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Originally posted by brightlee at 2005-3-22 11:16 PM:
cool , tell us the results 3 wks later
yup..wait ur good news...
maybe i can report to u guys this weekend, we'll find some tall teams to play with to test it

hope ots good news la
thx for yr support~!
幻變奇兵 haha
MASK ar mar
i still have those
and 大犀牛???
of coz i remember
it's like one of the biggest cars u can get
come's with the "captain" (blonde guy with his red truck outfit) and that "chinese" asain guy at the back
大犀牛's tail can be seperate from the front truck part
and in the middle
it has the biggest missle you can find in 幻變奇兵

it's history lesson here

i'm also a TF fan (transformer)
i have quite abit of those
if i had kept the boxes and took betta care of them
i would have been very rich by now

anyway bro
good luck in your league
update with us

brother Hero3
Saint Saiya has a game coming out???
can u post the offical site???
I didnt scan through all the posts..if someone else has said it alreacdy, ignore my words then

When I was in Canada, my team always hve to play with those 6'6 guys...what our team play is very simple,we play trap with 1-3-1.

1 in the front court 3 guys staying at the center line with 1 in the middle and 2 at the sideline and the remaining 1 (usually is the C) will stay around the foul line in the back court)

the no.1 front guy will hve to chase the other team pg like a dog and try to force him to either side...then do a double team on him...and the guy who stay in the middle will act like a goal keeper and try to catch any outlet pass from the pg of the other team...then do fast break and gets easy basket.

the key pt for this trap are 1. extensive training, 2 a kinda big body with good foot work for no.1 position 3. the most important...the middle guy has to be real quick.

I was playing the no.1 position when I was still young and it really tough coz most of time I cant stay on court for more than 7 mins becoz I hve to move my ass whether I am on the defense or offense.  Just can't stop moving my feet.  And the guy on my team who play the middle position is the Canada national soccer team under 20, and he is the goal keeper, thats why our trap is really successful and we end up getting 2nd in the league and 3rd in tournament.

ps.  there is no way you can win if you cant control the board...so better play fast break and run against them
so many brothers are from canada or been studying at canada
i was never a fan of that
coz we "chinese" dont' have the height for that
plus the big man (often Centre) always get left behide on offence
(for he's the last guy back on D)

having soccer guy on bball
just like nash
they are quick and fast
but they fouls alot (coz soccer contact and bball contact are diff.)

brother wai is right
u guys MUST box out
no matter how not use to or how much u guys don't want to
u simply HAVE to if u want to win
Originally posted by herothree at 2005-3-23 01:48 AM:
Saint Saiya has a game coming out???
can u post the offical site???
here u go http://www.bandaigames.channel.or.jp/list/ps2_seiya/

o man...
u r toys fans as well?!
and u really got good memories...
is that 'big cow' the red truck? look like 柯柏文?
i'm so ambitious to have a new board now

[ Last edited by crap on 2005-3-23 at 03:43 AM ]
Originally posted by wai214 at 2005-3-23 02:12 AM:
I didnt scan throug ...
bro. Wai124, thx for your tips
well actually we've tried some full court press b4, but always end up like hell.....
maybe we don't hv the stamina to run for that long, of the trap wasn't executed well..
i had no idea...
then we stopped trapping unless the opponents are losing confidence..., and bro. Herothree's right that Chinese ain't tall enough and have long arms to do that efficiently

and it's really hard ..well impossible i'd say.. for us to run that much in trapping and then fast break... i may be on the front page of a newspapers with the lines 'teen died in basketball game' stuff like that...

thx for reminding us to box out though, don't worry guys, this is much simple thing for us to do (when comparing to how to lay the damn ball up in front of a 6-6 hairy monster...)

i'll update how we go later on

thx a lot again
it's simply not a chinese sport
4get it
no matter how hard we try...
it's still a black sport...

white...power and shots
black...techique, speed, air
Originally posted by crap at 2005-3-22 02:29 PM:

here u go ...
oh nooooooo
it's 3D crap...
i hate when 2D stuff go 3D

plus i don't buy burned copies or D/L
can't get those in canada
(sometimes the english ones...but...they're all crap)

(haha, not brother "crap"s "crap")
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Sports板板友互助互愛籃球教室2005

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