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標題: (Help) HardDisk 壞了 [打印本頁]

作者: efunlogin    時間: 2008-1-24 11:39 PM     標題: (Help) HardDisk 壞了

我的 Hard Disk 一共分了3個partition (F:, K:, I
每當我Run F:/  d File 時, 便會有 "達 達" 聲, 但 Run 另外2個partition 時, 就冇任何問題.

     1) E+到底format F:/ 有冇用架?
OR 2) Delete 曬3 個partition, format 曬佢,
OR 3) F:/ "達 達" 聲 = 整個 Hard Disk 壞了, 點Format 都冇用.

作者: slwong3    時間: 2008-1-24 11:52 PM

if you can hear the noise, it is actually the hardware has nothing to do with your virtual partition.....

so you should first check if the harddisk is probably placed....(the noise that you hear might not be coming from the harddisk but the fan or something else)

if it really comes from the harddisk, then there is nothing you can do except change to a new one...

For now, you should open up the case, power on the computer (with the case cover open) and try to listen where the sound comes from.....
作者: Raul    時間: 2008-1-24 11:59 PM

Confirmed F Drive Spoilted, another 2 partition you still can use it as storage

No cure
作者: efunlogin    時間: 2008-1-25 12:06 AM

Thanks!, I am sure it was a problem of hardware.  Because when I hear the sound, my computer will hang for a few second.  eg. when I open a movie at F:/, the "違達" sound could be hear, and the movie will pause for a moment.

After I close the movie, no sould immidiately.

I don't understand why I read the file at other 2 partition will not have this problem?

作者: hold_find    時間: 2008-1-25 05:22 PM

Originally posted by efunlogin at 2008-1-24 11:39 PM:
我的 Hard Disk 一共分了3個partition...
作者: efunlogin    時間: 2008-1-26 07:55 AM     標題: 間唔中達

Originally posted by hold_find at 2008-1-25 05:22 PM:


作者: acery2k    時間: 2008-1-26 09:13 PM

有可能係 bad sector,不妨試試用 XP built-in 既 error checking tool:
1. Start - My Computer
2. 點選 F:
3. File - Property - Tools - Check Now ...
作者: hold_find    時間: 2008-1-26 11:55 PM

Originally posted by efunlogin at 2008-1-26 07:55 AM:

作者: KC-Alen    時間: 2008-2-2 05:02 AM

i'm sure its a hardware problem, the answer to the question about why u can't reach F, and you do can reach the other is because the sector used for the F partition is not good anymore, or your powersupply isnt good, or it does not give enough power.

To check if you got enough power for your computer, post your specs (amount of harddrives, dvd reader/writer, whatever you name it, just name it media reader), and also what kind of graphic card you got en how many slots of ram you used and how many pci card you got etc etc, and the most important how many Watts your power supply is.
作者: KC-Alen    時間: 2008-2-2 05:04 AM

Btw if it really is your harddrive problem (sector) you should replace your harddrive as soon as possible if you got important files on the other partitions etc. your other 2 partitions might still work now, but not for long, so i would recommend you not to use that harddisk anymore if you are going to use it to save important files/data's etc.

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