依家香港d法律真係short-short地,為左要做世界法律界一哥真係乜都夠膽死,繼全球首位告BT網友後又一出位之作![ 告你吹水內容涉及能可將會犯法 ]!果d法政大員真玩野,一係就冇上過網,一係就想做單大野響朵,[吹水區]面邊有真話架,係男係女都吾知哪!大新聞!連美國佬都笑甩咀哪!外國網站d吹水區日日叫「K I L L ~ B U S H」,咁聯邦政府咪要告佢地意圖及策畫謀殺總統先得?六四果陣香港網區大把人叫「殺死李X」「推翻共產」,我唸有一半以上香港人都要坐監?邊有未犯案先拉人架,咁似以前中共d手法?講下就係?咪周街都係[X街X家產]。0 `3 M; Y6 Z# ?% a6 I
香港真係好奇怪,時代越開放進步,思想就越保守落後,以前大大本咸書(露三點)擺係報紙檔任睇任買任賣,風化案一定比依家少,依家強勢玩禁煙,但新煙民就每日有增無減,政府高官佢地有冇唸過點解…………..6 S4 q7 o) E) p7 [0 p" M) z
如果今次真係告得入,咁前果排係網上鬧[殷兒]班友就有排震哪![肥姐]一定做野…..哈哈….兄弟你有冇份呀?# Q2 o& W' w. D
P.s. 仲有 (老董、掃把頭、長毛、李柱………)等網上英雄排緊隊搵你上Count,死未!作者: CalvinPig 時間: 2006-9-13 08:31 PM
我覺得係你本身價值觀有問題!& L6 U2 _& ^! q9 N0 K- @3 \* W# |
你應該係坐得多, 坐到個腦有問題作者: stockman 時間: 2006-9-14 05:23 AM
"...外國網站d吹水區日日叫「K I L L ~ B U S H」,咁聯邦政府咪要告佢地意圖及策畫謀殺總統先得?六四果陣香港網區大把人叫「殺死李X」「推翻共產」,我唸有一半以上香港人都要坐監?邊有未犯案先拉人架..." 4 t6 @5 h j4 f$ c" C4 ]6 F% Y $ V o: o" g# l7 M V! Q8 T& c5 HIt depends what you are saying. I live in US, and if I post something on Yahoo or MSN that I'm a Muslim, have connection with Bin Laden, and are planning to have a terror attack, I guarantee the Homeland Security department will come to my house in no time to bust me. . a3 V. Z x* Q3 P: ?( J( \6 r9 j# P2 _
邊有未犯案先拉人架 sounds good but in some cases you have to do it. How about people on 26FUN open a topic to "Invite all brothers and sisters to join them for a plan to abduct and rape Twins (sorry Twins fans, just an example)" or "poison the food at HK Disney because they had a bad experience there'? Do you think this is ok?" i" I% {8 Y% U5 _
1 |3 o! G, U, f4 P h
Or how about this: you found out someone who hate you the most at work/school post on message board saying 'I'm going to kidnap HighTech1988's girlfriend and rape her to get even, and I'm doing it tonigh'. Is this ok with you? He's just talking, right? No law is broken, right? Will you alert your girlfriend to watch out? Will you even think about calling the police?5 m( @7 ]) N8 u
E8 g6 Q- G- h9 ? _
I'm not about the exact law in HK so I'm just judging this by common sense (unfortunately often times many laws are so stupid...)作者: qazplm 時間: 2006-9-15 12:51 AM
其實依單案影響都好大,遠比[BT]大好多,[BT]下載要都你真係非法下載左先至拉,而今次只係有人報案話你d言論有問題,或可能會構成犯法就落CHARGE,真係好[白色恐怖],有邊個玩上網冇鬧過人冇係留言區吹過水,一時大意就可能會中招,到時人人自危,問你驚吾驚!所以大家都吾好對果位仁兄落井下石,佢衰左就成先例,到時大家都要收聲冇野講……' u' l }3 o3 H6 R3 M- h
其實件案要睇佢本身係犯乜野法,真係做左d物野犯法,而吾係講同想犯法,依d係未來未發生事,一切要正治正確,如果只以心理因素維法,個社會就會變態,好明顯今次只係有人覺得個心吾舒服所以報案拉佢,睇遠d或者係有人想開始操控他人未來行動的第一步。 + h5 X0 F, N1 e, D6 w. ?P.S. ”似吾似以前(湯告老師)一齣講未來警察果套戲,搵[先知]預測到佢將會犯法就可以立即收監。”死未!