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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 匯豐於7-Eleven便利店內提供自動櫃員機服務
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匯豐於7-Eleven便利店內提供自動櫃員機服務0 N! \6 P" }2 L4 L* L  ~  g
7 o7 k2 K! H' Q# \9 A4 o
            匯豐現於部分7-Eleven便利店內設置自動櫃員機,方便客戶於全日24小時+ |  i% U' d" j8 n: P+ [
7 W4 g- V. P- @. U, i分店。5 `; c8 D- Y* g, t# X1 s8 T
; K1 |9 Z4 g( l, [6 b' V4 w4 v6 t, w
                      深水?% q- \$ F0 |+ g9 @) w5 Q
5 ]+ f+ ?5 h+ x# K* ~7 U* k5 p$ y
0 b7 g) l& D! ~, o
                         九龍桂林街 133-135 號地下 B 舖$ l4 `% g( [/ c4 q4 _
                         九龍深水?欽洲街 94 號黃金中心地下 G5 - G7 舖2 z5 k: J* R. h9 V6 K
                         九龍深水?福榮街 68 號地下 A 舖1 j8 m) @9 Q/ U4 c) ]; z& M

' ]4 ]/ y  j, m# U1 G4 u: ]2 k                              旺角6 Q4 ?, F0 L" F$ g0 M1 B) o& B
% G8 c, D+ d8 B1 p' w1 t

5 F$ M, r% _1 R) T7 M4 |                         九龍旺角通菜街 81 號地下) ?/ m) P$ c% i9 l( x" P; Z  e+ S
                         九龍旺角通菜街 126A 號地下2 \- I6 h# `! x) I. |
                         九龍旺角彌敦道 593-601號創興廣場地下 E 舖
9 A. }' h) s7 C$ J8 K* w( ?, k                         九龍旺角彌敦道 654-658 號利威大廈地下 A 號舖
' q% m% V0 R" B/ Z6 W0 b0 ~/ d$ @3 c' b! ]% \5 n8 A
& s% Z% ?1 \  k; i0 U; I$ O! J
5 j2 ?8 R. Y4 r8 m3 D7 s" S5 z6 h2 n7 k7 C2 t; v" D
                         九龍紅磡黃埔新村民泰街 2-32 永華及達華樓地下
- u/ W& ?+ |0 K1 QB2A-B2B舖9 Y9 W! i6 I# Y; H
                         九龍紅磡馬頭圍道 45 號 G 地下$ q& W- c" y; H/ N' \
                         九龍漆咸道 423-433 怡輝大廈地下 6 號
( b( _" A4 u  S$ v8 b0 I6 G7 |$ k. e
6 z8 t6 O6 ?4 [# [" c& M8 q+ _1 K/ ~0 l. q

. R% L4 ~. S- V5 E                         九龍寶靈街 48-50 號地下
- W, d1 @# u* W0 L1 L4 u, ?7 m5 O5 ]% x' U
2 Y9 e4 O+ T1 Y" [7 V3 j
; ^' m6 _: _; [2 A2 U9 `( F- t5 P5 ^( t' Y; p! o* g) {
Wonder how much HSBC pays Lee Ka Shing (boss of 7-11) for that?
/ f7 @/ f- ]1 N$ \: b0 x# _8 C0 x3 I( ~$ q" I+ s( K% z3 p6 I' v
ATMs are quite common in Americas and Japan. Most of the time it's the smaller financial agencies (like Aeon) grab these convenience stores first. Their machines can take just every single charge card. Most people don't mind paying US$0.50 per transaction for quick cash.
1 v, n' t, U: Z9 o4 r" u( O; T7 F+ V/ j$ f$ R3 i& y7 R0 m
Having these machines will really increase our chances of taking $ and spending it. It may sound like nothing but it will push the spending index up in due time.
3 O0 x3 h4 u0 T" ~# b
& e  e! L2 ]8 `  o因為7-11梗有一間係係左近
3 k! t* i4 P7 U* b0 w- j8 @* J+ z, i; q+ }1 n& ^
. Q( Q; T# J0 H+ x) w+ ^
, c5 L$ |. z$ G2 n; C) F7-11咁多人實俾人睇到密碼啦4 P; K, |1 M* z
2 e4 n5 k1 T% S9 Z; W3 f
如果用隱蔽式好以間房咁2 y. t) s0 i" l% N- ^: b3 z- P
' z6 m# L6 A; _9 H6 s9 C
Originally posted by Gretzky at 2005-4-9 02:42 PM:' v3 Q/ P7 I! u' s% K  F
Wonder how much HSB ...
5 x' ]& q  W  _; ?7 u
7-eleven hk 乜唔係牛奶公司擁有???
Originally posted by austin666 at 2005-4-9 03:05 PM:% c- ^9 [  x6 ]6 e0 y1 e+ U
以後打劫的人就方便了很多+ b- {5 p2 u) O
- G4 @: [7 W. h7 w6 n
因為7-1 ...
8 T2 k5 v5 m, h/ \

. L+ o" E+ K+ ?; S! e; Z重有,7仔有閉路電視,你班友入密碼時,就實被人拍低o西....: i; N$ B$ a+ \, N$ v% o2 C) \

A HangSeng Staff tell me...

One day I ask that HansSeng staff : % N8 c1 J' Z- F" q- R8 ^3 t
; M- e2 f, J9 b- O7 @& p9 `2 t
"How come so many people have their cash lost from their A/C  through ATM machines ? Is it the problem of the Money Link Network since most cases happened in that ." % O3 x2 E8 e! W
$ i/ c+ q" ~6 U8 v3 D3 M1 a+ U
Do you know what he tell me ?
# B1 W5 L0 m! N) D5 ~, @0 _. F) D2 H% R0 j" P9 n
" There are also cases happened in HSBC's Network, approx. 50 cases already. Actually, the format of the data stored on the ATM magnetic card is universal, i.e. the serving technican are quite easy to create a card to accees ANY a/c by putinng the access code of specific a/c on a blank magnetic card.  So the ONLY safe guard of the system is the password. ": @' x4 F6 T# v2 W. b* j/ M
, w; A8 k" N. ]) \9 f+ _
So, bro., please keep your password carefully, they didn't need to stole your card before duplicating. For my case, I created another A/C with no ATM for holding most of my saving. The one accessible is only a dummy a/c with money for usage for one month.- m) v' U  X) ]  z/ q

* u% U7 W( }' N- @1 c7 B$ m) LBy the way, the OK network belongs to 你+X , but not 7-11. Though I hate him as his way always inhibit competition and blocking HK pp from progress and getting more success, I still go to OK quite often and hopes HSBC install ATM machines in OK.$ N' F+ r1 x0 @* N: c

  Q9 I! G( O  L4 x" _: K6 ]. kThere must be holes for every policy, you undetstand more, you may maxmize your benefit and minimize your risk
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 匯豐於7-Eleven便利店內提供自動櫃員機服務

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