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Originally posted by babo at 2007-8-16 02:00 PM:

雲佬係高, 不過佢成個打法同佢身高完全無關係....


不過講時講, c7成個人都進步左, 包括d傳中都好左d,

我知我咁講, d非曼聯既朋友又會話united d fans好盲目...

換著兩年前, 佢會扮整頭髮然後舉起隻中指比d樸茅球迷...

早幾年我話佢非池中物, 不知比幾多非曼聯既友人話我盲目,
Originally posted by Kaz00086 at 2007-8-16 01:49 PM:

尋晚幫阿積士踢左歐冠外圍賽, 無機會lu~
Originally posted by filter-052fans at 2007-8-16 16:07:

雲佬係高, 不過佢成個打法同佢身...
But one thing I don't understand why C Ronaldo did the same mistakes again!
Steve Bennett, who is one of the straight referees in Premier League, he got no hesitation to send off C Ronaldo. As C Ronaldo should learn his stupid experience 2 years ago (or 3 years ago) vs Man City, he was trying to do stupid/violent tackle to Andrew Cole. Steve Bennett, who   was the referee on that game, was standing 5 yards of that incident. Even that's no contact between C Ronaldo and A Cole. Steve Bennett still gave him a straight RED. I think that's right decision as I am standing the view of referee. Also it's showing he'd be a straight referee. Why  C Ronaldo didn't learn the story last time?   
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Originally posted by brightlee at 2007-8-16 09:32 PM:

But one thing I don't understand ...

上年威盡, 今年要再求進, 但踢兩場聯賽(未出場前)仲未幫到球隊贏波, 加埋屢被侵犯, 球證唔受理, 終於出手還拖 (同對曼城出場無分別, 同一個球證, 一樣認為被對手侵犯, 球證一樣唔受理, 一樣出報復性動作, 一樣唔中人但都直接攞紅牌出場...)

佢出場果刻, 我都覺得佢好蠢, 但依家諗諗, 始終仲係一個後生仔, 堅尼打到收山都未識收哂火, 可況一個小朋友呢....要成為曼聯新一代當家, 希望佢會永遠記住呢一次ge教訓!!!! [/center]
Originally posted by 處處吻 at 2007-8-16 23:50:


I didn't watch the match between Portsmouth vs Man Utd, so I won't make any comments in there.

But for the Man City vs Man Utd, I remember Steve was doing a great job in that game.. again, please notice, I am standing as referee's point of view.. actually I am not a fans for any team now...

(maybe I am referee now, so can't be bias

We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Originally posted by brightlee at 2007-8-16 09:54 PM:

I didn't watch the match between ...
完全唔覺得個球正有做錯d咩, 佢100%應該係red card !!
亦同意你地所講, 佢應該吸取一d教訓, 正如老費所講, 唔應該墮入呢d陷阱...

一個球員如果太過魯莽, 對球隊唔係一件好事....

但針無兩頭利, 球員如果過份冷靜, 或者係無火, 根本踢唔到波...

常言道叫球員收火, 但我睇波咁多年, 好多好波既人都好火...

例如卡富, 人人讚佢時時笑容滿面, 好似世外高人一樣, 人家犯佢or輸緊波,
佢都係笑笑口, 但此亦係唔在乎既表現, 可見大哨卡富呢類球員已經完全無晒鬥心...

我知道咁講有點怪論, 但個人覺得火係要收, 但唔可以無....

我估如果唔鑿落去果個, 根本唔係施丹,
佢只會係查斯古特之流, 入唔到波笑笑口果種...
Originally posted by mikeycwebb at 2007-8-17 20:29:
Rossi has proven that he doesnt suitable to play in EPL (no matter in Newcastle or Man Utd)...it's just too much physical collision for little Rossi...Spain or Italy league are defintely better for his career....

Hunteelar...He's like another Ruud Van Nisteroolry, but with weaker scoring sense...You may probably sense it because Ruud has just been re-called back to Netherlands~~
Dont you recognize, Man Utd has actually scored less with Van Nisteroolry??(I mean without Beckham period)

once you have tight marked Ruud, Man Utd could hardly scored~~coz the target is just too obvious~~
and from filter-052fans said, Post striker is not Man Utd style....playing down on both flanks is what man Utd best with~~

I'm quite sure Tevez will have a high flying career at Man Utd...be patient and give him a little bit of time....
and trust Fergie~~He will find the way to bring Man Utd over the barriers~~
Originally posted by arthur8088 at 2007-8-17 09:06 PM:

Rossi has proven that he doesnt...
講開tevez, 個人非常滿意佢第一場既表現, 雖然因為唔夠fit,
最後10分鐘佢明顯行都行唔郁, 無論走位, 停波及射門都有板有眼...

我期待係有個人拍佢踢, 當然rooney一定係首選...

早排睇番united上年既dvd, 先留意番原來12月前saha打得相當之好!!

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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 【奧脫福茶餐廳】--- 再見C朗,野獸出走...

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