好正呀=口=講得好好..有d好中~!作者: kwong man yeung 時間: 2006-1-23 11:44 PM
做人既嘢應該為自己而活,不必為別人而活,人生意義應該由自己賦予畀自己,每個人答案都未必會一樣作者: 奇 時間: 2006-1-24 01:41 AM
Originally posted by kwong man yeung at 2006-1-23 11:44 PM:
你所講活在別人的記憶我以前也想過,但再將時間推遠些,人類總會滅亡的,到時還會有人/外星生物記得你嗎?正如kwong man yeung所講"應該為自己而活,不必為別人而活"
對於現在的我來說,思考才是生存意義,我思故我在作者: Gretzky 時間: 2006-1-24 10:10 AM
Existentialist? 你睇開 Schopenhauer 同Nietzsche?
Your thoughts are similiar with the book 'The Outsider'作者: Gretzky 時間: 2006-1-24 10:15 AM
Originally posted by 奇 at 2006-1-24 01:41 AM:
A question arise from this famous Decarte statement...what if someone is physically healthy but somehow loses the cerebal ability to conduct any cognitive functions, would there be any meaning for this person in his/her life (however long/short the life span)?
My skepticism came from many of my patients...most of them are mentally retarded and I wonder if Decarte's philosophy applies to them. If not, shall we say his stands are not universal?作者: 魚丸(蛋)=.= 時間: 2006-1-24 11:15 PM