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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 點解咁多日本妹對波都咁大?
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Originally posted by JLo at 2005-4-21 08:00 PM:
0 q4 m# g- ~5 s! F# F9 I0 E) ?. v3 R% t

; j% D9 M1 X. e0 O& U* u. Z/ ]7 oMy point is why so many japanese girls have G or H cup!?
1 c: V! D# d& B& DYou can't find any girls in HK with G or H!
% ~6 {% r: u5 t
It's because the Japanese girls use different  standard in measurement of cup size ... and that's why there are so many "G or H-cup" gals.
% d) @$ H* t% X0 b3 \* B, z0 N( u. I$ z
Moreover, those G or H-cup girls must have undergone plastic surgery .....
Originally posted by newman2005 at 2005-4-21 11:56 PM:
/ J% B/ y" d3 k  W4 {* l$ z
  y0 S3 j& @7 C* D' J/ KIt's because the J ...
+ B% R' q+ w) G* W! Y
真係唔同o既咩~~$ s& S$ ?6 O! M  C) V6 W9 c
點解唔用同一個standard o架??
0 D0 X) W3 J' s# A$ {可唔可以賜一賜教

余 與 汝 , 遇 於 雨 , 於 余 寓 , 娛 汝 乳 。

幾有文采, 幾有詩意
一定係受原子彈 d 輻射影響....( C( S- l, b6 P) P  @
their atitiude to sex is very open, may be thet do love everday so that thei balls are big. ( my opinion only)
ZGMF-X20A Strike Freedom Gundam
Mobile suit Embedded Tactical EnfORcer
not becoz of radiation, becoz of the 'mix policy' by japanese at WW2
- @5 Y, x3 M. e" |japanese at that time thought that western people hv stronger bodies, so they mix with them to born japanese-western babies.  
- R# X/ n' y, O6 q2 _0 J+ {so you can see, japanese man hv more bush too
Originally posted by anttiniemi2000 at 2005-4-24 10:37 PM:
$ K) E' p) `4 @0 Lnot becoz of radiat ...
: \* \5 u0 h# r8 N' R. A0 r7 r2 h
! U; H7 D5 m% i8 V) z7 O# V! ~This is most likely to explain why Japanese girls are bigger
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 點解咁多日本妹對波都咁大?

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