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標題: 2006年 HDTV 格式器材出籠, 小心破產! [加分題] [打印本頁]

作者: d228216    時間: 2006-1-12 07:13 PM     標題: 2006年 HDTV 格式器材出籠, 小心破產! [加分題]


1. Blue-Ray DVD Player - Pioneer , Sony, Philips
2. 1080p LCD Display  - Philips, Sony, Benq, Veiwsonic, Panasonic, Toshiba
3. HD-DTS Sound
4. Others.
作者: diablo    時間: 2006-1-12 07:52 PM


我就買左Philips DVD Q50

[ Last edited by diablo on 2006-1-12 at 07:53 PM ]

圖片附件: philips_dvd_q50.jpg (2006-1-12 07:52 PM, 3.9 KB) / 下載次數 15

作者: ming8964    時間: 2006-1-13 01:30 PM

各大電視台都未轉播放格式, 買都無用!!!
新科技第一代產品通常價錢勁貴, 技術仍未十分成熟, 分分鐘貼錢做白老鼠, 讓各大品牌改進產品!!!
作者: d228216    時間: 2006-1-17 01:50 PM     標題: 數碼始祖 Pioneer BDP-HD1

Pioneer BDP-HD1
Plays High Definition Blu-Ray Discs & Standard DVD's
DTS-HD Compatible
-25GB Single Layer Playback
-50GB Dual Layer Playback
-Ethernet Networking Port
-1080p Video Resolution
-1080p Upscaling Output
-Visually Rich HD-GUI
-HDMI v1.2A (High-Definition Multimedia Interface)
-PAL & NTSC Progressive Scan Output
-Full DVD-RW compatibility, incl. 'VR' format
-Twin SCARTs with RGB thru-put
-Playback Compatibility [* not support DVD+/- DL ]
   Blu-ray Disc
   DVD and other Video
   DVD-R, DVD-RW, +R, +RW, WMV,
  DTS-HD, Dolby Digital, WMA, MP3, LPCM

[ Last edited by d228216 on 2006-1-17 at 01:54 PM ]
作者: toracat    時間: 2006-1-19 01:19 PM

HD-DVD player will be cheaper....US$499
作者: d228216    時間: 2006-1-19 01:45 PM

Originally posted by toracat at 2006-1-19 01:19 PM:
HD-DVD player will be cheaper....US$499
HD-DVD player 亦有其好處, 就係可取讀 DL 碟.

但價格方面, 双方都有平有貴機種....過1-2年, 當大陸有生產既時侯, 相信可以做到 US$150 或 以下.
作者: 金魚佬    時間: 2006-1-21 08:50 PM

Originally posted by ming8964 at 2006-1-13 01:30 PM:
作者: cwhs    時間: 2006-1-23 12:57 AM

My two of love Sony and Pionner

Sony Bravia 82" HD LCD

Tokyo, Jan.5, 2006 - Sony Corporation today announced the development of an LCD TV with the world's first color range (*1) “xvYCC” (*2) compliant high resolution signal processing system, which enables a wider color reproduction capability of TVs. This technology will be developed in conjunction with an 82 inch LCD TV, being one of the largest in the world, and its prototype will be unveiled for the first time at the 2006 International CES in Las Vegas, USA.  

The color range “xvYCC” is the International standard for wide color space of video applications, and was accepted by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) in October 2005, and will be issued in January 2006. This standard will expand the current color data range by approximately 1.8 times more based on “Munsell Color Cascade” (*3), and it was successfully reached due to the newly developed high resolution signal processing system. Video cameras complying with this standard will be able to record a color variation that is very close to what human eyes can recognize, and TVs complying with this standard will be able to reproduce visual images almost in the same picture quality as it was recorded. In addition, LCD TVs will be able to show the detailed color variation of movie scenes, the different shades of a color, e.g. the red color of a paprika or a tomato, as well as numerous color tones of petal.

This LCD TV incorporates the so-called “TRILUMINOS”, the backlight that uses the LED with three independent colors (red, green, and blue), resulting in a further enhancement of“xvYCC”. Furthermore, for the first time, the 82 inch LCD TV features a full HD panel (1,920 X 1,080 pixels), ensuring a superior picture quality.

