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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 【版友傾訴熱線】一個由朝到晚都有人留意的電台頻道
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Originally posted by abcde1918 at 2005-8-20 03:30 PM:
- J& r) X% A9 \, l
, f4 }& ?& V5 g. u( x我捧車仔
# Y9 H, A2 R6 {
Originally posted by 瑞比 at 2005-8-20 03:31 PM:7 K& e" H2 Q; [# i
. `$ Q: e- ?6 t/ i9 J# A& n
& m1 n' T4 B/ |- G3 }( w6 G唉!!!!
' T! [- p" o# n- v2 P) Q
8 O6 r% p2 T- f4 o7 j3 O
Two superfans going fist to fist here....

Originally posted by Gretzky at 2005-8-20 03:36 PM:& N! k2 p% \" R) e; x

2 i2 v2 l9 s8 S$ `8 r/ Q! m& x& T+ B1 r  L) R
Two superfans going fist to fist here....
% ^* s- i& m9 H- Z1 C: Z6 q
no ,i am manu fans
Originally posted by abcde1918 at 2005-8-20 03:34 PM:
$ {- K2 k/ c' B2 x9 O! r- E, i
( s, `2 ?5 f' U1 {, }" C, v" a* n) v. R最好和喇
9 ]) g$ c9 ?, H- j$ L7 D3 J5 n, }曼聯漁人得利
well you guys would laugh at me...i am a Toffeeman since 1982...still believe in the 'other club in Beatles' Town'.

yo yo yo
真真假假,花色香皆看化    【大學選科搵工Hotline】
Originally posted by Gretzky at 8/20/2005 15:23:
$ c9 [* t- h. c& w3 b; N% a
1 r3 m. C( F$ F! b+ U( Y) M  B% d- K& Q: b2 p. U0 i5 R
I should be careful these days....
9 _3 T$ G- y  d; P8 h0 I( E: s

' ^5 N, G* R7 b4 rthis will happen to anyone, not just you.
6 w& V- _) X$ j- i# K, Z+ Z1 Q) Z0 j, F$ P# u# x! h+ ~
because the change of modernization every year, no one will be able to know everything, there will always be something you don't know, last year, my math teacher told me this,5 U2 @( X* x0 x7 B
4 S% k8 e/ |7 I1 O0 N& B2 e" O
- b' U$ w% o, I1 ^6 y% U
after she had came out of teacher's college she also thought she had knew everything, but by the time she finally became a math teacher, because of the sudden new technology, Graphic calculator, she had to learn how to used it, and she told us she feel sad because some students even know more  how to use this calculator  than her, as a teacher, she feel helpless to teach student because mot of the students had already learned how to use it in previous grade....# N6 l& O/ m; T% ]. D
; \. B8 ^, ], ]" }2 Q6 |$ _4 l! z$ WI guess the best thing to do now is to continue upgrade yourself with information from the internet nowadays, that is what the internet was made for anyway, to continue upgrade yourself with new sources..../ ~" W! q( ?# b
) u( n; U1 M( O
most doctors and scientist have to do that, because things had change within years after you get your bachelor 's degree
  i8 J4 `  `$ h3 _3 a  P& K* e- T. H- `* ]3 \0 @' H4 {
new medicine, new dicease....etc...
0 i/ K& @, {3 A! N( }: q7 J$ a: E$ T! D7 a
this was what my engineer teacher told me....
Originally posted by 瑞比 at 2005-8-20 03:38 PM:
! `& V2 l5 \3 S- g, r, x8 R$ G6 a* B( H/ g  J8 p
最好和喇) B! J6 T9 C1 a
0 i; ?( ~+ p1 s/ a& _- v7 w
Originally posted by johnwu at 2005-8-20 03:40 PM:& j  J( k( S$ N* m) s' ^" P1 o/ k
yo yo yo
9 x& H. z* x# f" R  qhi  johnwu
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 【版友傾訴熱線】一個由朝到晚都有人留意的電台頻道

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