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曼聯再成功收購十七歲巴西中埸Rodrigo Possebom

Nome: Rodrigo Pereira Possebom
Altura: 1m84cm
Peso: 76Kg
passport: Italy

"Likened to Roy Keane, Rodrigo is exceptionally strong in the tackle, a quick and accurate passer, and has been described by coach Hector Rodrigúez as being 'a player that will run through walls for his team-mates'.

Many pundits predict that he will one day become the world's best player-better than Ronaldinho skillwise and Gerrard talentwise. Whilst only 17, he has already achieved much in his short career and is expected to dominate once he transfers to Manchester United."

United Set To Land Brazilian Starlet

Manchester United are on the verge of snapping up another Brazilian starlet after agreeing a deal for Internacional's Rodrigo Possebon.

The 18-year-old is relishing the chance to move to the Premiership and team up with his compatriot, Anderson.

A deal of around €3.5m has been agreed with Internacional after United opted to make their move after watching Possebon for two years.

He first came to their attention during a Nike tournament and will look to introduce him to English football step-by-step next term.

"It is the fulfilment of a dream," Possebon told Zero Hora. "I am going there to play with Anderson."

United have already snapped up Nani from Sporting Lisbon, Anderson from Porto and Owen Hargreaves from Bayern Munich.

Negotiations over the transfer of Argentinian international Carlos Tevez have stalled after questions over who will receive any transfer fee were raised.

The Red Devils have released Danny Rose, Floribert Ngalula and Phil Marsh.
Rodrigo Pereira Possebom (born February 13, 1989 in Sapucaia do Sul, is a Brazilian Midfielder , currently playing for Sport Club Internacional.

A strong player, Rodrigo has a future contract with the British team Manchester United which will take place on July 2008.

Likened to Roy Keane, Rodrigo is exceptionally strong in the tackle, a quick and accurate passer, and has been described by coach Hector Rodrigúez as being 'a player that will run through walls for his team-mates'.

Originally posted by arthur8088 at 2007-7-9 10:42 PM:


夏格維斯都似係 8 號仔居多.....
Originally posted by filter-052fans at 2007-7-10 09:14:


夏格維斯都似係 8 號仔居多.....

個人覺得件3既design非常之咁求其, 直頭係上年件巴塞.....

希望作客件黑色會好少少, 因為aig個logo本身已經夠肉酸....

Originally posted by kakeidevil at 2007-7-10 09:16 AM:

really?? 咩消息來源??
Originally posted by filter-052fans at 2007-7-10 09:19:

really?? 咩消息來源??
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 【奧脫福茶餐廳】--- 再見C朗,野獸出走...

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