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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 點解香港的 '外籍家庭傭工' 只有來自東南亞的?
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Dear XXX,
, j: `1 R6 P. M9 E" L
6 `: H" s7 e8 K! Y; c6 e" bThank you for your e-mail of 19.10.2005.
. j$ B' M7 `9 F* q( k( P% B: e
& i% I6 R: j% z" wThere  is  no  quota  and  no country-specific quota for the importation of; X7 P# ]7 s% \* j
foreign  domestic  helpers  (FDHs) in Hong Kong.  Employers who fulfill the
; d+ a/ d" C3 ]4 |2 i1 p2 |( weligibility  criteria  as  set  out in Section II of the "Guidebook for the
% D# J) F. |( q6 G  e7 dEmployment of Domestic Helpers from Abroad" (which is downloadable from the* C6 d9 T0 `) V$ v
homepage           of           Immigration          Department          at
5 j2 b; S# L3 l: thttp://www.immd.gov.hk/ehtml/hkvisas_5.5.htm) may apply to employ FDHs./ M" f  o& s0 Q2 |' L3 }

( T( C2 L: T# F' RHowever,  all  imported  workers  (including  but  not limited to FDHs) are
! y6 B- [; q' Usubject  to  immigration  control.   In  general, nationals of Afghanistan,
+ Z! U( M! \# B* Q7 X$ nAlbania, Cambodia, Cuba, Laos, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Nepal
8 J5 O: T8 x& g1 r3 J' `- X4 [and Vietnam, as well as residents from Mainland China, Macau and Taiwan are
' p' t6 U3 q2 Wnot  allowed  to  come to Hong Kong to work as FDHs.  You may wish to visit
  D+ l- a3 C* k) k5 k- q0 Y. {the          Immigration          Department’s          website          at& O4 ]  D( p8 H  @  G
http://www.immd.gov.hk/ehtml/hkvisas_1.htm for more detail in this regard., y  n/ o& X6 T, B% t/ Q/ K& L) b5 \

% u: x" i& u. Z$ X  rI hope you will find the said information useful./ d: U+ V- _2 @9 b% l0 B
. M2 ?, p8 U4 E! x/ J/ L# W* q" a
Yours sincerely,
" j0 V5 P% t! @4 c9 u7 P- G" w$ F/ g" |; o7 z  o9 a
(Miss Heidi CHOW)' q' x+ q2 T+ s! t+ J# K- i+ v* e5 y
for Permanent Secretary for Economic Development and Labour (Labour)
...4 H/ U/ S! I3 [0 h; l, P$ x
e+東南亞己經少,多數變左d大陸阿嬸..! V6 P4 a  F1 s9 _
- l7 r. T- s& u1 {+ z1 i- n
Originally posted by Kra at 2005-10-20 03:06 PM:
0 \4 u9 |0 z1 P; d3 l我要捷克妹同我洗衫 !
: |4 ?/ ~1 y, T0 s' A

" R. i  l7 B* N; p# C( c8 ~$ j  k係我幫佢洗衫
Originally posted by bwk0317 at 2005-10-17 01:10:
$ K+ V1 p5 E1 j點解香港[/u...
( q7 |+ _8 X* d

Originally posted by wer at 2005-10-29 08:38 PM:& n, D/ \0 J$ q+ V& |+ Z

2 L; ~& J8 t) e東南亞d工錢低
! J& h2 R+ h% ~, }2 n* O0 L
Originally posted by gundamman678 at 2005-10-17 11:47:
/ M* S* f* n# W8 k, m- P你講起又係喎! 不過我諗.....6 p3 d& |; b* a+ S, a: K

  }$ \& @1 m* D個原...
7 G8 D4 U/ ?' t8 ^

4 d8 z2 ]' t1 _1 Q應該係話依家d女人醒目左,少左d笨女人 都係我老豆那代男人幸福
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 點解香港的 '外籍家庭傭工' 只有來自東南亞的?

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