Sony promotes the concept of “Full HD World”, as it enables consumers to enjoy a wider variety of high resolution video sources at home via digital high definition broadcast, HDV-ready digital camcorder and new optical discs such as Blu-ray. This “xvYCC” standard realizes the reproduction of truly natural and high resolution picture images in a wider color range, which represents a step further towards the new display era.

Pioneer 50" PRO-FHD1

CES is turning into Attack of the 50-inch TVs.  Pioneer claims its new $10,000 PRO-FHD1 display, positioned as a companion to the company's Blu-ray player, has pixels 35% smaller than previous models.  It's so new we couldn't get any decent press photos, but we snapped this shot at their press conference.  Specs: 1920 x 1080 progressive, built-in upconversion and HDMI.
作者: cwhs    時間: 2006-1-23 01:08 AM

Intel VIIV vs AMD Live!

Intel的VIIV平台並非僅限於單一的產品,可以是一系列版本的產品。Intel將在明年推出兩代VIIV產品,代號分別是VIIV 1.5和VIIV 2.0。VIIV 1.5版本的處理器將會從Yonah升級為Merom,提供更強的性能和64位元支援。英代爾將會在下月美國拉斯維加斯舉辦的消費者電子大展會上,發佈新一代的ViiV平台。ViiV 2.0將在2006年底推出,支援Windows Vista

在即將推出的含 Intel® Viiv™(歡躍™)技術的電腦平台中,英特爾針對家庭成員觀賞、管理、以及分享內容的模式,提供眾多隨選式(on-demand)網路數位娛樂以及多元化的選擇方案--包括利用在客廳中距離自己“ 10 英尺(約 3 公尺)”的電視上播放欣賞,也可在隨身攜帶(on-the-go)的筆記型電腦或掌上型裝置中享受這些娛樂。

英特爾今日表示該公司已與全球各地電影、音樂、電視、遊戲、以及影像編輯廠商合作,正進行測試與驗證 40 多項服務與應用軟體,以達成前述目標。

預計於 2006 年第 1 季推出的 Intel Viiv(歡躍)技術,專為協助消費者管理家中的數位娛樂並提昇使用經驗所設計。明年將有更多通過驗證的內容服務與應用提供給消費者,包括各種消費性裝置與可上網的媒體裝置,例如可攜式媒體播放裝置、數位媒體配接器、數位電視、DVD 放影機、以及路由器等。

透過含 Intel Viiv(歡躍)技術的電腦享受全球化的隨選式娛樂

今日發表的內容服務與應用將在全球許多地區提供,包括直接送至消費者手上的服務,以及協助軟體供應商更快推出 Intel Viiv(歡躍)技術認證內容的解決方案。英特爾將與這些業者合作進行推廣活動,讓消費者明年起可在內含 Intel Viiv 技術的電腦上享受這些內容。英特爾為 Intel Viiv(歡躍)技術規劃的內容類別包括:

電影、影片、電視:透過訂閱、按片付費、或免費的隨選式服務來租看或下載數百至數千部電影。消費者可在數百部電影中購買與下載喜歡的電影。也可選擇眾多電視節目,在含 Intel Viiv 技術的電腦上觀看,接收最新的體育新聞,或觀看短片,以及重複播放射門得分或推桿等畫面。英特爾正和包括 Afendis AG 、arvato mobile 、Bellrock Media Japan 公司、British Sky Broadcasting 、Broadband Tower 公司、Canal + Group 、Glowria 、Gretech 公司、 、MEDION AG 、Movielink 、NEC 、 、Telecom Italia 、Tiantian Online 公司、TiscaliS.p.A. 、TiVo 、T-Online International 、Usen 公司、來自台灣的 Webs-TV 寬頻電視網(webs-tv Digital International)等公司合作,針對含 Intel Viiv(歡躍)技術的電腦推出這類電影、影片、電視應用、以及線上服務。

