I think we have to try to communicat and talk to them in a short time. And we can ask them to give the permission of Earth people to live in. If they say "OK", that will be fine. If they say "NO", we have to show them some power.作者: hayatokasami 時間: 2005-7-8 11:13 PM
, w( U' n' z0 T- d, M5 u最後, 其實都有一個中庸d的方法. 就是用武力或外交 (和平主義的我建議)要求該星球提供補給, 或作中途補給站(可暫時駐留部份人口), 地球一方就可以繼續探索更適合的可移居星球. 6 V- I5 z# Q: A! d N6 P / L5 f8 Y4 ?0 \' G2 Y. m# R5 B% V[ Last edited by fatfatdragon on 2005-7-9 at 07:19 AM ]作者: wanmankit 時間: 2005-7-9 08:10 AM
如果去到個星球,個到d外星人有好多人. {$ B; x' E+ u; K5 y
冇武器一樣可以圍死我地既6 d. D" F/ `% o. I9 x
雖然我主張和平,但係如果到時比佢地學我地d野 + I9 k; M; e& A; m一下我地就死....8 u7 L: {2 h! l3 d1 F
所以我會殺死佢地2 ?$ S! i' ~: }& n: `
最好當然係KO佢地 e5 p) @# F. f8 L搶左個星來住 3 O" |) o# l' ~1 {5 C8 [但如果人數差咁遠 1 {2 A$ _% ]" a. e4 T2 }用武力可能會弄巧反拙7 q9 E4 ?: P. A: d
正如之前有brother提到( @3 t: m0 j1 N
佢地一定會全力反抗 6 ^! V2 U( D! h( I& R萬一佢炸幾粒核彈過來 , @/ R1 Q1 c; I7 C6 e令該星球出現核冬天0 G7 h5 H7 Z: v8 P
大家都只會係一齊死.......% k5 t4 h8 \! y G! \* o, w0 [
5 E; f5 b9 I' ?9 V& X. g7 b
看來共存是較好的方法作者: abcde1918 時間: 2005-7-9 01:02 PM
如果係我,首先我會同班外星人打好關係,當佢地逐漸信任我地之際,我就會祕密地同同胞商量怎樣消滅班外星人,只要時幾一到,就立即殺哂班外星人,有可能你會問點解要消滅班外星人,原因好簡單,就是想佔據整個星球,尤自己統治整個星球,成為話事人 / ~1 g6 L: O+ o7 M9 ^ 1 H; k- P ~+ t[ Last edited by abcde1918 on 2005-7-9 at 01:04 PM ]作者: Edison 時間: 2005-7-9 01:32 PM
i will kill all of them lar because we are already over population and wt is the point to live with them??? It is their planet so wt?? what is they backstap us then we will all die, to kill them first is a good way to prevent war between us and them, once they die we got nothing to worry about.作者: RyuII 時間: 2005-7-10 12:04 AM
ok, 假設現在已決定要埋佢地單, 咁會用乜野方法呢?( s* e( @$ t- E, A5 b
正如之前有位仁兄所講如果逼佢地上絕路可能佢地會黎招同歸於盡或一拍兩散, 咁點做先係最高明呢?作者: RahXephon 時間: 2005-7-10 12:13 PM
我諗共存的機會不大,最終都會爆發戰爭,以武力解決問題。! q" F9 u* l; x( |! w
8 H) Z0 B/ j1 |- B1 t
從歷史的角度看,由於雙方的實力有差距,最後只後征服與及被征服的結果。 自古至今人類有和平,是因為國與國之間有Balance of Power。 當這個平衡被破壞了之後,戰爭只是遲早的事。% _& ]. E7 B9 Y( @+ Y. a% _: v
6 `1 w5 b9 |0 s
其次是資源的問題,資源是有限的,根據進化論,物競天擇,有能力者會爭取佔用最多的資源,這是動物界的法則。 既得利益者(原居民)又怎會放棄自己所擁有的,與一些不知名的外來生物分享? 縱然現代有所謂共享利益,已發展國家同發展中國家一同發展,達致雙贏的說法,但別忘記這是已發展國家經歷了殖民時期的掠奪後,在近代提出的冠冕堂皇的說法。 假如真的有雙贏的話,那麼第三世界國家還是這麼的窮? 歷史是會不斷重覆自己的,在新的星球由於勢力的不平衡,只會引致掠奪的情況。 T' N! m9 N, L6 H2 L5 Y8 O) Y
& o* C" v3 m$ T6 \% V
如果大家有睇Matrix第一集的話,記得agent Smith對人類有一段很深刻的形容:「人類就好似細菌一樣,每去到一個新的地方,就會秏盡當地的資源,不斷的分裂擴散...」 8 L* P& L0 z& h1 q9 B ! H/ Q* J7 i# V- d7 G[ Last edited by RahXephon on 2005-7-10 at 12:18 PM ]作者: simc23 時間: 2005-7-10 11:53 PM
"最勁o既武器只有核彈",咁同佢打扙都好易兩敗俱傷架喎 % M1 M5 c7 O4 ~/ u! @ K兩邊都扔幾個,個星球都冇得剩 Z: Q& ?" X4 p3 m. v9 o. ]$ x
但如果o個個星球D生物蠢D,地球人一樣會去消滅/征服佢地; K$ O. M. X8 v8 j L# g6 h
就好似美國佬去到新大陸,D印第安人都變左瀕臨絕種作者: csstudent2003 時間: 2005-7-11 08:49 AM
First of I had to thank raymond302 and Edision because they wrote their replies in English. Without their replies, I have NO idea what the heck the topic is about! hehe , ^3 K! ^3 b2 J2 \- T) q. q$ }0 V ~% R# v! N: U
I just finished watching War of the Worlds and coming out of that movie it makes me think that we (as humans) can be soooo weak compared to other beings in the universe.2 d9 S& l; P" n( @
R# A$ A- M( [- t6 oTo those that don't believe in 'aliens', I watched a movie a long time ago...forgot the name of it but Judy Foster was in it. She was asked by a kid "Are there 'aliens' in out there? (paraphasing)"... I really liked her answer ' ^) x% U/ g8 R1 S& D* y7 b! z
6 Q2 W- ~ v5 R! j
"There are more stars in the universe than sand on earth. If we (humans) are the only one in this universe than wouldn't be a WASTE of space?"1 O/ f1 m) I2 I h. y& j% G; W
