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標題: 人們對回教誤解 [打印本頁]

作者: 魔術師    時間: 2005-6-24 09:36 PM     標題: 人們對回教誤解

其實回教同天主教一樣 入面內容差唔多話係一樣的..... 只不過天主教話耶穌係上帝的兒子 但回教話係神既一個使者黎 期間出現既野係差唔多一樣(我既所知)如泗水淹沒大地等 香港人真係可能因為信回教既人係中東人有偏見 其實佢地唔係 真主既意思係和平服從 唔係你地諗到新聞咁好暴力 成日要打人咁 重有佢地係唔俾飯酒 唔俾食唔係以真主之名殺既食物 唔俾食豬肉 同特別既肉(好似穿山甲呀等等)  一日唔知要做禮拜幾多次 又話要做之前洗手沖涼等等 我唔係好清楚我都係聽信回教既人講 重有你地話佢馬來西亞d回教徙有好多個老婆 其實真主話係你照顧得到先好...唔係既一個就足夠.... 另外又話要一邊念經呀水都要呀等等可以話俾你知唔係家我有識回教既人可以食M記既野(無豬肉成份啦緊係)
重有之前好似要講話多謝至仁至慈既真主等等(當然唔係中文啦) 好似天主教定基督教咁之嗎 話多謝天主賜我們食物等等  同埋佢地一日洗咁多次手腳同沖涼唔係好咩家咋

p.S我無宗教信仰 我想信天主教但係未信(佛教我認為一個好好既宗教但係我有好多唔明白..同埋有d野我真係做唔到...所以唔諗住信 同埋我係為討論唔希望有罵戰我唔係回教徙 你問我可以答下 但係我真係好多唔識...盡量啦我^^)

[ Last edited by 左輪仔 on 2005-6-24 at 10:03 PM ]
作者: slwong3    時間: 2005-6-24 09:42 PM

只不過天主教話耶穌係上帝的兒子 但回教話係神既一個使者黎

because 天主教 always want to make 耶穌 to be part of the god

they want to make people think that 耶穌 is not a human
作者: research2005010    時間: 2005-6-24 09:55 PM

回教係一個宗教, 電視講嘅

[ Last edited by 左輪仔 on 2005-6-24 at 09:59 PM ]
作者: research2005010    時間: 2005-6-24 10:01 PM

作者: 左輪仔    時間: 2005-6-24 10:07 PM

Originally posted by research2005010 at 2005-6-24 22:01:
作者: ALWIN_WONG    時間: 2005-6-24 10:45 PM

作者: bengrace50    時間: 2005-6-24 11:19 PM

Originally posted by 魔術師 at 2005-6-24 21:36:
其實回教同天主教一樣 入面內容差唔多...
作者: research2005010    時間: 2005-7-8 12:08 AM     標題: Blair vows terrorists won't win  

Blair statement
Tony Blair has said terrorists will not succeed in destroying "our values and our way of life" after blasts hit London's transport network.
The prime minister has now returned to Downing Street from the G8 summit, but has made clear the talks will continue.

Earlier he read a statement from the G8 leaders saying the blasts were "an attack not on one nation but on all nations and civilised people".

The Queen said she was "deeply shocked" and sent sympathy to those affected.

US President George Bush said there was an "incredibly vivid contrast" between the work at the G8 to alleviate poverty and the "evil" of those wanting to kill.

"We will not yield to these terrorists," said Mr Bush.

Mr Blair is now chairing a meeting of Cobra, the government committee which brings together various senior ministers and security officials to deal with emergencies.


Speaking before he left Gleneagles, he said: "It is important that those engaged in terrorism realise that our determination to defend our values and our way of life is greater than their determination to cause death and destruction to innocent people in a desire to impose extremism on the world.
"Whatever they do, it is our determination that they will never succeed in destroying what we hold dear in this country and in other civilised nations throughout the world."

Visibly shocked, Mr Blair said it was reasonably clear terrorists had timed the attacks to coincide with the start of the G8 summit.

  It is particularly barbaric this has happened on a day when people are meeting to try to help the problems of poverty in Africa

Tony Blair

In full: Blair reaction

"It is particularly barbaric this has happened on a day when people are meeting to try to help the problems of poverty in Africa and the long term problems of climate change and the environment," he said.

In the joint G8 statement, Mr Blair said all the leaders believed the terrorists had no respect for human life.

"We are united in our resolve to confront and defeat this terrorism...," he said. "We will not allow violence to change our society and values nor will we allow it to stop our work at this summit."


London Mayor Ken Livingstone said he was returning to the city in the next few hours from Singapore, where he lobbied for the Olympic bid.

Mr Livingstone said Londoners would stay united

Mr Livingstone said: "This was not a terrorist attack against the mighty and the powerful. It was not aimed at presidents or prime ministers. It was aimed at ordinary working class people."

The mayor said the blasts were a cowardly and indiscriminate attempt at mass murder which would fail in its bid to destroy free society.

He added: "They seek to turn Londoners against each other... London will not be divided by this."

'Keep calm'

In a statement to the House of Commons, Home Secretary Charles Clarke said: "Our first responsibility is to protect and support the public."

He urged people not to rush to judgement and should behave in a "calm and considered way".

Mr Clarke added: "People are strongly advised not to travel into central London as the emergency service must be allowed to do their work as effectively as they can."

  This country is completely united in our determination to defeat terrorism

Michael Howard
Conservative leader

Conservative leader Michael Howard and Liberal Democrat leader Charles Kennedy both sent their sympathies to those injured and the families of those killed.

And they praised the "heroic" work of the emergency services.

Mr Howard said it was a "dreadful day for London and for our city" and pledged his party's full support for the government.

"This country is completely united in our determination to defeat terrorism and to deal with those who are responsible for the appalling acts that we have seen today," he said.

The Tory leader said Londoners had put up with bombings and disruption before and "the sprit of Londoners was absolutely solid and strong".

Solidarity call

Mr Kennedy said: "What has happened is appalling and those who carried out these attacks must be brought to justice...

"The moral contrast between those who seek to disrupt and destroy and those who are trying to build for the future [at the G8 summit] could not be more stark. The terrorists must not prevail."

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, said he had joined with Muslim leaders in condemning the attacks during a visit to West Yorkshire.

"Such solidarity and common purpose is vital for us all at this time of pain and sorrow and anger," said Dr Williams.

[ Last edited by research2005010 on 2005-7-8 at 12:23 AM ]
作者: justin_lun    時間: 2005-7-9 07:00 AM

作者: research2005010    時間: 2005-7-9 11:15 AM

我聽過傳道人話十字軍東征係天主教做的, 唔關基督教事, 我之前在網上搵過唔少的資料, protestant當時確是未出現, 除非你講的是Christianity

[ Last edited by research2005010 on 2005-7-9 at 11:17 AM ]
作者: k-key    時間: 2005-7-11 11:02 PM

作者: research2005010    時間: 2005-7-12 10:22 AM

魔術師, 你講的回教同olaf轉貼的回教好似好唔同, 你兩個邊個先係講事實? 仲有你d野似乎係自己寫? 你係唔係有個女朋友係回教徒呢?

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