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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 大家憎唔憎你阿媽/阿爸?[積極回應+]
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Originally posted by at 2005-6-11 02:57 PM:
' x2 q5 e) u6 l; |9 d0 `$ w$ _" W8 S: E& {' c& k
* O0 o' `/ I! H/ o+ o8 \3 F
% n$ u/ q+ g+ `; c8 ^, o9 U' Y
That's well said....+ U$ r) j4 U  T5 W' q. \

' x1 r7 L0 \- _* E6 G心冷之戀*行 brother,8 N9 ]1 u- Q! x2 P7 [2 ?

5 \  e$ U9 \( s" D3 BI hope you are here to vent out your 'emotional excrement' about your parents. Our hopes are you are just fed up with them and are tired of their actions towards you. As many of us have mentioned, you're blessed to have a mother.
4 U0 s, j6 D  c) ~' t! D8 i3 Q# @3 l- N1 e1 {3 \0 r) j
I am doing some guessing here...  w6 S5 s* m1 Y' @9 r  ?' ]+ k- l5 B
+ k6 z- [" @2 @3 V7 P+ l* U7 f) N
You mother probably didn't know much about how to bring up a kid but she loves you very much. As you grow up she's getting more and more anxious about losing you to awful friends/drugs, etc...so her 'questioning' becomes more and more unbearable. Your response was to counter by confronting (words or w/out words) and that makes you mother even more controlling. While it's understandable (even pitiful) to have anger like yours, I hope at least appreciate your mother a bit more than what you've said (she's got nothing to be praised). Remember! She gave birth to you and fed you!
+ l; H4 w/ U' A1 K5 g% z' ?6 g8 l- o/ e# N+ f4 d6 m
Let me give you a small piece of advice....cut and paste the comments here (including yours), print it out and keep it in your treasure box...along w/ a current pix of your mother...take them out again in a few years...(hopefully you mother is still around)....by that time I hope you would appreciate and love your mother a lot more than you are now.) t( f% i( \8 }8 {; F

  T6 c" p4 Y" f' O6 h* I# l! J$ h% L6 }  c; c
Forgive me of my directness.....but you better watch out for the thunder at night!

# H6 a( P  ]" [) U& A我諗你應該都係朵溫室小花黎.....
16-_-吧了"6 u; [( f$ Y  }1 e# u


0 M" U9 r1 w" p- f# P3 e- A: t( }希望你知錯,
0 i4 o/ U) j' D& ~$ y0 G唔好再咁諗你父母
聽下呢度咁多位bro.講啦, 希望呢度咁多位bro.o既說話能夠改變你依家o既想法啦
5 [& o' p+ |/ H/ \+ ~6 v) M9 p
9 k9 i5 m& R: H1。乜都煩一餐.無論正經野.或者玩都煩- h# G! Q* u. L( O- i' F. r
2。一定要知道你係邊.幾時做乜.同邊個.幾點返) r/ X" d  E3 Q+ @; N7 D
8 W7 w3 v3 g9 u- l' U. K4。永遠都唔信你講ge野
4 g5 Y  U& ~8 b- P2 E5。成日屈你
7 e, l$ A- V5 \$ Y( y1 |& J6。郁d就鬧你乜鬧你物
* s1 C) H" c2 _6 j4 i! {: Y0 V( w! n
- D/ d! \; Z$ }# z7 {( D& e* M8 ]6 P/ i' g% K
一開始繫覺得lose face,但你唔希望他們以后再唔信任你,就要這樣開始。

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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 大家憎唔憎你阿媽/阿爸?[積極回應+]

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