5 g/ p1 E) O6 h5 R7 f# S6 `7. 又當然,如果閣下屋企有能力供你放洋留學,即係自恃「有後路」者,你大可以當我放屁教壞細路囉,早抖。 & d8 }, c0 v$ O! T! Z, L& A) u) `9 i; w- @; _8 p
[ Last edited by BarristerSpring on 2006-8-10 at 11:11 PM ]作者: zz1988 時間: 2006-8-10 11:57 PM
totally agree...........that's filter-137ion * i8 x9 G. R2 G, S; t l4 G; ]& e- i A& N0 v0 z5 M3 v- v. C/ Pmy friends in IVe think they are so good now...作者: joeywong84 時間: 2006-8-10 11:57 PM
非常同意第一點作者: wind19831221 時間: 2006-8-11 01:03 AM
求學不是求分數???& l" W9 _0 o5 D
省省吧' I9 m5 I. x; b1 F/ H
有名資深教育學家就曾經講過:"填鴨式既教育先系真正既教育!" 0 l6 I* w! `, n2 @2 i3 x: N 0 |, k. ^% y( r政府凈系單方面向學生宣傳分數不重要,卻根本無改變(或者話系無辦法改變)整個社會重分重文憑既心態,簡直系錯曬!!!!!!!作者: honeyfei 時間: 2006-8-11 01:08 AM
其實..學歷等如一張入場劵... / e' Y' ~. T0 N6 m( k& D佢俾你有多d機會去試唔同既post...7 E- e4 N* `3 f
9 ]6 @, |8 _+ t8 D' S但開始覺得...學歷冇大家諗到咁重要.... 8 K S; H' @& d% Y只要博到上司好感..對自己工作負責任......# O6 @4 S$ D9 A; A6 f/ ]& z
做野又冇錯....已經好夠...作者: ronald001120 時間: 2006-8-11 01:53 AM
其實ive有沒用呢, d" h6 t3 Q2 S* ]
不過預科都係一條最快升上大學既途徑作者: pigcat 時間: 2006-8-11 02:22 AM
唔可以行返傳統條路意味住你要行一條一般人認為辛苦d ge路先去到同一個目的jei ; n& l$ a' M3 ^' I & _1 @5 h v- L2 K / j) g, A* G' u' [9 o7 B ) `7 n9 u6 Z4 `但係我覺得有時d野.../ z! j" a+ h# R5 k
唔係真係好似作呢篇野位網友睇得咁悲... ( \* U& |% x, A0 J1 Z如果真係咁..升唔到大學ge十幾萬人就=廢人?? 4 R( n B* k% d Z$ @% I; y1 ]: ~+ @% [
1 ^: k! ?! } }* W6 |$ D5 Y
同埋呢位人兄講ge.. 3 B& y2 D+ Y. o好多人都心知肚明.. 1 ^* L! Y/ j$ \' g並唔係咩真知灼見... - P( v0 w; B3 V x* G G只係將個事實講返出黎..再加d個人觀點咁jei作者: acrux821 時間: 2006-8-11 02:25 AM
+ @, H1 B; U, ?8 v/ P2 p2 s7 K0 L以我做例 , 我頭兩年讀 Diploma in Import and Export Studies , 出黎已經可以做 Merchandiser / Shipping 果 d 工 , 如果好似我咁讀多一年 Higher Diploma in International Business , 之後就可以入本港既大學 / 海外大學 / IVE 同海外合辦既Top-up Degree .1 R! q) H$ [- F$ c
2 V6 u! p v3 }- l+ K3 Y- e) f3 u
PS : 你係 IVE 既成績好既話可以係本地既大學直入 Year 2 ka .作者: stockman 時間: 2006-8-11 09:10 AM
Unless you really want to go into 'professional' fields like Medicines, Laws, Accounting, what you learn in U doesn't really help you much in the real world (that's my own opinion). This is especially true if you major in the Business field.- j7 s A- E9 H& w w& S
}% m: C/ z+ B# O% G
I majored in Marketing and is doing sales/marketing related job now. 99.9% of the skills and knowledge I use to do my job are learned on the job but not from school. School doesn't teach you how to deal with people, handle office politics, how service clients. Does it mean it's a waste of time to go to school? Yes and no. The time spent in those years may be wasted, but you earn the right to put 'U-grad' in your resume. 1 m, R9 f9 @1 x' V7 X- k" k5 s$ _! M8 S2 f8 F/ v" X* @% b4 u
But I agree that in today's global world, getting advanced education is more like a 'need' then 'plus' to get ahead in the society. They are simply too many college educated people chasing similar jobs. 1 u-grad is not much different from the other u-grad, but it's like a minimum requirement to compete in the society if you want to have a decent job nowadays.作者: ronald001120 時間: 2006-8-11 10:05 AM
學歷始終係資本主義社會係必需0 {* x i# x8 r3 o. f2 M
始終有大學degree對前途都有保障D , L7 {( x1 ], c: k5 _: o我岩岩入左ive6 ^1 L3 J; ~2 u, d; q- R2 P- m
其實ive幾分都收 ; U7 p7 F# f$ V6 B" s& d+ k如果讀完個high dip會唔會對佢個認受性有影響?) p1 y/ q {2 O" J! E
不過其實唔係一定大學生人工先高既 : Q" p+ H7 `4 b' ]' O0 r% k" X有時都睇運 ! X; |0 v, v E) B+ G/ Z0 C我個fd家姐前幾年中五畢業出來做野 : \. E4 h3 S, {. k; e4 Y% b而家都有萬3蚊人工 / a1 s& [5 ?- m有D大學生出來做野! l" z, U. U& e6 S2 S" W
咪又係搵唔到工作者: 12d3 時間: 2006-8-11 12:12 PM
Originally posted by stockman at 2006-8-11 09:10 AM:- |, t8 s; g* \9 Y' A
Unless you really want to go into 'professional' fields like Medicines, Laws, Accounting, what you learn in U doesn't really help you much in the real world (that's the truth). This is especially true if you major in the Business field.