5#jyeung1 ) z3 U# ~* `5 h0 }I like this topic, it's really worth to be aware. * L. M7 E& E& [5 b! _ BHowever, plz add some your own opinion作者: 迦樓羅女王 時間: 2011-2-5 03:24 PM
奇聞!! 5 Q y# o: p1 p# z6 V- s R今年仲會吾會有更大災難 & Y% g1 f0 A6 C! u9 k R/ [# {$ D" s1 k& A# i" }# h: } J% i+ `( j+ n/ Y1 v0 l
神秘的現象!!! 歷史性第一次! 格陵蘭太陽破天荒早2天升起0 g' D1 C5 X" u7 G http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1346936/The-sun-rises-days-early-Greenland-sparking-fears-climate-change-accelerating.html6 B* Y3 {5 m6 ~$ C5 l) F
The sun rises two days early in Greenland, sparking fears that climate change is accelerating 4 L% M7 I3 f0 e( H" ~ ( R+ n/ P+ `* F 8 d% o" [9 v; ~- i5 U0 G' shttp://www.fbodaily.com/archive/2011/01-January/22-Jan-2011/FBO-02363660.htm: ~' g) I4 A$ I7 a
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) procures and stores pre-packaged commercial meals 0 P! N( S/ m5 h& [' e% lto support readiness capability for immediate distribution to disaster survivors routinely. 0 y/ n- [% M# l8 G5 |
The purpose of this Request for Information is to identify sources of supply 6 b M R9 M! w. c& V4 d
for meals in support of disaster relief efforts based on a catastrophic disaster event within - e* c/ a' x; a* f# O9 Nthe New Madrid Fault System for a survivor population of 7M ! g5 I/ r- a% y7 a- @
to be utilized for the sustainment of life during a 10-day period of operations. : R( M3 a, [% a! g$ q) Q* b# _: l9 `/ T5 D4 Z% S5 |, T: A http://news.sina.com.hk/news/12/1/1/2040542/1.html- V6 F7 ?1 ?2 X3 r/ y4 n- v$ ?! K
2011-03-10 南方日報) G( Y8 U5 Y: B- `! A9 Z; R
美國加利福尼亞州南部一處海岸8日出現大約100萬條死魚,緣由可能是缺氧窒息。 + z5 A% J$ p" U+ j+ n$ A魚群死亡事件發生在洛杉磯縣金港海岸。港口海事協調員說,不少漁民8日醒來發現,船只周圍海面漂浮密密麻麻的沙丁魚尸體,如同銀色地毯。 ! s6 h5 N4 M5 B X8 e, N除了海面,海底還有一層死魚,厚度約為0.46米。 , N( l `2 p0 Q! h O! {2 F8 h加州魚類和野生動物署認定,沙丁魚群系迷途窒息而死。$ p$ X& q3 Y* N) g. _
加州“海洋實驗室”研究人員布倫特‧沙伊韋分析,沙丁魚習慣“抱團”,在幾條魚帶領下就會“大規模遷移”。魚群起初可能為躲避風浪游入港口,隨後窒息而死。 + C, s5 ?$ N" C# g* z4 ~# T! I9 m美國馬里蘭州海岸今年1月初出現大約200萬條死魚。當地環境保護部門說,海水溫度過低是導致魚群死亡的罪魁禍首。: @$ {' p9 _" S8 C