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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 男子巴士上被打 女子被捕 (有網友網上再講真相!)
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原帖由 dawander3r 於 2009-4-11 12:07 AM 發表 http://www.26fun.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif
6 @* h2 }8 X6 F* v) c: f/ Q2 }3 \
% a1 G. m" b8 h9 ~" R* ]
7 J  n' K' q+ q( l0 m# l7 R咁係因為男性唔會做同一樣野,所以你見唔到而無得比對下作出的先入為主嘅見解。無壞女孩存在,何來壞男孩?Demand & Supply!!只不過男孩們並不像八婆般b ni ba la。先不講來龍去脈,淨係重新組織過故事,在保障自己的前提下 ...
, y, }& O5 L7 T- h- k5 y9 S) I7 r

, D$ {+ Y' j2 p- [I agree with you about the point of "Deman & Supply".
$ E  E: G. x. [1 F0 \6 ?# g( [6 {3 E$ y8 [( Q
On the other hand about that story on the bus, let's pretend the story that was heard from the "Friend" is true.  
4 f; W" Z) H5 s* \; ?' g
9 L( k4 @( H" D6 j9 UThe woman would be the person who needs to be blamed because she slapped the man....
+ W3 R! L( V$ ~* Z' q) cNo matter what, the person who uses violence is wrong....(this applies to both man and woman)0 u3 K& p+ n( W7 V+ x& ~# w0 t

5 y: w9 V% h* X( I% cWhen I first read the story, my impression is that the man did not have much manner.
; w+ P4 t' N9 I8 n9 K5 x  KWell, later on, the woman started the argument and slapped the man's face.  That woman is much worse than the man.....
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 男子巴士上被打 女子被捕 (有網友網上再講真相!)

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