音樂:購買最新熱門金曲或訂購服務,利用家用或可攜式媒體裝置下載與享受數千首音樂。瀏覽隨選式串流(streaming)音樂錄影帶,或觀看在全球各地舉行的即時轉播音樂會。英特爾正與全球各地業者合作,其中包括 Afendis AG 、arvato mobile 、Avex Network 公司、Gretech 公司、Loudeye 、MEDION AG 、Napster 、Oricon 公司、SK Telecom 、來自台灣的 KKBox(Skysoft 公司)、Telecom Italia 、Tiantian Online 公司、以及 VirginMega,針對含Intel Viiv(歡躍)技術的電腦,開發與推出這類音樂應用與線上服務。

遊戲:享受付費購買的熱門遊戲,包括在各地市場最受歡迎的遊戲,以及可在線上與同好激戰或獨自享受的各式網路遊戲。透過試玩與免費遊戲服務,讓消費者可與親友同樂。消費者也可以把遊樂器帶到客廳,以隨選模式享受數百種線上遊戲。許多業者將針對含 Intel Viiv(歡躍)技術的電腦提供這類遊戲與服務,例如 arvato mobile 、CAPCOM 、CCR 公司、DISCover 的 My Games 、Exent Technologies 、Metaboli 、NHN 、Ourgame 、Square Enix 公司、Telecom Italia 、The 9 Limited 、來自台灣的戲谷(TWP Corp.)、以及 Ubisoft。

影像:運用相片編輯軟體來管理、編輯、以及分享個人相片,在客廳中的電視播放投影片形式的相片專輯。加入配樂後,即變成令人回味無窮的家庭電影,也可將相片專輯傳送至可攜式媒體裝置,或燒錄成 CD 與親友分享。消費者可透過線上相片服務,儲存、觀看、分享及列印相片。也可以在家裡的桌上型電腦上編輯製作個人化的家庭電影,並坐在客廳的沙發上觀賞。英特爾和包括 Adobe 、arvato mobile 、來自台灣的訊連科技(Cyberlink)及友立資訊(Ulead)、muvee Technologies 、Pinnacle 及 Sonic Solutions 等業者合作,針對含Intel Viiv(歡躍)技術的電腦推出這類應用與服務。

AMD Live!

AMD Live!平台的PC與Intel的Viiv平台一樣都能支援立體環繞音響、數位影像輸出、遙控等多種多媒體功能,結合數位電視與PC,讓消費者任何時間都能在家中不同的房間裡連結、儲存並分享數位多媒體內容,透過電視分享並觀賞照片,以DVD燒錄電視節目、MP3音樂與數位照片,或將這些內容傳輸到MP3播放機、手持式媒體播放器或PDA之中。


AMD Live!平台將使用超微雙核心處理器為核心,並結合各品牌的晶片組,將桌上型電腦與筆記型電腦與家電產品做一個結合。

AMD Live支援的廠商

Live 平台


Source :科技政策研究與資訊中心(STPI)本室整理,2006年1月

超微AMD Live!平台現已獲得多家廠商支持,像電視機上盒晶片大廠意法半導體已宣佈將支援AMD Live!。其餘表示支持的廠商包括繪圖晶片大廠ATI和NVIDIA、通訊晶片大廠Broadcom、STB大廠摩托羅拉、燒錄軟體業者Nero和晶片組廠商威盛電子。至於PC大廠原本就有推出AMD微處理器的惠普、宏碁、聯想等一般預估都將支援推出AMD Live平台之PC

採用AMD Live!平台的電腦可以支持立體環繞音響、數碼影像輸出、遙控等功能,並結合電視,讓消費者任何時間都能在家中不同的位置觀看、儲存、分享內容,使用DVD/CD錄制電視節目、錄像帶、音樂與照片,或將內容與包括筆記本電腦、MP3、PMP、PDA在內的移動設備共享。

