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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » [5/29吹水加分題] 您最初係點樣搵工? 有無受氣?
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Originally posted by yutik at 2005-5-25 02:52 AM:! A0 Q# ^- u( K. s- @4 ~7 v" X
喂, 我中七, but無工作經驗, 放左咁耐假都未有野做!!!
+ J2 ~% A# t  D; b3 N2 i
5 A2 H" t* A8 ~5 X1 v4 ?
* g' H5 o! {" Y* i& W不過我自己知衰﹐次次見都見得好差﹐我INTERVIEW幾差下架﹐但之前個個老細都話我做得野﹐所以而家真係有少少等運到。講真如果個INTERVIEWER同你唔夾﹐話知你係神仙都好難會請你﹐唔知點解而家個個INTERVIEWER都係女人黎既﹐個個樣都好八婆。如果D INTERVIEWER同你好岩KEY你就發達喇﹐大家講野岩聽﹐起碼少左D隔膜先呀麻。
, d+ h) r: J$ [
% O; K1 `* _$ y! |) V8 f" l, c各位人兄努力呀
Originally posted by vivienna at 2005-5-25 03:15 AM:
0 a& ~& |* F: I0 `1 k7 e" L
, o' w' O; E  e5 q3 K7 A你有無真係出去見工先﹖我就o係3個...
* ^9 D! k: `, t9 J. K1 u, j3 V
+ W7 m. w6 B" M5 {3 v' _( c嗯~睇黎得出結論係in果part係重點~咁內向o既我咪成世唔駛做?) m6 i  Y& S1 r' q
and如果最想就係做面包學徒做住先~都算係一門手藝~~有人有相關資料嗎?thx/ e3 d- Y. D  `8 s5 H3 N2 D
8 ]+ ]* E% g, ^* k
[ Last edited by justtocc on 2005-5-25 at 04:24 AM ]
3 K6 E6 P: I5 b2 I
9 @5 L2 A% s6 E1 j5 h3 S/ ~- w/ \http://www.26fun.com/bbs/attachm ... 9&checkid=14a13


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Originally posted by justtocc at 2005-5-25 04:23 AM:
, u) X1 _6 k( m9 t8 ?
, q# Z! Y- F" ^; p  M; m嗯~睇黎得出結論係in果part係重點~咁內向o既我咪成世唔駛做?, y" f# r6 z' k3 t) D3 o
( u0 a( @8 X/ E
5 f/ m: ~' t1 R; |+ p5 @INTERVIEW真係最重要﹐係我既致命傷。
# {  C* a/ H" Q) p4 T" L, _我諗你可以去果D職業訓練局﹐或者睇下報紙﹐有時D人會請學徒架。
咁我咪仲死得人多....雖然話做過2年侍應....不過依家要轉行都唔知搵咩做好~1 [5 t9 `$ A* u& s
自己既興趣又末知(最好當然係唔洗做啦....不過冇可能).....我或者會做住保安....( p0 @9 R2 e6 Z: `! T7 f
/ H" W' o+ e: R  g6 T唔記得講添....我依家讀到中三ja...你地覺得我仲可以搵d咩野黎做呢????* @* s6 F: b9 S- ?/ k
我『唔係高又唔係大隻,係人緣都ok好既~至小都唔會點得罪人』; v. i) A! c' f+ X8 p
I did some kinds of job in summer.....(Mac, sales, interviewer,tutor,clerk, clinic...)
( n+ {) S% W9 E3 z3 z5 l: `I am lucky that I can get the jon easily than my friend.....* v3 W2 |: Q) _- R2 ?( @5 \
It is so important in the interview process... (it just have 10-30 mins to show what you got)
  ^. x% y$ Z) r7 w0 b9 ]& \! I+ M8 N- v, D8 G6 _3 }) a6 a( v
I cried when I did the clinic job(part-time) in last summer. I'm responsible for the medicine(I didn't hv any experience on this 行 before) So, the head nurse gave me some information about the medicine. I have to remember all of the medicine name...
$ j' j+ w! Y; o9 s8 o
" D* t+ f& A& Z6 E3 eai ~~~ when I work in there (the 1st day) ...The head nurse started to push me already .... do all the things as soon as possible, non-stop ..(bec so many paients come to see doctor..30 or above paients in a hour..)
5 t  E& o4 e- Y- `  L! X# ~3 ]2 \2 ?0 JIf you are slow down, she will shout "do quickly !" Unluckily, I was trainied by her.. she stand on my left.... and call me to do this or that (she said"everthing I just say 1 time, remember it and don't get any mistakes.).....nothing can satisifed for her.3 L/ n' Z( w2 q. E% t$ `& t& M$ y: A

