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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 陳易希會考12分,應唔應該俾佢入U?
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Originally posted by sexysexy at 2006-8-22 03:11 PM:
  F- V  C+ u+ G& V  I/ s2 \4 u佢咁細個發明咗智能機械人, 你地又識...
5 K1 ]# n1 E: J4 a/ C5 y% e
咩係智能機械人? 希望個 product match 返個 product name 啦
Originally posted by queenly at 2006-8-22 06:27 PM:
: U( s2 {* n' |2 d" K* J香港既考試根本無法反映一個學生真正既能力, 香港考試制度極度迂腐, 難度考試考得差就可以話一個學生是無能嗎?
5 Z7 ~9 }5 m' x5 ?2 {% O4 ~8 C  d; B8 m4 O; F. r& @* x
Of course no exam system can prove one's ability in full picture3 t5 p, Q& M  b) u; B
But now, he has no proven for his ability for entering university
& n2 W+ @' S- E( E* s. @0 rLanguage subjects are all failed 1 Y* |' k' P1 z; _
How come he can communicate in depth with others in English?
Originally posted by sexysexy at 2006-8-22 03:11 PM:* L8 N4 t' e- x) g+ P6 Z
佢咁細個發明咗智能機械人, 你地又識...
  W6 x, Z- B& r: a
; x" ~9 ?5 r  ~6 y) q; Q- B8 H) K
; p* C: P/ C1 q" I- h% ^唔知你有無睇佢本新書,佢入面張張相都真係好扮野,, g" m4 ]: g' w; v5 d
3 I/ z# E( o3 x$ @( X書既內容仲不知所謂,左抄右抄,o的小實驗全部o係其他書搵到哂。
9 ]! \& u- y/ V1 @7 q' e  j
' J- u! z5 f. [/ q+ V7 j無可否認,佢的確對科學有一定認識,但最憎佢一樣野係佢自以為是。
$ X: ]9 u! O- d* r7 q8 E( a* ?會考衰左如果佢自己認錯,認唔夠努力,我地會原諒同明白。+ Z# ^& O$ e4 U5 X# \
+ W( m4 A2 [8 h  P0 M呢類人真係唔值得人幫住佢。
' w! f' w; v) M: }8 T證明自己比其他大學更能做到求學不是求分數。
: J5 @$ M1 v5 y5 J7 s2 ~; q對於陳易希...似係呢場show既棋子。
! z0 W7 C4 U: f! \8 E( O, X9 @0 V
# V8 X2 C- r/ ?2 Y$ S如果真係好似某d人話就咁觀下星就入到u% s' t9 F. m* q. r6 p6 `$ N5 K
* |" k5 B. J  |0 H
4 [4 j* E4 d, @+ a# V, M科大咁做得就有佢ge原因
. |0 [9 D2 ^5 k5 r就連科大自己都主動邀請..! Y- x3 j$ _$ W  l
$ F4 ?+ `  t% m; i/ ]  r1 \9 e1 k* m' ]2 J
, R6 w5 l4 c( ~2 x# Z* g而既然有u賞識佢  [* r- s. S( K2 \( c
點解唔可能直升上去jei??% J8 Y3 o1 E- U& ]
0 C+ a$ p$ j4 N1 e1 |6 \, T5 I
d人成日批評香港教育制度死板...咩只係識學生死讀書; J, t) L) b9 s1 l* F' |, M
又批評會考一戰定生死等等) _" C; j2 N1 l: J/ \
3 T/ `3 u( B. k# P4 B# _但係又有人唔知出於咩心態去反對/ J* [/ F8 D- |8 Q8 M, }6 `
我支持9 w  S9 [3 {5 C; U9 c
我都有考過會考# \, [9 Q$ y9 y2 x7 z" r! }
, E( y7 ~: Z; G/ d# B讀得書叻唔代表成就一定高2 J" {; w; W* ?, o# l3 h: u
最重要對社會在貢獻  C+ [) r' J2 X  b5 R" Z8 I1 S/ k$ \
3 }+ F" b% S+ ~  P) B
7 }) @. H0 |0 a- \% h7 I李嘉誠有邊個唔識
% J) ~* |4 c8 W佢既成就有目共睹
1 K* {( b& y7 r* S1 {佢讀好多書咩?/ L: H& z2 ?% b. n) L+ h
發達前有好多大學學位?0 H" \) O* ?5 y8 S- Y. b1 K. r
: Y( J7 y" X# Y  \! S4 L+ Z9 b
1 t/ z4 n. i" q/ @! N! E3 a讀完一個學位再讀一個學位
  ?  f( ^- e9 m) q0 L/ e1 w" P6 c重唔知自己有咩想做,有咩目標8 m2 x0 \' n9 F! e6 m' z" e

2 D9 ]! X5 }! t( q可能今年有份會考既考生. [* h& j! I7 s
覺得好唔公平5 K& o! G( }: Q1 [: S8 \! U
$ x, I6 h3 }7 c- R4 X畢業後有咩目標計劃?$ a( h% a9 T- }# Y$ A; ?