  根據AMD的計劃Live!平台將在2006年中推出,由于AMD沒有像英特爾一樣完整的產品線,第三方供應商成為了Live!平台的關鍵,AMD平台主要的芯片組供應商NVIDIA所推出的GeForce FX 5xxx、6xxx、7xxx系列顯示芯片,nForce 4芯片組,以及VIA的K8M890、K8T900芯片組,S3顯示芯片等產品都會支持AMD Live!平台。

  除了芯片組廠商外,意法半導體也將展示一款與AMD Live!兼容的電視機盒。其它表示支持AMD Live!的廠商還有顯示芯片廠商ATI、通訊芯片廠商Broadcom、手機廠商摩托羅拉、件業廠商Nero等。

  根據AMD官方的說法,AMD Live!平台仍處在概念性階段,以K8處理器做為核心,結合第三方供應商提供的芯片組產品,將台式電腦、筆記本電腦和家電產品結合。有AMD的官員強調AMD Live!平台採用開放式平台的架構,比技術封閉且價格較高的英特爾Viiv平台更具競爭力。
作者: cwhs    時間: 2006-1-23 01:13 AM


Xbox 360: Blu-ray Disc Drive an Option
Speaking to ITMedia of Japan, Peter Moore, corporate vice president of the Interactive Entertainment Business in the Entertainment and Devices Division of Microsoft Corp., said that if HD-DVD loses the next-generation DVD war, Microsoft could still develop a Blu-ray Disc drive for the Xbox 360.

Since either case the drive will be external, Microsoft has the option to choose either format. As of yet, Microsoft will only develop an HD-DVD external drive since that’s the format the software giant is backing, but if HD-DVD fails to impose as the standard for next-generation DVD, Blu-ray Disc is an option, at least for Microsoft and the Xbox 360.

The PS3 has a built-in Blu-ray Disc drive, so for PlayStation fans, it better be the format that wins the war. Otherwise, they’ll be required to purchase an external drive to play HD-DVD movies. Xbox 360 owners have been the brunt of jokes from PS3 backers, due to the console requiring an external drive for HD-DVD movies. Only time will tell who has the last laugh. In any case, the next-generation DVD war continues.

External HD DVD Drive for Xbox 360
Highlighting key consumer products such as Xbox 360™ and offering the first broad demonstration of the consumer features of Windows Vista™, Microsoft Corp. Chairman and Chief Software Architect Bill Gates showed how the company is delivering on its vision for a digital lifestyle where devices, services and applications work together seamlessly. In his 10th annual keynote address at the 2006 International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, Gates demonstrated how Microsoft® Windows Vista, Xbox 360, new mobile devices and the emerging wave of software-based services will deliver more connected and richly personalized experiences for consumers.

In his keynote, Gates said that the consumer electronics industry is poised to deliver a quantum leap forward in rich, interactive, high-definition experiences.

“Technology has revolutionized how we listen to music, watch TV, play games, communicate, and manage and share personal information,” he said. “In the years ahead, further exciting innovations will unify the software, hardware and services in people’s lives, offering them even richer, more engaging and deeply connected experiences.”

Just a month after the global launch of the new Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system, Gates filter-004ed the product’s strong momentum in delivering high-definition hardware, games and digital entertainment experiences. Xbox 360 is on track to be the fastest-selling video game console ever, forecast to ship between 4.5 million and 5.5 million units worldwide by the end of June 2006.

Gates noted that Xbox 360 has also become a powerful application for high-definition television, adding that nine out of 10 Xbox 360 owners currently own or intend to purchase a high-definition television set.* He announced that more than 50 new high-definition Xbox 360™ games will be available by June 2006.

HD DVD for Xbox 360  

Building on Xbox 360 leadership in high-definition experiences, the company announced plans to deliver a new Xbox 360 external HD DVD drive in 2006. The new drive will offer millions of Xbox 360 owners the ability to easily enjoy HD DVD movies and will provide consumers with even more choices for experiencing high-definition content, in either physical or digital form.

Using Xbox 360 and the Xbox Live service today, consumers are already able to access high-definition entertainment such as Xbox Live Arcade titles, game demos and high-definition movie trailers. Consumers can also use their Xbox 360 system to access high-definition television and movies from their Windows XP-based Media Center PC.

