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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » About Edison 淫照 scandal
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About Edison 淫照 scandal

Recently i read some much news about edison and i have seem so many topics regarding to his scandal.. however, one thing has never filter-004ed here....  # ]0 X8 ^; o3 y- _/ ^
4 @0 b2 M8 c5 ]1 b
i just want to ask all brothers here... have you ever took any photos (淫照) with your girl friend...or ex-girl friends...or.. have you ever wanted to take these kind of photo with your girl... " I% W$ x+ _7 y3 J6 y5 s* z

$ _0 E, Q( U% \* a2 Aplease to be honest... and no hard feeling here...  because these is no right or wrong by doing that.. & B1 o9 o( Z* N  R) |" m5 U
" P+ T+ w/ g6 W- Q  f2 z5 T9 ]
to be honest.. i did it with my girl friend.. we just feel like doing that...  but we have deleted that soon after we took it... for fun.. maybe
you are asking two questions.
- E* o- q( T6 k/ f) T! E) t
  p) r. L8 ~9 h2 _$ O1. is having the thoughts of taking sex photos indecent/unacceptable? i d say no
. q) L) ~2 [  P) m( [7 P
( q+ D6 o* e! _! Q6 ]! f2. is executing those thoughts indecent/unacceptable? i d say '50/50'- Y4 J% d2 {* C7 }% H

2 a/ v. w2 A1 P$ D; X+ M3. is executing those thoughts CONSISTENTLY through years indecent/unacceptable? i d say yes.
1 i3 A/ @9 s  R! I0 {% W( \+ m
2 a1 _2 t7 G4 F/ f" j' G2 f4. is idol executing those thoughts of theirs, consistently through years, indecent/unacceptable? i d say yes.( c+ p! c! B) \" C- o9 G3 s
1 C. B' J6 P! u4 }, P
5. is idol executing those thoughts of theirs, consistently through years, stupid? i d say yes, simply because their fame attracts criminals, and their reputation will be more severely undermined and ruined, so as their lives, compared to regular populas.
7 O$ d  _- j- v+ {3 E) Q" h: a: R
if you, the topic creator, after reconsidering these questions, still give all 'no' answers for these, you should have your mind fixed or simply get your mind blowed in some department of any hospital.


Originally posted by cyhchrisY at 2008-2-25 11:56 PM:/ W2 g: L; C$ X! M4 O* A9 a$ n
you are asking two questions.4 A$ V0 Q- z- x8 [4 z
2 j2 L! `" k3 M/ X7 M
4 R8 D6 l3 b9 t; a
" f- G5 `" u( U+ v! `6 u' V8 S- F; {: A2 w6 m: n
I am not asking whether it is acceptable or unacceptable because i think we are not the one who judge... or to say this is acceptable or not... / S+ ^* b8 G: H  o8 Z

" `1 y+ H" F! w1 ?
5 E9 y# s0 p6 }5 [2 D6 E% p6 a. LMy question is
+ u! O& Y8 b8 ]7 O( T3 B9 J1 I8 x$ j+ P1 i# \9 M
1. have people in this forum ever done it% x$ J% l# e5 r* w- u8 Y, m; j# t

% h6 V( C" V) A6 g; T9 vor maybe.. has any one ever wanted to do it...
Originally posted by MBA at 2008-2-25 23:32:2 S' m! F1 _* L

% P5 K0 I$ q6 J' c9 c
$ j9 r- X; j  ^' k( M- O. T7 n+ P
+ g/ E( X1 J; v2 {1 SI am not asking whether it is...
: c* s3 S8 E0 R" P+ Q: z- h8 C# o. a
$ ~1 V+ Y& C& _: ^; F7 c諗住儲起第日散咗仍可佔有那女子(真係好天真好傻).
& s- |  w0 z* Q4 e+ e. T  |' [4 h( H儲過一段短時間.
( m3 |1 K0 n7 [2 b( C: x6 L% E& P9 v: C/ o
# |* j( V+ b8 q$ I人地將來可能會驚唔知你會點處置D相.# j% L* D- ^5 L5 T1 @2 J% P8 `
+ n4 H! h! z0 f咁又有乜為.
# p) g- V4 d* X& q" k0 Q( j9 Q. g3 H+ \& Z& N; @7 Y% W+ O
儲過一段好短時間就DEL晒.# x7 \6 \3 r' j. F
8 W" Z; h, K) Q/ d4 p
* Q/ }6 Z3 V" P9 K3 x2 J男歡女愛你情我願關人鬼事咩.) C: Z  c7 [% c- l7 t8 v

, g: }9 V+ G. G3 h; m7 E2 C不過俾部機人整就真係.....死蠢,要整又唔俾我整,MAC機我實攪掂
9 X/ Q/ P% |' N! v) S) j: f
+ O1 C' J; R/ |* A: r[ Last edited by QuiGonJinn on 2008-2-26 at 12:06 AM ]
有無人可以翻譯topic 講乜..= =第1次係呢度遇到頭幾個回覆都係英文..一頭霧水
Originally posted by MBA at 2008-2-25 08:35 PM:; t2 x- N$ ^4 y3 |
Recently i read some much news abou...
% x( X3 Z9 Q+ K% g$ t2 SMe and my girl also had thoughts of filming the entire process. However, deleting a recorded video is not that simple. With a decent program, such a deleted file can be retrieved. It is only deleted if you format your hard disk. So be careful
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » About Edison 淫照 scandal

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