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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 邊個係26FUN最有趣之人: 甲狀腺/本篤十六世/甘國武
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Originally posted by 本篤十六世 at 2005-6-10 04:19 AM:/ ]  Y) i  k- D/ S! S
8 ^6 `( e+ O: ]
it doesn't matter,just chat here,I am a very kind gentleman and 2 ]4 \  Z/ `/ B9 {. g
everyone like me,that's why other moderators are jealous of me.
4 _. s3 f( i4 v$ k5 {2 J3 V4 ^( a$ [: b( u8 `
Let me just rewrite yours:- N7 |& z6 t$ x
It doesn't matter. Please feel free to chat here. I am a very kind person and everyone likes me. That's why other moderators are jealous of me
( e3 e8 b8 ^' v% j9 V& Q  r
9 R+ Q* H1 G$ O" \* v5 a1. Don't use "I" to start the sentence all the time...it gives people a childish image of you. Using "I" also means you're always writing in subjective mood...a 'no-no' for serious academic writing!
8 }) @# x3 x8 `0 u1 I, k2. I noticed you've used the works 'like', 'hate', 'popular' and 'kind' a lot. Overusage makes you look dumb...go to theasaurus and get some new words la.
0 I" K* K2 T: \- c
& g& K9 w6 F7 W) ^' K+ `3 T  ]# EThere are lots of smart guys here....some doing their Ph.D.s and others are doctors....if you mellow a bit it would help your popularity to grow.# f7 i/ |5 N) s) B, f

9 F, N( p, U: b$ i- {; A2 N& EThink about what I have to say la....I know it hurts when you read it.
2 i+ ]3 U! \. \% w& N0 \4 w
# b7 I( ]- @) Y6 o* s( |9 dGretz.

Originally posted by singgeihot at 2005-6-10 04:31 AM:4 v: T# t; J* ]
篤準版主目前以 5 比 2 比 0 領先, 專門打壓基層嘅甘版主想提升自己嘅受歡迎程度就必須向篤準版主同新 member 甲狀腺 虛心学習喇  
) w' i9 Q( v& L" ?& A5 t( bsarcasm or irony? isn't it just one of them. no? yes? what? who says sarcasm is not ironic? who says irony is not sarcastic? who cares? i shall shut up.
o well the nominees have no match la  hope u win lo
話咁怏篤準版主即以 6 比 2 比 0 領先, 專門打壓基層嘅甘版主想提升自己嘅受歡迎程度就必須向篤準版主同新 member 甲狀腺 虛心学習喇  
, u8 f! J% s, J* S' e& s$ c2 C* Z
2 r, K. Q+ U5 o* N5 [1 @0 GKudos to 篤準版主
最可靠嘅終生伴侶係.... 面油紙, 鼻貼<-- 答案   ^_^ '
Originally posted by Edison at 2005-6-10 04:37 AM:' t8 E; v5 T4 x3 j) G; Y# k
o well the nominees have no match la  hope u win lo
* r6 j! S9 l2 K2 h0 g$ p9 Z

5 ]! p9 M# o% pEdison, why don't you join us here.
+ Y. Y" \7 C- S+ ghttp://www.26fun.com/bbs/viewthr ... id=cX8GFW#pid6840430 o8 a$ f9 {: O2 M. V
7 Z. E: e, L. P( V- F+ i. l1 t
Maybe we can help you "real-time" with your SAT vocab.
最可靠嘅終生伴侶係.... 面油紙, 鼻貼<-- 答案   ^_^ '
Originally posted by singgeihot at 2005-6-10 04:18 AM:
3 K" a, X0 j# M2 ET&T is ok. I like shopping thre because it is relatively clean. I heard that the existing stores had lost so much business to T&T since they moved to Toronto.
, t) }, a6 F) z- c0 u5 c+ K4 Z& i  j% Q/ @9 H
I shop at T& T
真真假假,花色香皆看化    【大學選科搵工Hotline】
Originally posted by chickenboy at 2005-6-10 08:06 AM:
3 r* a0 m' Q& y- I0 Z- T不如搞一個民主選舉選版主!!!
/ `) T) ^7 r  Y1 [4 P+ B7 c! j6 Y+ Q6 O6 N# [# d: e
普選? # [9 _( f9 e; @% V9 P
我覺得版主可以由兩個渠道產生, 委任 & 普選
& M0 B% y+ T# ~8 O間唔中有個普選嘅版主, members 会有多 d involvements, 個 system 都健康 d& r0 j3 T; ]3 i
Members 亦都可以親身體驗到民主制嘅利與弊1 O7 I5 k4 e" j/ _; x
如果普選板主唔按本子辦事, 為 Forum 帶嚟 instability, 可以罷免佢架
最可靠嘅終生伴侶係.... 面油紙, 鼻貼<-- 答案   ^_^ '
I love 甘國武 more

Target : 1000 fun !
肯定是本篤十六世啦,活泼,直言。) {1 ], e3 n' E: O) C* D1 I
他的分数时正时负,现在还是最低分 -80。, q" w# L) ?3 x! }# |) f
* q' K% n: e5 @% f" q" M1 B
甘國武 的气量最好,这里很多人那他开玩笑,怎么寸他,他都无所谓。, L% K5 y9 D$ y# ?( U% t1 W

/ Y) D: |8 d2 L, OGodoscar最勤快,感觉什么时候都在,什么贴都看,好像几个人同时用这个用户名似的
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 邊個係26FUN最有趣之人: 甲狀腺/本篤十六世/甘國武

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