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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » [鎖貼]版友傾訴熱線第二輯經已播放完畢,多謝大家支持
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Originally posted by vivienna at 2005-6-25 02:53 AM:6 X% L2 T! e% l$ Y5 x

! m! d4 X( n6 b9 i  I2 Onot at the moment, i already set up a business as a sole trader in australia, and my REAL girlfriend takes care of it.
3 S4 O- X0 z5 Z) w& R. k
' d1 E- E# p2 H2 m+ D
Wa big business....." K8 t8 e9 {2 C
I need to learn something you, tired of my tech job
真真假假,花色香皆看化    【大學選科搵工Hotline】
Originally posted by johnwu at 2005-6-25 02:48 AM:
( `8 |3 _& P- P# U0 K- G; G$ G

& {! w4 Y# i) j$ ?8 F2 K1 K, moh.. sorry...I was talking about the real one
: A9 p% A  ~. p2 G2 }! M9 c" Yjohnwu,i think your are more than 40,  ]. t3 [) ^1 J
old biscuit la
Originally posted by 乞丐教宗 at 2005-6-25 02:55 AM:* Y  q+ q4 g0 @  F' m4 l3 R: X
. f, ^/ m5 p: y2 I
don't eat too much instant noodles,5 Y5 g8 ?( l/ R. x2 v- a
japanese are very cunning they add, \6 F0 R& r* z/ h* M- a
a lot chemicals in it,will cause cancer
8 w! y- y  [. k( fdo you mean the noodles themselves or the seasoning? it's not instant noodles wor, it's similar to Udon but a bit thinner but i dont know the exact name of it.
Originally posted by vivienna at 2005-6-25 02:57 AM:) q3 n& M* o- [: `- a( |3 g

7 F) o$ t. `$ ~4 f/ ydo you mean the noodles themselves or the seasoning? it's not instant noodles wor, it's similar to Udon but a bit thinner but i dont know the exact name of it.
) l& \3 ^, ?4 w. U  c' Z
i SAY apple will to restaurant eat ddv
Originally posted by johnwu at 2005-6-25 02:57 AM:
! }8 ]/ e4 R3 g7 ]; X8 r$ z/ n& I; _6 L* R
Wa big business.....
! J  `# q4 ^7 H6 H2 p8 c/ }7 f3 DI need to learn something you, tired of my tech job
6 G% w3 l5 L( ~' e# a喂﹐唔好甘講啦﹐皮毛野黎架咋﹐講就好聽﹐但總投資額一定少過大部份人月薪架﹐算係小本經營甘啦﹐我尼個細路仔入世仲未深﹐我預左一日會比人“線”一鑊﹐到時候再要出黎打打工﹐再賺過之後又出過黎玩。
4 I5 q  ^0 i* x/ p( L; H4 t8 X( i  P1 ]  _* w! ^
失敬。7 p; V8 g. z4 _1 s
( O0 I# C! }2 |. Q1 i6 C
[ Last edited by vivienna on 2005-6-25 at 03:04 AM ]
Originally posted by 乞丐教宗 at 2005-6-25 02:57 AM:
) g$ s% y' U2 k! O) O! U! `
' j  d+ o3 V2 s: \! G0 Ujohnwu,i think your are more than 40,5 E# [$ r) {5 c( ~8 O
old biscuit la
7 I. k  s4 E2 e, t/ Y  ]
why do you always have to be so rude? no one offended you, why do you need to start something like this?
Originally posted by 乞丐教宗 at 2005-6-25 02:57 AM:. z4 d0 t* n! V$ K6 |

  e: }- ~1 B& S6 f# Ljohnwu,i think your are more than 40,
' S) G$ }' o; o( Oold biscuit la
: i) D/ z5 t  J2 ]
The real john wu is older than 40, I'm not
真真假假,花色香皆看化    【大學選科搵工Hotline】
Originally posted by 乞丐教宗 at 2005-6-25 03:01 AM:
$ ~. ^0 A, N  w9 X% ^; g, ~9 [
) i7 I$ Y$ M0 P; @- n9 mi SAY apple will to restaurant eat ddv
9 e1 ]; x: K8 E, I
wat exactly are you trying to say/
Originally posted by johnwu at 2005-6-25 03:05 AM:+ {- ]8 {2 o/ u& z

4 N5 {' w( F) u) A2 E" q1 w  eThe real john wu is older than 40, I'm not
1 S' F5 w* P, l4 k) B6 H  jyou are not,then fake?
2 z: C1 Y9 L: g% Ithen young biscuit?
Originally posted by vivienna at 2005-6-25 03:05 AM:
! Z, g3 E+ O" t0 U1 C& W2 C- A) N/ \5 H4 I
wat exactly are you trying to say/
0 R, p. w) e. C& F# K篤文清楚打過來,一次唔識.正
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » [鎖貼]版友傾訴熱線第二輯經已播放完畢,多謝大家支持

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