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. b( Y# \2 X3 z3 e5 \' [0 x5 q: w

" L1 x) t" m! x$ r% G無鉛汽油產品新價為每公升13.99元及13.24元;超低硫環保柴油每公升調高0.18元,新價為8.27元。
/ y9 ]+ @+ k5 u8 w1 D1 J2 t4 Q' t% Y- ~' R* V
係呀,我呢邊都加,勁貴....  HOLLY SHIT
個個月都加!8 N: d7 e6 E2 ]0 v( H/ F

- p: V- W! L$ S/ W5 Z! J
) O) u4 ^& J2 ^9 z" C8 n1 y4 R  G% P而家入600蚊油,
4 ], Q3 H6 p% l7 r6 m只係行得2百幾公里
Forget about oil price dropping la....it may happen if Bush is assasinated!
3 s& `4 A" b: F0 m" P9 F$ v* U( |
2 ]. o/ C; O; e; W: tEveryone is fighting for oil...Japan, China, Vietnam, Phillipinnes...etc. Last year the oil was still about $40 bucks a barrel and we called it expensive! Now we would die for $40 bucks a barrel!% c# J3 w( _5 b' _

& Y. \8 h! H+ O6 s: d; Z- rThe Hurracaine Effect will linger until the end the of year...where Winter resides and the traditional high season of oil usage in North America and European countries (natural gas consumption will be up).6 _# ^: U2 P) W4 [3 V0 y4 O7 |

9 A/ S2 t7 I( }; l, g% @( c% HI think we can see the price goes up to about $90 before the end of the year...., t, P  G2 l. |" u/ o8 ^

& U  m' r/ }% S6 I! _' d; }Geez...now I want to trade my Volvo...I am paying 300 bucks a month (CAD) for gas... Well, at least we've decided to buy one car.....not 2....or we'll be eating instant noodles at work!

過唔知幾多年後唔止+價 # K& N% ?; Y& ]
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