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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 色慾少年地鐵後梯打野戰[積極回應者+5]
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The Defense lawyer is totally out of his/her mind. What kind of lame excuse is that?4 t9 F/ [& Q4 G
% b7 Y3 I2 C/ e( z
That kid's future is toasted. Like an animal, has no control over one's sexual desire. The worst thing is he's done it twice! It's not just "I made an mistake" case. There's no way the judge will let him off the hook. & B2 k. |, c  H3 C' l6 s6 |

2 T: f3 p( |( [1 UBut I think the one who suffer the most is the first gal. She's in her teens and now a mom. How is she going to have a regular life (studies/relationship) now? Imagine the kind of pressure/shame she's under currently. What would others (esp. the third aunties and sixth grandmas) treat her emotionally?7 q5 O1 y: F# {1 I  s+ U# W

% F8 A) a' v! v3 S, d- j6 |4 W: ^And how about the baby, I wonder if the baby can grow up in a healthy environment when the nametage of 'bastard' is attached.
# @* n; l) I9 l( E; o) E" v+ V- `4 F+ e, P# S
One 15 min act of stupidity and three ruined lives. It reminded me of my Junior high school friend who sexually assault his neighbor and disappeared from the school since then.
咁都叫低b呀...bill gate 都無佢咁醒呀" ]/ N/ d; y, }2 H  N
咁其實d女係咪都有問題呢..得12就跟人做,,可能係d女低b至岩呀$ K3 b0 T* r; b) n4 G7 ~1 g
平凡樣子, 注定難敵過師哥,
可惜愛上了師哥, 不會易過.
  D+ v$ x# O! Q- [5 O12歲都搞已經過份~
, a, x8 ^$ t3 C, ]仲要唔戴套~+ j. @# |& R2 ?6 l
仲要搞大左一個又搞另一個!!!!6 l5 @% U% t4 Q* F: P" g: ~) i
0 n( K' q' z0 f7 T希望佢俾D監犯打到PK~!!!!!
1 q& p5 ?/ f/ I* z1 i$ V正人渣
12歲嘅妹妹仔,都未發育....真係冇咩好搞...$ z- @9 A4 z5 h6 j  P
4 O' b7 Z/ r  m/ T$ j& ~仲有男的受色情文章影響(星光伴我淫楊思婍個集)影響
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 色慾少年地鐵後梯打野戰[積極回應者+5]

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