昨日傳出岑麗香離巢消息,有指是不滿角色易角,亦有指她回加拿大準備生仔,今日香香就在自己的ig交待一切,她說:「我還記得我第一次踏入TVB去參選國際中華小姐... I can’t believe so many years have come and gone and that our contract is now finished. Words can not fully express the gratitude, respect and appreciation that I have for my TVB family in my heart. 呢咁多年唻我相信神係擺咗好多天使係我身邊... Ms Lok, 你一直保護同埋教導and guide我,因為你唔想一個傻傻地嘅我行錯路. 沒有說話可以表達 the gratitude I have for you, our mamabear. Thank you