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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 大陸人在迪士尼...
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Originally posted by hllee at 2005-10-6 09:41 AM:
* Q  K* l; P6 e) H& t' q. Y5 |誰說相中人一定是內地人,真奇怪.
9 L2 f7 Q/ U0 E" f/ D2 r7 y
: M) l% U7 I- o: |; X (well...i would love to agree with, but i would have to say u can tell by their dressing style)! _2 a: C7 K1 ~$ I- h

' r7 N- I. v# v; {in the eyes of the white ghost
2 Y' _. B9 C: \1 qfilter-074s are all the same
7 ~) y, t* ]& D5 sit doesnt' matter if u're jap, korea, or chinese (includes all taiwanese and hongkongians)2 T) C: m- ^% z+ E6 A
/ C8 ?# D- ^) F/ n. s9 x( L; ~: P2 Q
it's ok guys,
" {* z' G. ~! G0 d1 B! f+ g$ bthey dont' think we chinese are low ended or stup. becoz of some kids peeing in public
3 j7 C8 s' E* I' f7 R0 t1 T"u gotta go, then u gotta go" *i've seen them do it here (toronto and florida) as well
9 L+ l1 h0 s! B+ x1 k  i" [, k7 e  p$ Z: A. l, S8 V$ G: N
instead of talking bad abt mainlanders& V( o7 i2 S6 R; j
why dont' we all think who stupid hk gov' is9 n- _8 I3 Y) c, A9 \
all those stupid men and trash talking hk themselves
( ^- u, ]$ W- p: `" B2 uand the "C lies" are hand of head departments becoz they are women
2 t" p- ]6 W  M5 oeasier to control- a6 ^5 v" B9 |' e/ t
; S" A, I! {. v, h6 j0 Q
and u know what
6 W1 v: [( V! c- rthe biggest thing that they (ghosts) are laughing at us is the whole taiwan issue
% }% g4 H; ]2 ?) U0 _! ^u dont see a state of US saying, h+ t" X1 r9 e. h; ]8 p
"oh, i'm by myself...etc crap"  @1 o6 Z  _' l7 j' A6 g8 _
what a joke8 \3 W  U6 n/ W2 Q" n

$ {1 \; E. b9 E) f7 ti've said it b4 (to some proud cbc girls on 26fun)
1 n& b4 z7 }/ u3 Y3 Aand i'm gonna say it again
# d2 `9 ]1 L& b3 ~; o1 [系同一種人 點解要將人睇低 系同一種人
/ A! N7 a" N5 G8 r. {  n可以學埋同一種語文 講第二種語文唔表示你系第二種人
2 `' x6 H: x6 o& S& X4 I" y8 a9 \2 s6 G9 G0 S2 M
do well in school and enter international firms
8 s; A2 w) x, N  j0 F/ {show them that chinese (or filter-074s) do mean businese
$ R- D+ j- m& Z* m5 _4 v8 band kick those lazy white a$$es
* x' d& d" h# n2 S+ [) s& c8 @! D0 y/ q( N; Q2 M+ d
3 r% }% z# K4 k* R2 G, k: I仲有分識大體同唔識大體架人
好鐘意M記廣告妹~ Sukie Tong
怎麼  走累了 喝口水  歇歇腳  抽支煙  不行嗎
' T7 }, ?" `9 E% z/ M& W+ t                         我倒覺得她們好純真   7 T) m, Q% K+ N, B- F5 L
Originally posted by AWU at 7/10/05 02:30 PM:+ t( e1 [4 A9 |  }1 `. L1 D
1 R  t! J6 X; m! B7 U2 ?7 I1 r8 Y* v$ y! v
但差佬,食環署,記者都攪得掂~5 B) j: T5 _8 t6 A
曾說三國迷無聊, 最後成為無知的三國迷~
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 大陸人在迪士尼...

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