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標題: 美國一個出現異象的古怪地帶[nep+] [打印本頁]

作者: mymelody    時間: 2005-5-16 12:08 PM     標題: 美國一個出現異象的古怪地帶[nep+]

約1940年,有人在美國加利褔尼亞州的聖克魯斯鎮附近山腳買了一塊地及南面的小山丘,用來興建一座渡假屋,但當測量員用儀器測量土地時,所有的測量儀器都奇怪地失效,初時他們如為是因為地底大量鐵礦而影響蘊藏,可惜地底並沒有任何鐵礦......這裏就是"神秘點". 除此之外,這裏還有不少的異象!因此多年來經常吸引了不少遊客到"神秘點". 除此之外,這裏還有不少的異象!因此多年來經常吸引了不少遊客到"神秘點".在往"神秘點"前需要經過一條斜坡,上斜坡時非常輕鬆,但下斜坡就非常艱辛,而且要比上斜坡需多一倍時間.更怪的是,如有人站在這裏一間木屋的門口,那人的身子會傾斜45度,就連附近的一棵樹也是.(怪怪!)此外,門外下有兩塊木板,距約40厘米,放在同一水平上,如果兩個不同高矮的人站在板兩側,他們的高矮會變得更加明顯,但如他們調換位置,高那人會變得矮了,而矮那人會變得高了!(.............無話好說) 如那人穿著膠底鞋住那木屋,那人便可避免地心吸力,會傾斜地站著.如有人用一個球狀物放在木屋內一塊斜板上,球狀物會從滾向高處(反常!?).另外,在這裏上空的飛機也不能正常飛行.還有一樣怪事,就是"神秘點"一百五十平方呎的範內,差不多沒有一隻鳥在此停過,原來當鳥飛過這個地方,牠便會迷失方向,轉來轉去亂飛,想飛落到樹枝上.("神秘點"是否是雀鳥的百慕達!?)

[ Last edited by neptune1122 on 2005-5-16 at 05:56 PM ]
作者: neptune1122    時間: 2005-5-16 05:58 PM

作者: cymok3782    時間: 2005-5-16 06:24 PM

my friend went there 2 years ago, there have a very strange magnetic field so equitment and animal is lost by that strange magnetic field. and the house.... there have a 山泥"傾"瀉, so the house and the plant around it moved 45 degree, but strangy the house didn't get destory.... and about the board outside the house, it is just a vision illusion.... because the board is paralle to the house, so it is also 45 degree different than a flat ground.....

P.S. I think I get those info in Discovery Channel

[ Last edited by cymok3782 on 2005-5-16 at 06:25 PM ]
作者: stone86    時間: 2005-5-16 07:38 PM

Originally posted by mymelody at 2005-5-16 12:08 PM:
作者: wild9394    時間: 2005-5-16 11:21 PM

there is Mystery Spot
i've been there many times(more than five) because i live near there and
there is a BEACH next to it ^__^

my point of view is mystery there
a ball or water can move from lower to higher
shorter people looks taller than taller people
no birds at that area .......

it's real

圖片附件: 01.jpg (2005-5-16 11:21 PM, 15.6 KB) / 下載次數 58

圖片附件: 02.jpg (2005-5-16 11:21 PM, 17.1 KB) / 下載次數 58

圖片附件: 03.jpg (2005-5-16 11:21 PM, 16.6 KB) / 下載次數 43

作者: badboy119    時間: 2005-5-17 08:56 AM

very interesting .. anymore pics or story??

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