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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 女生請進來(請不要白撞!)
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, f9 b1 Y- l5 V& r3 L- Q2 l- FI had got no idea why you say you & the others female member will be distrubed by other male members.  港男俱樂部 is somewhere for men who are over "18 years".  港女俱樂部 must have similar regulations too, so if you chat at there once we have it, i will ban you immediately.   besides, the male members had not harrase the female members at this page.  so want is your purpose or motivation to say this???  your should know that you cannot enter this forum.  here - adult only and they can chat their matual idea.  your idea is quiet naive and also you have enter a wrong forum (for adult only) to chat.  remarks: no more reply or feedback
Originally posted by ckyckk at 2005-12-8 17:08:
/ R) w) T# F1 }- T; ?
- A% ?4 [  u6 e& L" s! l) i都係冇用,唔通男會員唔比入?唔比發言?
+ E5 F$ ~8 r" }+ h$ ]/ l, A, H

, @: z; R8 N% s盡力而為 la. O- G1 {6 i6 @

9 G8 t; `. ?3 o世上沒有完美,只能追求更美好,更接近完美.
Originally posted by kakeidevil at 2005-12-8 17:14:
* K1 J, T) A3 h# C
3 ^2 J3 N7 {- [1 {1 b9 `3 [3 g) U! W: {: x$ b  r

5 N- Z" I' A$ I, I2 `* R8 A: l  [where??0 T0 `4 e5 C$ T! y8 f
tell me..
' S3 L/ \" G  w* L5 n4 v; S  e4 f7 c
6 |4 ~8 {; s; a

1 H! q& S& C7 b3 g& B# f0 {$ s, m# U4 w9 p( X1 W. Q& f

2 o2 d% i, M! o4 v* Q+ X! ybrother, pls check whether it happened or not.  if it is true, ban both of them.
Originally posted by BOYDWAN at 2005-12-8 17:14:
0 h7 }9 d  @; m8 T# K% x3 mWHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT????
  b4 S7 v% w8 qI h...
8 Y9 z2 j% U9 ~+ v& b
( W; @: ^+ k- ^
$ i1 V' d- J' {% ?
No,I just want to ask "Why there are 港男俱樂部  but no 港女俱樂部,what are the different between them?
Originally posted by BOYDWAN at 2005-12-8 17:17:' d! Y- x) k2 {9 X1 p/ d, {
7 T* I+ r; A! b* }. t/ _
7 G7 Y& P/ }% o; A$ Q" E) M4 r" V
4 S5 ^! U. r' T4 J6 q
- ?% s* X- `7 D0 M0 a

' ]) a$ T  D# mbrother, pls check whether it happened or not.  if it is true, ban both of them.
+ I- u( p( n: ~
; B0 x) ^5 C2 \/ A$ [- w. vAlthough he is bad,I don't want u ban him and why u want to ban me?
Originally posted by BOYDWAN at 2005-12-8 05:17 PM:
* U3 ~2 c, {4 \$ S# i0 ^5 g6 y" V1 A8 Q3 j4 D' \2 j  e
  t* w! \  `! E1 |( D( }  a
1 Z7 c5 }; |; t
' M$ I8 R5 G5 {' Q6 o: a- A0 S

: \" |5 N+ N* m6 [6 w' ]! Vbrother, pls check whether it happened or not.  if it is true, ban both of them.
$ Y: x+ a( L: `% f/ ~. T
$ t) [9 p6 p0 }+ s+ P$ B
% [2 y) Q% V4 w( Aok
成日用英文...都唔理下小弟唔識英文既感受 >\\\<
Originally posted by 151515 at 2005-12-8 05:18 PM:
4 c4 z3 P6 G' K; p
" d5 W) l6 {. o: A( ]6 P$ }3 B" @2 Y: a5 b4 O4 a
Although he is bad,I don't want u ban him and why u want to ban me?
0 V, l/ L9 |) i8 Q
7 T' P4 k, Z+ Y* G3 K5 H; L
6 Z  F" [8 B% f; b9 |+ l5 ]% r( t( t4 ], X! }+ w
http://www.26fun.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=92488&fpage=14 S9 W! i6 ^, T; e( o
5 P8 e% X- t  s7 O3 F/ G& G
你係咪講呢個??↑↑% [' G" f8 m5 g/ y7 U9 l( V$ {- H
Originally posted by kakeidevil at 2005-12-8 17:33:2 b/ p- k! P: M( T4 _5 Z

, x" X7 k1 _+ u! T
' G: B6 G' T5 @4 M! D0 k
0 N- K1 b7 y- B0 T2 t+ ?5 s1 B
/ m0 D- F" O3 }/ C- B% @: phttp://www.26fun.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=92488&fpage=1
1 N* H' h4 Y$ n1 @! O2 R) ]! l; _$ @- Z
& ]6 e" ^) r, }, u) ?$ G6 f如果唔係冇啦...
' d+ N) b5 g: @5 H
0 \0 C7 F% K$ p: v$ B3 q吓......................
Originally posted by 151515 at 2005-12-8 05:34 PM:
8 C% [2 e! U* f; B7 P# ?$ t" B4 `1 w6 f. ?5 i0 `# v0 w
# V9 F5 n  T- B$ I/ S' D& z
5 \/ b0 o5 ~+ T- i# C) H7 G) a7 Z/ Y
! w; b' e/ N/ z9 X
% ]- X% m+ o, `% X: b你話比人騷擾嘛...
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 女生請進來(請不要白撞!)

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