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[車迷區] LFA demand to outstrip supply

Lexus expects demand for its new £343,000 LFA supercar to outstrip supply when order books open in the spring.

Just500 units will be produced, with around one fifth of these earmarkedfor Europe. European sales are taking place at Lexus’s Park Laneshowroom in London, and the car’s dedicated salesman Devshi Varshanibelieves the LFA has already cemented its place among the greatsupercars.

“Thelevel of interest we have witnessed reinforces just what an exceptionalcar the LFA is,” he said. “Even though few people have even seen thecar in the metal, let alone experienced its breathtaking performance,it has quickly achieved the status of a truly rare and highlysought-after machine.”

Prospective buyers can register theirinterest in the LFA up until the end of the Geneva motor show. So far,more than 500 people have expressed an interest, ensuring Lexus willhave to hand pick who it sells each individual model to.

Afterthis registration process, Lexus will decide how to allocate the 500models to the 56 countries where it will be sold depending on how muchinterest there has been in each region.

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