Gates’ keynote also showcased the momentum behind Xbox Live, announcing that more than half of all Xbox 360 owners are already connected to the online games and entertainment service, which boasts a worldwide community of more than 2 million members.

He demonstrated Electronic Arts Inc.’s forthcoming EA SPORTS™ “Fight Night Round 3,” scheduled to be available in February 2006, and announced that a free, playable high-definition demo of the game is now available at the Xbox Live Marketplace, a one-stop digital download center where consumers can access high-definition games, music and movie content from leading industry partners.

Xbox 360 Might Incorporate HD DVD Drive

Today, at a joint news conference in Tokyo, Microsoft and Toshiba announced they will strengthen their joint development of PCs and consumer electronics goods and will work together on HD DVD technology.

At the press conference, Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates revealed that the Xbox 360 video may incorporate in the future the next-generation DVD format developed by Toshiba.

“The initial shipments of Xbox 360 will be based on today's DVD format,” Gates confirmed. “We are looking at whether future versions of Xbox 360 will incorporate an additional capability of an HD DVD player or something else.”

The incorporation of HD DVD technology would put the Xbox 360 on par with the PlayStation 3, at least in what regards to optical storage.

The next-generation videogame and entertainment system from Sony will use Blu-ray Disc technology, a competing next-generation DVD format.

A single-layer Blu-ray Disc can hold up to 25 gigabytes of data and a double-layer Blu-ray Disc will hold up to 50 gigabytes of data.

Although Blu-ray Disc can technology hold more data per disc than HD DVD, the lower manufacturing costs and compatibility with the current DVD format makes HD DVD more consumer-friendly.

We'll have more on the possible incorporation of HD DVD technology to the Xbox 360 as it develops.
作者: cwhs    時間: 2006-1-23 09:00 PM

Copyright by CWHS (2006)



NTSC(National Television Standards Committee),最先推出,用於U.S,Japan,Taiwan,等等 FPS/29.97
PAL(Phase Alternation Line),用於Euro,Australia,Thailand,China,HK,等等 FPS/25
SECAM(Sequential Couleur Avec Memoire),用於France、東歐國家、Russia FPS/25

                             NTSC     PAL       SECAM
Mpeg 1 Resolution 704×480 704×576 704×576
Mpeg 2 Resolution 352×240 352×288 352×288

後來因為resolution太低,同菲林差好遠,所以ITU(International Telecommunicaion Union)係1980提出Digital方案

Digital TV


HDTV就係我地而家講嘅High Defintion Televiosion


HDTV係1964年,係日本NHK Lab開始研究
係1985年完成,規格係1080i/60Hz,但係屬於MUSE制式(Multiple Sub-Nyquist Sampling Encoding)


係1988年,係Korea 漢城奧運全球首播

1990年Sony 出左DVHS黎錄HDTV

90年代 China都開始試播HDTV,用DVB-S同DVB-C(大家都估唔到呢)

1994年 Japan開始廣播Digital TV

1996年,法國成為第一個係Euro廣播Digital TV國家,同一年U.S FCC下令美國電視台要用Digital TV,之後1998,U.S,U.K仲有一D Euro國家都開始Digital TV

(近排香港先有收費電視開始Digital TV,都唔知個政府搞乜)

[ Last edited by cwhs on 2006-1-23 at 11:59 PM ]
作者: cwhs    時間: 2006-1-23 09:18 PM


之後會有Cable TV,SuperSun

但係我地睇開嘅Free TV,ATV同TVB
1 for TVB 有1台綜合節目
1 for ATV 有4台
1 For Share (TVB and ATV)

令外中國已經係今年1月1日,CCTV-HD投入服務,同時采用DVB-S and DVB-C Moive用MPEG-2/Sound用 Dolby Digital 5.1
入面有27台(日韓劇,HollyWood movie,音樂,日本綜藝,新聞,體育,體育之後有FIFA World Cup 2006[大家想唔想用HD睇波呢])

歡迎光臨 娛樂滿紛 26FUN ( Powered by Discuz! 7.0.0