跳火圈同心口碎大石其實都係個唔錯嘅 idea 呀,不過同一般嘅演唱會個 run-down 好似唔係好夾喎,可能左倫右李果啲類型嘅演唱會會啱洗都未定喎。都係果句,呢啲都係官能上嘅刺激嚟遮,無話好唔好嘅,家家有求嘅遮。作者: zz1988 時間: 2005-6-6 08:56 PM
Just like add more thing to the 觀眾 see,
hope the sexy photo in newspaper can attact more people to watch
為可一定要露肉呢? hehe....everyone want to watch
For me to watch the concert is depend on the singer's song
like Andy Hui, who cares he wear very little
and the sexy dancer will not attract me a lot作者: yyy007 時間: 2005-6-7 05:20 AM
the closer she gets to nude, the more it will attract me to see.