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出黎社會做野, 係咪一定要受氣?

小弟快將畢業, 感到前路茫茫,
8 }. F2 [/ E6 `; s由細到大都有家人照住, 未經歷過社會既洗禮," m/ i# |+ b/ i$ w6 g8 m/ C
7 o& l1 r" ]8 e5 E7 d  e0 X
" L% T4 H0 g+ I8 Y# l, U3 r聽身邊朋友都話打工就要受氣,
6 L/ l' \, `3 p# n又話個個老板都係無良冇人性,
0 K/ H' q2 ]  z想問下大家到底出黎社會做野, 係咪一定要受氣?& D4 ]5 p, C* J" Q
# k& H' [6 z+ q6 H/ ^
如果你把工作做好, 又何來氣受?
" b. f6 y2 `. e9 v, K希望大家指教一下
一定要受氣架啦,社會名言: 一係低頭,唔係走頭
" F4 H+ @% M9 I* }即係話你唔肯受氣,份工你可以唔做lu,因為人地一定玩你,冇晒前途
你話: 如果你把工作做好, 又何來氣受? 你老闆想你清咗大前年佢入個D 64MB MP3 Player 同舊年嘅CPU, 但又要唔蝕錢. 你都把工作做得好, 梗係唔駛受氣喇. 你成個超人啦! 呢D不可能辦好的工作. 年尾時就會叫你做. 做唔好, 佢都無抄你, 仲比你留低, 給你機會學習, 你還夠胆要加人工嗎?
Originally posted by michaelwong71 at 2005-3-20 12:05 PM:
8 H2 F/ o1 b; U/ x 你話: 如果你把工作做好, 又何來氣受? 你老闆想你清咗大前年佢入個D 64MB MP3 Player 同舊年嘅CPU, 但又要唔蝕錢. 你都把工作做得好, 梗係唔駛受氣喇. 你成個超人啦! 呢D不可能辦好的工作. 年尾時就 ...
4 E+ q, `* V! h$ ?1 ]8 Y
  A: s1 P9 z# v8 z  f
佢唔係無理取鬧, 一年到晚你都okay. 佢係適當時候至對你不滿. 大陸人個個都係談判專家. 地導香港仔實唔係佢地手腳. 被免打中國人老闆的工. 南洋一帶的老華僑更扑街. 鬼佬養隻狗食用都好D.就算日本老闆都好D. 雖然做唔到最高級. 佢地文明一些, 你起碼似番個人.
3 E' E7 W7 H- g我大學畢業之後出黎做o左o野三年幾,唔算係長日子, 前後兩份工, 都係好受氣!
$ N; s! f2 R, A$ c! B5 Z4 P你做得唔好, 俾人小, 都話冇說話講.0 ~. b: q% c% Z! G3 a" h: Z
最衰係你一面做得好, 佢一面搵o的九唔搭八既o野插你,8 s& j; I) E3 t( b: K( K
你做得outstanding咩, 仲死! "功高蓋主", 大忌!死快o的!一俾老頂有甘既感覺, 之後冇論做到點都要死!
2 @3 ^0 ^* L2 k不過都慣了!
! Q: {1 p7 N0 M5 C出黎做o野, 受氣就一定, 學點響公司生存先係最難!
0 [  R; @, m, l4 e3 s% Q* k係乜都要俾晒呀頭威!唔好自己威出面!唔可以太表現自己, 要將自己收埋! "樹大招風", 一定"四面受敵", 必死!!
! s: a7 K4 c, X- m9 y* b) S哩個係我意見!
# E7 n) n1 q7 N, M9 T只要你有人照住,
% z% p% \, a1 f6 J3 a或者係黃馬褂,
3 K+ h1 ?& O. K6 ^' h' K) a3 j唔單止唔使受氣,
' p& v3 w& J+ {仲可以俾氣人受.
Originally posted by HansChan at 2005-3-20 12:41 PM:0 }& b7 R" q$ j6 D! c
出黎做o野真係好受氣o架!- h) g% t/ n) o9 Y# o# j
我大學畢業之後出黎做o左o野三年幾,唔算係長日子, 前後兩份工, 都係好受氣!
- r8 [0 ?8 z5 x& c7 @7 R+ d你做得唔好, 俾人小, 都話冇說話講.
, L* d) e6 w3 b4 b0 J$ x6 y8 W最衰係你一面做得好, 佢一面搵o的九唔搭八既o野插你,4 Q& m! L5 ^' H' A# G, l0 n
你做得outstan ...
: @5 Q3 S1 y5 ~
9 P. c: R& j+ V
* K2 I! t1 T6 V5 x9 ^) r呢頭 appraisal 有 80 幾分,$ w0 [+ s! L/ S& ]( z% f' K7 |
唔夠兩星期,5 |  {. [6 X6 |# l0 N- M/ _
又話你做得唔好,8 a3 ]0 ?" q" U9 I0 ?: v, {6 l
要出 warning
I see your problem is 'not knowing what to do' rather than 'how to survive hardship at work'.
- n9 y! Z. b# Q% s$ V  g, ]5 f& ^# u) t; W/ Y- ]
Some advices from my past 10 years of working....$ h4 N/ c% J; C7 M9 F, e7 t- W$ d
1) Don't party too much on weeknights! Stay up till 2am in the morning only decreases your work performance, and when you perform poorly, your chances of getting hardship is greater and the hardship is often bigger.; z* G$ i$ s+ _0 ~- l, b' ]9 f
2) You have to love what you do for a living or at least have a clear goal to justify the reason of doing what you do at work (like saving up to get married, buy a car, or excel in your career). During those darks days when I feel like quitting, I discover if I really enjoy my work (other than just $) and that helped me to persevere the awful bosses and co-workers.
4 d9 z6 j4 ^( S0 w: R0 M0 H9 ]3) No matter what you do for a living and where you work, YOU WILL ALWAYS RUN INTO BASTARDS. These people are often a lot dumber and possible older than you and yet they have a higher position at work. Accept this as a reality and tell yourself if I can handle this jerk, I can handle anything!; l  |) L; y9 u3 q; x6 U- Y2 b+ p& j
4) If you want to quit.....tell you self you will wait 3 months before making a decision. Don't quit two days after a bad day at work.: W6 Z) h7 B( B: F0 \6 C# f3 W
5)In terms of choosing a job, chose one that gives you more chances of learning (and a reasonable pay, do some checking on your market price) rather than one that gives you the chances of wearing nice clothes (lots of them in Central). Believe me, most of the nicely dressed people you see everyday aren't the ones making the biggest bucks. Just think about how much they need to spend $ on clothes and social occassion to maintain their 'social status'.8 r) ]4 i( ?2 _" `% R, O$ G
; m, d. t" j$ n
Good luck....
剛剛出來社會工作, 俾人"小", 是一定要做好的心理準備" U1 P6 d! v% g% }
& G- {/ X) K* Q或者家族生意 (你屋企係的話)
盼望你沒有為我又再度暗中淌淚  我不想留低  你的心空虛
盼望你別再讓我像背負太深的罪  我的心如水  你不必痴醉
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 出黎社會做野, 係咪一定要受氣?

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