9 n" S- }9 J4 P0 Y$ x# Y! d# p1 i" dMy colleges said she always like that if she is mad about what you did..Sometime, she will shout to me or other colleges, we all afraid of her... But, she won't come back in Sunday...So, I always choose to work in Sunday....
3 K$ O! L* Z2 l8 Q( l
, `3 H' r; G+ H: lUnluckily, one day when I am doing my work, she came back. She began to shout "Did you know how to do it...See, all of your teenagers are not useful... can't do a good thing, I don't know how your family teach you....(start to said some foul language to my parent)."  3 _  {9 i5 Q* P! |- x
I keep to work and my tear can't stop...I don't know what's wrong with me.... I want to quit at that time.... (she is "chi seen"7 _8 s7 o$ S9 Y# ~

' Z+ o* ?6 U  N  M- Q) ~( BLater, I tell the doctor that I will quit. ha ha ~~ He said" Don't quit, pls. there are so many nurses quit already... I know you are good.. and my mother (the head nurse) is wrong. I don't like her how to treat you guys too.. I know all of your girl (nurses)  are useful.....)
* \( W  P% q3 X/ M+ R7 _! p8 h
8 I6 V; V' @) _( t$ ?Then, I stay and do 2 more months then I quit too....
: _* P* [# O& ~" I7 X0 M7 W0 Nwow~~~ when I quit. I feel very very happy... just like the freedom back !!!; \" ~8 k" M& w7 }/ K* D/ V

8 P* i# M, H" u6 r: G: |P.S. : the head nurse is the doctor mother.... the doctor is nice..the doctor will play with us. But his mother just know how to shout to others only..... ( u. T, l) n% ]0 P
When I leave, the head nurse want  me to intriduce some girls to work in there..bec me and an other nurse quit at the same time.... k0 T! G& j1 H
0 A( [  M6 g8 J
it is the worst work experience that I have on working...: o+ E* ~! C* {: q% o1 o

! k; B0 h3 p' A* [[ Last edited by saki on 2005-5-26 at 05:50 PM ]
yup.it's always true that earning money is so hard and painful sometimes if it is a part time job.
' x+ n  G  f3 U2 Q* s. h. h7 e+ r$ D6 z! B7 b
but my friends upstair,when the senior staff blame on you or do whatever to hurt you,think about why u do the job for.
! T' l2 P! D/ P# }2 P* z$ Q5 \6 X
, t4 l& F$ @/ n( iIn the case of my part time job in restaurant,i always think like"I work for you and get money and go"thats it.5pound/hr is a lot of $$ for me.if u purpose of doing a job is to gain experience,think about what u get instead of what the staff say.it works.gookluck!
5 u* W0 p" o8 K( ~' p, a- A
7 R4 ]& c6 i6 o* ?ps:女仔係俾人錫咖,如果真係做得太傷心就唔好做拉

余 與 汝 , 遇 於 雨 , 於 余 寓 , 娛 汝 乳 。

幾有文采, 幾有詩意
Originally posted by easonwing at 2005-5-26 10:07 PM:
* k. F/ k, }/ z/ W我而家月入一萬二....但係都唔夠洗
& {! y9 W+ k0 A* O: G: J
咩工? 介紹我ok? 1m2 我夠
我第一次是Form 7老師介紹的,一份文員~
4 m- g  P% p$ `那個老板是我老師的朋友,做chemical的~* W( z$ B7 ]+ c6 }
雖然是介紹,但都要interview兩次,因為我老師介紹了幾個人比佢,而對方只請一個人。, L" I, B7 V' P6 T
我第一次interview時真的不太好,好多問題都不懂答,但我想因為我chem的成績都ok,吾多吾少對佢公司的chemical都有點認識,所以有機會second interview。/ |6 Z8 W# g5 X6 k8 V$ N- n! K9 t
0 u9 A/ Q# p8 }1 b' I, q# v後來做了幾個月就離職了~
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