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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 【奧脫福茶餐廳】--- 再見C朗,野獸出走...
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Originally posted by arthur8088 at 2007-8-8 03:36 PM:
To all Smithy fans...a fell well video~~
pretty touching video~~~~
Good luck~~Smudge~~

Click Me
It is really a great video~
So touch~
I miss you~smithy~~

Good luck~Smudge~
Originally posted by arthur8088 at 2007-8-8 10:11 PM:
Part 5...road to be The New King...

Anyway, thx~~arthur~
Originally posted by eqhigh at 2007-8-8 22:37:

It is really a great video~
So touch~
I miss you~smithy~~

Good luck~Smudge~
yes....bloody touching....specially the back ground music...
but after watching this video, I understand why Fergie let him go...
as he just scored far below Fergie's Expectation.....
Originally posted by eqhigh at 2007-8-8 22:40:


Anyway, thx~~arthur~
it's alright...you are welcome~

Kleberson~~member of Brazil 2002 World Cup team....

[ Last edited by arthur8088 on 2007-8-9 at 12:35 AM ]
睇完c朗d相, 好似睇住佢成長咁添

Originally posted by 迷途小羔羊 at 2007-8-9 00:17:


as he was given sufficient chance to prove himself at Man Utd, but seems like he just not EPL style player....

Ronaldo injury fears allayedThe omission of Cristiano Ronaldo from United's squad to face Glentoran on Wednesday is merely a precautionary measure against a minor ankle injury.

The Portuguese winger had been expected to line up against the Glens at the Oval, but was conspicuous by his absence as the Reds flew to Belfast on Wednesday morning.

A Club spokesman told ManUtd.com: "Cristiano has been left out of tonight’s friendly against Glentoran with a slight ankle knock. He was left in Manchester as a precaution.

"He will train on Friday and is expected to be fit for Sunday’s game against Reading."
Originally posted by arthur8088 at 2007-8-9 12:33 AM:


as he was given sufficient chance to prove himself at Man Utd, but seems like he just not EPL style player....
感慨在曾經對佢有過期望,可惜佢唔係the right man
Originally posted by 迷途小羔羊 at 2007-8-9 01:46 AM:

感慨在曾經對佢有過期望,可惜佢唔係the right man
佢既 last chance 果次, 居然果場3次對住個籠3球都唔中,

話佢唔o岩踢英超? 佢出左去有無野睇?

sorry, 佢唔係科蘭....
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 【奧脫福茶餐廳】--- 再見C朗,野獸出走...

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