彩
9 y% U, [& ^* x7 [# ]
- ]  l: U0 R/ X7 i# \    需經多少次哀  幾多的障礙賽
- Q* L% l5 ^1 T$ X6 H! }
+ i) e' g. N) r6 h0 h. {    才勝利會換來+ _$ p7 q& t' o
, [9 P0 W/ C) r
    不知幾番跌到  旁人斜視喝采2 y9 r1 R6 F$ _9 I

" w1 O$ v, u) v6 b1 l    很不好過但我衝剌不改
2 D. e. V% {' r: k3 I8 @& W( [2 m1 b: X9 W7 U( ?. L9 T% r9 V
    只因心中記緊  當天可敬父親, |0 g" I$ v4 G
4 s  N2 e4 k  u% r5 o
    說信我會精彩3 z9 v6 A! M. R# C6 S) \2 A
/ P0 s( r6 @1 c5 d
1 P5 z8 G6 w3 p  z, c
; @5 C4 \; G; S" S; y! t0 O
☆ 強人是你  能飛天遁地
7 w: ^, P1 _/ |& \0 K
3 s5 e5 Y( `8 B$ w2 w' _1 Q6 q4 b  X    其實你了不起
% b# Q. h8 M2 t1 j# n
, z. F0 [' [+ v4 {1 O3 u    假使你永不說不能做到
4 ~0 E$ H+ r/ k& u- \' V9 `9 Q6 k4 f3 |+ F' j7 v) @8 M3 D* J
    強人是你  能頂天立地  
5 z- R- P5 I' n0 Y& R4 ~" ^6 x6 h. w+ \! d
    如敗倒  再掙起  永沒言死( \* |5 T3 g  a& L! G
# q. ?9 \/ k1 i* |3 z7 Y
1 o4 w, V: i) l; F' J& u$ R( h+ U$ t& ~( i8 B7 L; q
. H! i( W$ H* l- n4 ?* }
- S. L5 N" W# c
    Repeat ○ ☆
( k5 n3 m% C5 v0 J: a
5 }) X/ Y' Q$ C# Z! M& X9 P1 r8 `" _' q2 h3 y3 Z; h7 ~) h
( s; f5 H& \: r6 ^
    曾垂頭萬次  仍抬頭又次
  E9 t) [% Y" v# J8 `' d! U* R
" Z6 ^# G! X4 m& b# \0 L& \    再戰再創這生意義( C% f8 M5 Z+ F5 n5 l1 B7 }' [

; u1 m8 o/ }/ _  u, m6 U* F    無忘慈父那  從前留下句子
4 e$ L# f' ^4 e/ Q# T% E$ Z' _! v5 n: x; k
; t% p+ v& f! u  F" E% E
  }% j  s/ o; Z
    Repeat ☆
- @3 V0 {4 y7 P
( P8 @3 P% B7 n3 I( u; T3 s
" u* Q$ V+ G2 c3 P. T' A0 K4 u2 `$ I/ \* N( |# k
巴打5 a4 z- X8 b6 F& D4 x; l% u' h5 p
我只可以做ge就只有精神上ge支持!!!( a% `4 p+ Z6 y: B
( B& j1 E2 ^5 z. r6 |! e, T/ S) a: Q加油
superjackyy,5 k/ C. h4 z* C& W( U- \  q3 P2 I

) H% Y0 y2 o0 X/ V7 a4 uSorry to hear your situation. This is only temporary situation, there are more job opportunities after March when people start changing jobs. In the whilemean, you can keep yourself busy by learning something about the jobs that you want, going out with your friends to keep yourself busy instead of thinking of the past. Enfun people are here to support you too.. F; I3 o: Y- W. a# X
8 ~) r) q; t3 Y. t* O) J
Goodluck for the coming year - for all of us.
Originally posted by wer at 2007-2-3 22:47:9 D! X' [/ a! l# K+ I' U

0 O1 c( x( ~. m6 Y' f8 k$ N% E: a現在的年輕人,不喜歡
' F4 _0 M% r# X# d  q
- C: r  {3 J2 N; e) `  x
do not give up.....i have similiar sitution like you. where are you from? HK or some place else? your GF broke with you mean she cant share and solve the problem with you. think yourself, she cant do this with you meaning she is not as good as you think.
3 _6 h6 b9 i- A6 ]find someone who can with you forever even you are in a very bad situation, this is the one who can with you forever..if you find one mean you find your true love....
5 }) {; k& D3 H# x) s9 S/ h, Qeven you broke with your GF, i guess your best friends are waiting you...find them.
yes do give yourself some time to be sad, don't be too sad. everyone of us have ups and downs, and this is life. if you try to cover your sadness and prevent to be happy now, you will get hurt psychologically, so take some time to be unhappy. but tell yourself that these bad things will be over one day. you are never sure about your future, and this uncertainty is exactly where life is beautiful, because you might get extremely successful one day! you are young, and can afford to get sad some time, as long as you set a time limit for yourself.
* [* f: Y& |5 Q: q" ?
" A1 H/ F5 V( x1 t0 Rwish you to get well soon and restart the journey with your joyful steps!
thx all  _' r) i% V" ]& l# u
really glad to have my frds and all ur support
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » I m very sad

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