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Miller X100
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"
Originally posted by szeto at 2006-8-6 05:04 AM:
Congratulation to MU! 冲冲喜!
Originally posted by teramishu at 2006-8-6 05:08 AM:

Congratulation to MU! 冲冲喜!
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"
Originally posted by donald15 at 2006-8-6 03:36 AM:

[ Last edited by donald15 on 2006-8-6 at 03:38 AM ]


Carrick to miss season start
United's major new signing Michael Carrick is expected to miss the start of the season after injuring his ankle in the Amsterdam Tournament win over Ajax.

"It looks like he'll be out for a few weeks," confirmed Sir Alex Ferguson on Saturday night.

"There was immediate swelling and a lot of bleeding. It's the front ligament."

Carrick joins Gary Neville, Nemanja Vidic and Gabriel Heinze on the list of players who are already out or doubtful for the first Premiership match against Fulham on 20 August.

Wayne Rooney and Paul Scholes could also miss the Old Trafford opener, if the English FA takes a dim view of their red cards in Friday's tournament win against Porto.

Ferguson could be forgiven for wondering if the United team bus has run over a black cat. "It was terrible bad luck," he added, on the subject of Carrick's injury.

"It feels like we're cursed at times but we just have to get on with it."

Ryan Giggs, the captain and match-winner against Ajax, commented: "It is disappointing because you want to stay injury-free in pre-season. It's only the second game of Michael's United career, hopefully he'll be back soon."
The Dutch FA will report Manchester United duo Wayne Rooney and Paul Scholes to their English counterparts, according to reports.

Rooney and Scholes were both sent off during The Red Devils' 3-1 victory over Porto in the opening game of the Amsterdam Tournament on Friday.

Young striker Rooney was dismissed for catching Pepe in the face with his hand, while Scholes was sent off after two rash challenges from behind in the second half.

United boss Sir Alex Ferguson was unhappy with Rooney's red card, but had few complaints with the Scholes decision.

Both players could be suspended for the start of the season, with the outcome determined by whether the Dutch FA (KNVB) report the matter to The Football Association.

Match referee Ruud Bossen has informed the KNVB of the red cards and the issue has now been passed on to The FA.

If The FA opt to stand by Bossen's decisions, then Rooney is likely to be suspended for United's games against Fulham, Charlton and Watford, while Scholes will also face a ban.

Ferguson has asked for common sense to prevail in the case of Rooney, but The FA will now have their say on whether the England international will miss the start of the new Premiership season.

Originally posted by szeto at 2006-8-6 04:49 AM:

[ Last edited by szeto on 2006-8-6 at 04:51 AM ]
very gd


[ Last edited by 瑞比 on 2006-8-6 at 01:26 PM ]
Originally posted by harvey22 at 2006-8-6 05:03 AM:

Miller X100
i agree wif u

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