5 {2 v8 O/ m3 Q! G bI don't believe we have ever been visited by 'aliens' but I do believe that there are other 'life' in the universe. 2 b' S# Q3 L4 ?+ M& `5 R9 L8 _( d ]. G, O4 _- |4 C' ^
If 'they' do come to earth then there is really not much we can do... Therefore, to ask "what we should do", in my opinion is not relevent. Our only action/response to the 'aliens' should be the same 'intentions' as the 'aliens'. ie. if they are nice then we should be nice but if they want to kill us then we fight back and hope for the best. Lastly, for all the reglious group out there, I don't believe in god but if there comes a day where we are under attack by 'aliens', I HOPE YOUR GOD CAN SAVE US! hehe =P P* I0 `& y- s+ J5 U3 C0 d* Y
: ?9 h6 J5 L5 f+ [$ h; C' @. k4 H
Ninka作者: RyuII 時間: 2005-7-12 10:29 AM
thank ninka but there is a bit misunderstand the topic / H6 ~% o" ]3 T9 } 3 l7 n. O$ d5 d# B7 ?- W0 sdue to earth is over, we need seek for new planet for us to living. Luckily we found one planet is suitable for us but also other human being is living there. Their technology is equal to our current level (the strongest weapon of them is nuclear bomb) and we are stronger hundred or thoudsand times than they are. As our leader, what is your decision? kill all of them or live with them together? 7 ^- ], ^8 y; K0 n1 e4 ^" j
8 ?# [# o9 W+ r4 Rif live with them, something you must consider: & z6 m2 i/ r2 @) n1. Are they nice or just pretend nice? # O) Y: I$ X, Z0 {* n2. Our technology is stronger than they but how long? will they learn from us and kill us finally? ) N( }/ e3 a9 f' i3. They have over six billions and we just only million people, can it balance, what will happen under this scale?0 w- p) B# P& ~; H! z( S
: _8 \! X. v5 ~! }2 T1 y) E# Uhowever, if you choose war, what is your plan?5 F% A% v/ Y" |. w, f- `& V6 v" L) D7 L
# ?+ d; {( `7 s' x# @/ h5 m$ D' d9 z
[ Last edited by RyuII on 2005-7-12 at 10:34 AM ]作者: RyuII 時間: 2005-7-12 10:54 AM
Thanks RyuII. I told you my chinese sucks...=() B- ]5 k5 {3 j
& \1 Q2 ^- K! A( J: _5 I4 EI think your desciption of the situation is exactly the same it was on earth a ten thousand years ago where humans started to evolve and our intelligence surpass the animals. We have been living with the animals since then but look at where they are now... a lot of the animals are extinct. We are 'truly' the master of the planet even though we like to stay we live 'together' with the animals... in fact we are just 'letting' them here. + n- b! h( R$ n; l$ S( `0 ?# |2 s" k' \7 B* }9 b
I don't think there is any possibility of living with the 'them' long term. Like you said, their technology will catch up to us sooner or later....then what do we do. ) c: T0 H5 o2 r0 U1 m" H0 y: S * ?) X, g! F' P8 G* JHumans are self-fish. # E" G# x/ Q/ N9 M% [1 k$ L J, I0 U . f0 v6 \9 c, ]% a% O- BWe must do what ever necessary to protect our lives now and in the future. First thing I would do is destroy all their weapon technology so that they can't fight us. Then, I would start protecting ourselves and try to find another planet to go live. For our long term survival, we have to find another planet. We can't live with them for long term./ x4 [( w5 ~2 |. m7 ^/ R
; Q7 ?! B3 b5 C0 i4 D
Ninka作者: Asurada129 時間: 2005-7-12 04:56 PM
個人唔主張戰爭.......我相信我會以友善既態度先表明來意, 只想和平共處而共創新天地.. z. C; B( {0 p; ?+ |5 h我仲要係首領...甘應以我民為先, 希望我民唔需要流離失所.....在這大前題都忍受, 希望能有個合適地方重建家園......1 q j9 Q) b! J: G- B