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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 隱蔽青年?!
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"我讀f.2之後,冇做野,冇讀書就黎3年喇....( M# k' g" a% m0 c3 K
情緒病有小小,但係依然有出街飲酒同打波...  \4 D' Y9 ~: w# D6 c7 e* o3 ?& u
1 z; h7 V$ {* U3 F
& P3 [8 Z  V! n% q, w: q$ x" y所以其實我覺得好難定義= =v
個社會就係咁....雙失會被定位做隱蔽青年# a0 h9 X; Y, m  \2 T* y


平時冇野做既時候唔鍾意出街,鍾意打機或上網.情願msn或icq都好過講電話,同一d唔識既人chat下好過同朋友食飯(雖然不多朋友).買衫都叫是但"o個"隻.- @% x8 s* C# ]* R
唔知咁樣算唔算半隱蔽呢?/ m' U" l, ^& ]) S9 o5 z
The society has changed a lot and it takes a completely new mindset to adapt. Homeoffice was never possible until the internet came out (those of us remember days when fax machine was consider a groundbreaking tech!). This makes it more important to interact with people. Sometimes we don't feel like it (not good lookings, no job, whatever reason) but that's why we need to spend time outside 26FUN.com! I remember a few years back when I had no full time job and was teaching adult English class p/t. I felt miserable and depressed. I never wanted to go out unless absolute necessary. But I pushed myself to go run in the park for 1/2 everyday and the physical exercise helped. i also got to see more people and realize my life is not that pitiful....that's a way out of cocoon life!6 S8 x$ Q! C+ H' w5 s4 O  A4 H

% q' }, m+ _( ?, M  K# S& j8 }* B4 L/ x- ^) aWe all have bad times and wanted to hide in our blankets....it's okay...just don't camp there forever.
& U8 n9 L6 ~0 Y5 p0 G2 M4 M; t5 ~) _好在依家唔係
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 隱蔽青年?!

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