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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » [鎖貼]版友傾訴熱線第二輯經已播放完畢,多謝大家支持
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Originally posted by johnwu at 2005-6-24 03:01 AM:
- M6 d  M8 _8 b/ E- t5 l# b" Y% a* Z5 l; t  f, o, A
you are double/triple major?
. `2 L$ R) M7 a4 G' J# o3 p9 A% v
; U+ t8 X; M7 L  ]4 y3 L
I mean my course is International Business
/ {  f$ i+ `; P) |  i1 dTo pass out this course, I have to pass 16 major subjects and 8 elective subjects  p. a* w0 K) r4 T% [# ]+ O& J6 G  D
Marcoeconomic is one of my major subjects
Originally posted by Rika at 2005-6-24 03:03 AM:
8 P+ {0 i9 m' N* p3 K, e0 h& c# M9 Y0 H5 P% ^2 J. l# x
& `$ {5 H6 [5 E" l
I mean my course is International Business
$ }% G) c  y+ N* Q3 nTo pass out this course, I have to pass 16 major subjects and 8 elective subjects$ ?: z, l" i6 I5 a
Marcoeconomic is one of my major subjects
+ _! O2 H* s! d

# r& X/ D. q! G+ w- }& qI C...
. S! g: z$ A' ]( `Add oil ah!!!!
真真假假,花色香皆看化    【大學選科搵工Hotline】
I read your post about your father...
真真假假,花色香皆看化    【大學選科搵工Hotline】
Originally posted by johnwu at 2005-6-24 03:02 AM:4 f( a9 `  @% }. j1 Y
I love economic, I think it's the most useful class in my 4 yr of U, althought I'm a science major
* U& }9 u( F- d( D3 K( F

0 ^5 P: g; ^7 q! }0 B5 gI don't like economic but I have the sense to understand all the thing happen in economic.5 F) e, P7 s. u6 f% h1 y
You know some people never understand why one thing has impact to the other.
2 Q! a2 a, R2 Z$ j8 E, Q$ vIf they just try to remember it without understanding, it's too hard for them
Originally posted by johnwu at 2005-6-24 03:06 AM:. Z! ^4 y7 S1 P: _* n( Q
I read your post about your father...
) c2 B) s  H9 P4 J7 Z( f) n7 ?( q5 J: r- f- ]- @
It's real story of mind
Originally posted by johnwu at 2005-6-24 03:06 AM:0 Y1 q: n- c8 J8 J6 M
I read your post about your father...
/ c" q6 b' W0 \4 b4 Z
: e$ O. |& ~" s  c% k7 o, d. g
in 校園版 or 戀愛版?
yes... economic is very much a science that you have to understand.! j" m& M$ v$ p& R' m0 `3 d
Once my prof told me to "read, understand, and then forget about it"
" D( Y8 z6 P. t4 xI guess he mean once you understand, you don't need to remember what the book said anymore, it will come to you when you need to use it
真真假假,花色香皆看化    【大學選科搵工Hotline】
Originally posted by Rika at 2005-6-24 03:09 AM:
# w, K$ H6 ~. L1 ~- t! a: |  y9 w( S! q7 y) i0 a1 n

6 d+ G5 y0 @8 m5 \1 G5 oin 校園版 or 戀愛版?
' v! U$ }; q2 i/ a+ s校園版
" I4 d8 ?8 N* b4 g! j$ Q# QI used to feel the same about my father until I started working
真真假假,花色香皆看化    【大學選科搵工Hotline】
Originally posted by johnwu at 2005-6-24 03:09 AM:
7 z: n6 N1 `6 R9 S: l7 U) J, Ryes... economic is very much a scie...
9 A9 W$ S& W* y! |/ qyes yes. that's it. Damn right~
Originally posted by johnwu at 2005-6-24 03:10 AM:
, T. F+ L) y5 n. j/ A9 D( ?, [1 U& P3 v* S
校園版2 x+ C6 u6 M. G" Q2 \
I used to feel the same about my father until I started working
4 S$ B8 B! ^" Z; J. d! E! S
! H6 V5 C7 S% s+ r, s
I don't think working would be a excuse for him to treat me like shit3 i* i; M' j; ^6 B
He takes care about my sister. This is his choice.
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » [鎖貼]版友傾訴熱線第二輯經已播放完畢,多謝大家支持

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