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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » DAMN!Those fuxking Chinese Sure do eat funny!!like filter-037 animals man!!
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Chopsticks are the traditional eating utensils of East Asia (China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam, the four "chopstick countries") as well as Thailand. If there are serving spoons or communal chopsticks with the serving dish, use those to get the food to your own plate/bowl before using your own set. In China, however, it is not unusual to use one's own chopsticks to obtain food from the serving plates. This can often be alarming to those not familiar with the custom.) S: a% T8 {6 G* R! a
4 E3 x% \1 B! V9 R" H+ T4 G  ?
It may be also a polite gesture to serve the best piece of food and send it to your guests' bowl. (Use caution in this practice; many people observe some kind of special diet and picking food for your guests may not be appropriate to each person's tastes.) Furthermore, it is usually preferred, due to hygienic concern, to use the serving utensil instead of your own chopsticks to do this. So, using chopsticks at meals is traditional for Chinese cuisine. Serving chopsticks and spoons, as an usual practice, is an elegant as well as a hygienic way of dining.
8 `( I7 j0 J  L3 G) J7 J, S8 R& V# r: H
There is nothing unusual as a civilized American, as many of them across the globe, to dining with a Chinese household setting. It is good to begin an inter-cultural experience and get to be immersed in unique customs and culture. Practicing foreign customs can be part of the adventure of eating. Look for the general etiquette of using chopsticks and get some understanding of a foreign country and customs.
' |! j: h! l5 ]  |: p" S6 X7 ]  ~( X" h) L( {+ w

* j1 G0 H1 n- o( p% ~bwk0317,
0 N+ N( z( t, V5 W. Y/ @  q. R' _) S. Y1 F+ k  _1 y
Would you do me a favor?
( k0 v) b5 v6 P; D: APls. post this reply to the Forum that you subscribed.
) J# ^0 H2 ?9 H
  e. U4 l0 R2 P+ p! WBest regards,

; H% M3 o* S! X6 R
8 B' u! v2 q. J# ~[ Last edited by sohozhk on 2005-8-1 at 12:03 AM ]
Originally posted by bwk0317 at 2005-7-31 10:39 PM:
/ k. ]; ~8 r6 P6 u7 ^6 Nfatfatdragon, u dont even know ...
$ v. G3 l0 a5 ^6 D8 Y9 [; q4 J
$ n6 N3 _8 E5 j
Originally posted by fatfatdragon at 2005-7-31 09:36 PM:
6 a+ [4 z& e" E. Y5 {乜可以 quote 條 link 去人地d bbs ?  # S  i' |: ?: ]; y8 V
copy 人地 d post 再呃多兩個 post (thread#2, 3)
9 P8 \1 t5 l+ M而且可以咁多粗口 (攪到要用 fiter)3 Q2 |3 k7 k/ j9 ]0 I
  n/ H* r) l6 Z4 ]& p) Z) e

2 v/ i: u% a) d! Obwk0317兄, 似乎你可以看懂中文, 我都喺用回中文.  請睇一睇我在 thread#8 所說的幾句話. 我有指出所見的是轉貼別的論壇內其他人啲post.
' T9 G9 x+ h" U(translation of red highlighted sentense: copy other people posts and separate in two two more threads so as to get two more post counts)( A5 a! l- N$ C

7 k  N. b! m5 G  i對不起, 因為我在這些轉貼中 (有3個posts) 沒有看見任何 [轉貼], [forward] 字眼; 加上沒有看見樓主(poster)的任何個人意見, 所以覺得樓主認同此等言論; 最後多謝你的澄清. 如果因此而發生誤會實屬無奈. (我會停止在這方面的爭辯.).0 S0 \  f  S2 U( H
. ], s9 ?# `) W; d! m
我對最初原文對中國文化的否定和偏見已表達, 唔阻其他兄弟姊妹的繼續發表.
小弟唔易做, 大佬更難當
飲茶你行先, 吹水我最叻 (好文區茶客 - 冰鮮潛龍™寫於人間死城)
americans r idots
% s/ G7 t" ^# y- p9 H( Timperialists w/ u-know-who-i-m cocky attitude/ L! U+ [* s) j% \- q! [' g# Z- U
i wish they all burn in hell
班死鬼想鬧中國人唔該寫中文, You god damn american fool, sick my dick and I will use the chopsticks put into your fat ass, are you make myself clear? you mother fuxker!!!
: u0 P2 H  l7 [' S* M2 g5 t( v/ H4 T1 g5 P/ U
[ Last edited by 亨九利 on 2005-8-1 at 12:59 AM ]
When the Americans are laughing about Chinese culture, they even don't know how the Chinese laughing about their stupid behaviours......
7 b- ]' z  o4 g' E  X  {
4 d  ?" Z( j6 O2 t2 L$ E( j6 \$ \I just know that too many Americans eat many many 'junk food' and being fat pigs!!
軍階: 中尉
座機: RGM-79 SP II
開始準備聯邦軍官升級試! 向大尉軍階目標努力!!
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » DAMN!Those fuxking Chinese Sure do eat funny!!like filter-037 animals man!!

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