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Originally posted by eqhigh at 2007-12-30 01:04 AM:

man utd~~~CARRICK

Cyndi Wang
Sorry, Arsenal won 4-1 ......

By the way.. yes, I agree the turning point is C Ronaldo missed that penalty..

If he could have scored.. the game was over.
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Originally posted by brightlee at 2007-12-30 03:32 AM:
Sorry, Arsenal won 4-1 ......

By the way.. yes, I agree the turning point is C Ronaldo missed that penalty..

If he could have scored.. the game was over.
man utd~~~CARRICK

Cyndi Wang
Originally posted by chong2002 at 2007-12-30 01:37 AM:
giggs已不復當年勇,上半場c ron交俾佢個球半單刀唔入,係重要賽事出佢可以話要佢d經驗,
當然最關鍵係c ron12碼唔入
also.... you should agree that West Ham United played extremely well for this game....
be honest, after C Ronaldo missed that penalty, you should know West Ham could get a chance to win..........
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Article's Link


Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson has emphasised the importance of discipline.

Ferguson has notoriously taken a hard line with his players throughout his career and has not been afraid to sell some of the club's biggest stars.

His latest comments come after revelations about the club's Christmas party made front-page headlines.

Ferguson said: "Football has changed but you cannot lose your control. That is why we make changes here at Manchester United when we see anyone interfering with this sense of control.

"When we see this, then it's time for them to go because this club is based on everyone being together.

"When we start going off at tangents you have to assess it - definitely."

He added: "What annoys me about some players today is this personal glory thing.

"They score a goal and then knock players out of the road so they can have their own private, personal gratification and praise from the fans. It's ugly seeing these kind of celebrations.

"These present-day footballers need to be noticed, with their earrings and tattoos. They no longer go to the small Italian restaurants but to the big and bright places."

Is Fergie talking about C.Ronaldo???
Some rumours concerned about C7 will be leaving Man Utd for Real Madrid in up coming summer for 40M (not sure is GBP or Euros)
Is he giving warning to him??
迪 高 有 意 到 英 超 發 展

迪 高 有 意 到 英 超 發 展 。

巴 塞 中 場 迪 高 表 示 他 如 果 離 開 西 甲 的 話 ,希 望 能 夠 到 英 超 發 展 。

這 名 葡 萄 牙 國 腳 表 明 如 果 巴 塞 今 年 未 能 取 得 好 成 績 的 話 ,他 會 考 慮 自 己 在 巴 塞 的 未 來 ,並 有 離 開 球 隊 的 可 能 。

迪 高 表 示 如 果 離 開 西 甲 的 話 ,他 將 會 到 英 超 碰 運 氣 ,而 曼 聯 將 會 是 一 支 不 錯 的 球 隊 。 他 說 :「 如 果 我 們 今 年 不 能 奪 取 到 任 何 錦 標 的 話 ,我 會 選 擇 離 開 。 在 以 前 ,效 力 巴 塞 是 我 的 夢 想 ,現 在 我 效 力 巴 塞 已 有 4季 了 ,期 間 為 我 的 職 業 生 涯 添 上 不 少 色 彩 ;但 如 果 球 隊 情 況 未 如 理 想 的 話 ,我 便 會 離 開 。 英 超 是 我 希 望 嚮 往 的 聯 賽 ,曼 聯 絕 對 可 以 與 巴 塞 相 提 並 論 。
Originally posted by kakeidevil at 2007-12-31 09:22 PM:
迪 高 有 意 ...

我地個中場中要攔截有夏格維斯, 要較炮有卡域克, 要遠射要經驗有史高斯,
要活力有anderson, 要人替補有穩定既費查同奧沙....

佢今年貴庚? 買佢做咩?

Originally posted by filter-052fans at 2008-1-2 09:59 AM:


man utd~~~CARRICK

Cyndi Wang
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 【奧脫福茶餐廳】--- 再見C朗,野獸出走...

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