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單選投票, 共有 0 人參與投票
2 z' P/ L- q4 ~+ S$ G下屆係  曾蔭權 做
any reason why?
吳光正?- |; c' H/ {" T' u  B8 W, R
why this man can be the nominee?
Still remember our Tung Bat Bat disappeared in the whole 2004 as compared with his first 5 yrs of execution because of toooooo low ratings to him from the surveys. Also, Tung Bat Bat has missed out the opening speech in many events like football match, Decoration Car exhibitions etc in the Chinese NY to show us implication of his fade out. At the same time, Mr. Tsang took his role (although he should take into it bcoz of his title) to present during these Int'l events which can give him a warm-up, and also gives the public and Int'l to understand and accept a new representative of HK. So I vote Mr. Tsang!!!
  N) G: }% r; k5 R) [
: Q- I1 m- L6 W/ o( |; tp.s. - 樂版主, i can't add pts to myself.........i have 2 posts waiting for you. You can find the links in your 【公告,加分指南,FAQ】. Thanks =D
Originally posted by dexter at 2005-3-3 13:37:
& v- T6 B) S3 f7 v. d Still remember our Tung Bat Bat disappeared in the whole 2004 as compared with his first 5 yrs of execution because of toooooo low ratings to him from the surveys. Also, Tung Bat Bat has missed ou ...
5 b/ ~  g# I# D4 B3 X; O
  [: t0 y! h9 y+ F& uw/b handled before midnight
Originally posted by Amazon at 2005-3-3 15:10:* ?& T4 ]9 y# e0 c  ]( h
; Y: t; L& Q" J$ e/ }$ K

  t0 |) L8 _( G$ z9 oshe cannot be accepted by PRC Gov't# |2 r! S6 x; ]9 F" }1 Q/ F
no matter she is well-known in the worldwide or supported by HK ppl
Originally posted by 樂壇渣Fit人 at 2005-3-3 01:31 PM:
& k5 r/ p* t3 w1 [ 吳光正?
" _- S; \6 g3 `+ u' [' Y' B$ v( \& h; l1 C7 i
第1屆佢已經想做不過落選左& P, \, S' e! z# l
吳光正後台都有番咁上下0 n' R- W( ~5 z: ]+ I* S3 x
3 `% `" c) Y. f冇老董咁完全聽曬中央話
- S4 C! o, J8 Y&老董係中央又多人識,8 F) J' y" R  ~2 B) ~/ ^* M
* `: s- O3 A0 u. ]吳生吳輸至奇
( w5 T: m$ n" W' u9 u; L$ G
0 P4 o2 r3 s1 y. Y6 m2 e第2屆中央要強力挺董& s9 L" w3 j( c$ k) j" T
800人選舉委員會) O4 J$ t. L; m: B' z! y5 [4 z6 b
老董裸左7xx個提名3 h9 q% ~8 c7 h2 D
Originally posted by 樂壇渣Fit人 at 2005-3-3 03:09 PM:0 U6 b6 w- J7 l2 O8 ]: r

, r6 ?1 }$ V, @9 C$ D! s$ }
" m0 Z: H9 @) l" B3 U" Rw/b handled before midnight
( y; q. w  _0 H0 f& p' K0 T8 f4 C/ p
thx !!!
我 投 左 曾 蔭 權
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 下一屆 【特首】

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