Originally posted by research2005010 at 2005-7-15 08:32 AM:
假設挪亞方舟確實存在, 而又證明到呢...
Originally posted by research2005010 at 2005-7-15 08:43 AM:
據我所知猶太教, 天主教, 基督教等等...
Originally posted by research2005010 at 2005-7-15 08:49 AM:
差d唔記得呢度話回教原來都係差唔多, 為公平起見, 放埋佢地係大衛支派同錫安教隔離
Originally posted by rest365days at 2005-7-15 09:05 AM:
呢一段故事.. 我唔會當science journa...
Originally posted by research2005010 at 2005-7-15 16:32:
假設挪亞方舟確實存在, 而又證明到呢隻船確實是用來躲避滅絕人類的洪水,都只能夠證明猶太教, 天主教或基督教, 或者錫安教等信阿當夏娃的宗教其中一個是真的, ...
Originally posted by 秋葉林 at 2005-7-15 05:23 PM:
先唔講科唔科學,就算證明到挪亞方舟確實存在,咪最多話證明到「挪亞方舟」單嘢嘅可信性高咗,點都唔可以咁就話天主教、基督教 ... 係堅嘅,邏輯上完全唔 work。
Originally posted by research2005010 at 2005-7-15 04:43 PM:
據我所知猶太教, 天主教, 基督教等等...
Originally posted by pyliu at 2005-7-15 05:08 PM:
假設挪亞方舟確實存在, 而又證明到呢隻船確實是用來躲避滅絕人類的洪水
Originally posted by rest365days at 2005-7-15 05:40 PM:
100%同意, 宗教信仰係無可能証明...
Originally posted by justin_lun at 2005-7-16 02:53 AM:
Originally posted by slwong3 at 2005-7-15 01:10 PM:
Originally posted by justin_lun at 2005-7-16 03:03 PM:
Originally posted by dl.dennis at 2005-7-15 23:09:
Originally posted by k-key at 2005-7-16 04:01 PM:
可以推 翻,因他不是中國人沒有救活你祖先。
Originally posted by imaimashi at 2005-8-17 03:20 PM:
Originally posted by imaimashi at 2005-8-17 03:42 PM:
同Raining 有咩relation?weather forecast係人去predict既...唔係無神神有條友話比佢地知
Looking at how much wealth and political power religions have cummulated over the years.
Originally posted by silverxing at 2005-8-17 04:27 AM:
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Originally posted by k-key at 2005-10-8 01:20 AM:
Originally posted by justin_lun at 2005-10-19 02:11 PM:
Although biblical skeptics often dismiss this account as pure mythology, Christians should accept the word of God Who was there rather than the opinions of fallible men who were not.
Liberal Biblical scholarship concludes that the Biblical account was based upon Mesopotamian models. A majority of Christian Fundamentalists believe that the prevalence of the story points to its origin in an actual, historical event. They argue that the high level of detail given in Genesis makes it an inherently reliable account, and that the other stories are accounts of the same historical event which were distorted into mythology over time. They claim that the Epic of Gilgamesh is merely a corrupted retelling of Genesis (though this is rejected by liberal biblical historians and archaeologists, who regard Genesis as having been written considerably later than Gilgamesh).
Q. What about Adam as the first man?
A. Even the Hebrew Bible uses the notion of Adam in the universal sense for mankind.
Q. Does the church believe that Adam was actually the first man?
A. The church believes in these ideas only in connection with the doctrine of original sin, and that means simply that all of us are born into a world that's pretty messed up and we are all contaminated by that and we need redemption from. The key point of the whole virgin birth idea, Adam and Eve, is to emphasize, to make a place cognitionally to understand the meaning of what we call the Savior or theme of redemption.
Q. So they're just --
A. Everything is focussed in that way. So to ask atomistically questions like, do you believe in the virgin birth, do you believe in Adam and Eve, is to miss the whole point theologically.
Q. But the church believes that, does it not?
A. The church is primarily interested in communicating to people the salvific significance of the man Jesus. And throughout the ages it does this in many different ways, and sometimes it has to revive and revise catechisms in order to make that mission something that can be accomplished.
