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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » [12/7吹水加分題]討論你地會不會忍讓一個曾經得罪自己的人
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Originally posted by Ice125 at 2005-7-22 14:16:4 Z8 e8 I& {! j' u
It really depends on the situation ...
9 H+ U: D0 P) O
Well ive no clue what went on in the sports page, however, if you think he doesnt have 風度 at the first place, then balance the consequnce with what you wanna do. If you wanna fight back, do whatever it takes. Go as far as you want, HOWEVER you may lose the points and get your account banned (well you can always open another one). It is only a forum, your identity is hidden, do whatever you're damn well pleased.
. b, |0 N8 @/ O+ e+ Z9 r+ U. k4 I7 L9 h
This is the "depends on situation" that im talking about. If this argument happened in real life, id recommend you just to back off, show some 風度 and win the public on your side. Leave him yelling like an idiot cause no one will buy into him.
Originally posted by Ice125 at 2005-7-22 15:02:
  i. O# M) K; WWell ive no clue what went on in th...
, B$ w/ L3 L& q  |  G, Y總之一曰冇sorry,一日冇原諒,唔好再講埋D叫我就咁算數既說話出來,要我就咁算數除非我有佛祖既心腸la,可惜我冇ar
I didnt tell u to 算數. Maybe you misunderstood me. I told u to go as far as you want. Fight back. Personal attack him, swear at him, do whatever it takes to make you feel right." P% u, M! L: ~  r: D
Just that you have to be responsible and take the consequences if you plan on doing sthg which is prohibited here.
Originally posted by hkcitywong at 2005-7-22 15:48:3 n  h, [! N$ ]5 o! d
; I: L/ b4 s( U: t* a* `我有乜唔啱不妨直說
Originally posted by Ice125 at 2005-7-22 15:49:
/ i6 |) Y7 ]! BI didnt tell u to 算數. Maybe you m...
- A2 n8 l( s5 M$ T佢打我先遇左我還拖架la
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » [12/7吹水加分題]討論你地會不會忍讓一個曾經得罪自己的人

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