Q. What about Eve, do you believe there was a woman named Eve?
A. That's the same sort of question.
Q. So Adam and Eve to you are not individuals?
A. I don't look for scientific information. I don't look for scientifically factual information in a text which, by genre, fits in the category of what all biblical scholars today call myth rather than history.
Q. I didn't ask you for a scientific explanation. You're a theologian. As a matter of faith, do you believe --
A. You're asking a historical question, and the whole concept of history, as we understand it today,was in many ways fashioned by the scientific revolution with its concern for factual evidence. So history is not able to be disassociated from the whole scientific movement.
Flood geology, a doctrine advanced by young-earth creationists, holds that the global flood of Genesis actually occurred and that many geological formations of today are best explained in terms of a global flood in the recent past. This includes phenomena such as submarine river canyon extensions, layered fossil fuel deposits, fossil layers, and layered sedimentary strata.
Biology as understood by creationists holds that the animals on the ark were representatives of the created kinds, not representative of every species known to modern taxonomy. These 'kinds' had significantly more genetic information and a significantly superior genetic structure than the animals of today, and that speciation from these 'kinds' followed the flood as a result of reproductive isolation and loss of genetic information. Although it is unknown exactly how animal 'kinds' relate to modern taxonomic classifications, the creation narrative in Genesis indicates that a 'kind' is a category that was reproductively isolated from other 'kinds'.
In 2004, yet another expedition went to Mount Ararat in Turkey to try to locate the Ark (formerly in Armenia)- see Ararat anomaly. Samples from Turkey tested by Geological and Nuclear Sciences, a New Zealand government research institute, were found to be volcanic rock rather than petrified wood.
The term pseudoarchaeology is used by many to refer to those religious perspectives that do not follow the accepted norms of scientific inquiry, such as Creationism, as well as to the pursuit of untestable hypotheses or theories, such as the influence of UFOs or ancient astronauts on past civilizations. Pseudoarchaeology is most often associated with the investigation of theories generally discounted by scientific investigators, such as the existence of Noah's Ark on Mount Ararat, lost continents such as Atlantis or Lemuria, and the idea of direct contact between the ancient civilizations of Egypt and the Maya. Religious groups may engage in pseudoarcheology in order to legitimize some present-day action.
Archaeology or archeology (from the Greek words αρχαίος = ancient and λόγος = word/speech/discourse) is the study of human cultures through the recovery, documentation and analysis of material remains and environmental data, including architecture, artefacts, biofacts, human remains, and landscapes.
Pseudoarchaeology is an aspect of pseudohistory. Both of them are forms of pseudoscience and refer to the ideologically-driven, usually sensational interpretation of the past. Pseudoarchaeology is based on an interpretation of material remains and sites (which may be quite genuine themselves), using criteria that lie outside of a critical, scientific framework.
Pseudoscience signifies false science. Pseudoscience is any scheme of theories, beliefs and methods wrongly considered as scientific. It differs from antiscience in the absence of pronouncements against the scientific method.
Based on it, many deceitful beliefs are derived supposing that the reality relies on one's perception, not on observation and experimentation.
Pseudosciences are practices that masquerade themselves as science but have little or no scientific evidence or cohesion to support them. They claim to be factual, yet do not adhere to the scientific method.
Fantastic Archaeology (Pseudoarcheology): These are interchangeable terms meaning false or deceptive theories of archaeology that may or may not try to use false scientific evidence. Site of this sort may also try to prove their point by shedding a doubtful light on the proof of actual scientists.
True Believers: These are people who often want to believe whatever they choose to believe whether there is proof for it or not. They have no pressing need for verifiable evidence and often maintain their belief in spite of strong contrary proof. They tend to hold to an idea that science is unable to answer all of our questions or is unable at this time to do so.
Hugh Norman Ross, President of Reasons to Believe, Inc., Pasadena, California / Born 1945 / Christian speaker and author / Ph.D. in astronomy, University of Toronto / Former Minister of Evangelism, Sierra Madre Congregational Church, Sierra Madre, California.
Originally posted by DXneo at 2005-11-10 12:55 AM:
Originally posted by DXneo at 2005-11-15 12:15 AM:
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