To my surprise most people don't think 陳 易 希 deserves to go to U with only 12 points from the HKCEE.  I don't know how many of them are out of jealousy and how many of them truly worry about how he can handle life in U.: D7 K! i) ?8 x- t
# P: h' p! U* }! A  r
I wondered how many of those who objected are currently in U or have already graduated from U?  An A student in high school may help him do well in U, but an A student in U doesn't always lead to a good future when he enters the real business world.  Of course it all depends on what you studies.  You definitely need to be a good student studying Medicine or Laws to become a good doctor or lawyer.  But how about Business majors?  How about Political Science?  An A student in Marketing makes this U grad a good sales person?1 f4 Y* W1 T2 i( p7 [7 C
( x/ v0 y% J3 G) R
The HK government tries so hard to convince its people that learning is not about tests and scores, but the truth is scores very much determine everything.  From what I read 陳易希 has learned and achieved so much outside of the classroom and those not covered in the syllabus and exams.  This is reported in Aug 22's 蘋果日報:! k6 g& }( E5 O% j$ T0 p
& t: y, [' g+ h5 V3 T% b+ n0 l
'陳 易 希 在 暑 假 遠 赴 美 國 加 州 理 工 學 院 參 與 火 星 研 究 期 間 , 在 大 學 宿 舍 認 識 了 一 名 巴 基 斯 坦 裔 同 房 , 後 來 得 悉 他 妹 妹 曾 遇 上 交 通 意 外 而 終 身 癱 瘓 , 只 有 一 隻 手 指 可 以 活 動 ; 陳 易 希 遂 與 學 院 的 同 學 合 力 發 明 單 指 操 作 的 電 腦 輸 入 裝 置 , 讓 她 可 藉 此 與 外 界 聯 繫 。 陳 易 希 昨 日 說 , 同 房 的 妹 妹 現 已 開 始 使 用 該 裝 置 , 操 作 順 利 。 他 計 劃 把 裝 置 運 來 香 港 展 出 。'
5 c3 p6 i; v+ P8 M3 \0 |3 a8 {3 [0 A* S& V# z
Now do you think this is a greater achievement or having 9 or 10 As for HKCEE?  Which one has a bigger impact to the society?  If going to U helps prepare a person for the future and contribute to the society, do you think what he did during the this summer is a great contribution?  How many U grad or even PhD can do what he did?/ b  h. Z& n2 y$ l% G! v
6 b9 K" n* i2 P" _
What I try to say is by typical standard, meaning based strictly on test results many more people are more deserving than 陳 易 希 to go to U.  But he's not a typical student and he has already achieved a lot in his young life.  He deserves special treatment and should be admitted to U.  In any society, special people always get special treatment -- so no need to complain 'it's not fair'.  They may be smarter or work harder and they earn the right to be treated differently.  When many students use their spare time on Karaoke, movies, playing sports, YouTube, MySpace, or even 26FUN, 陳 易 希 probably spent his time on his next invention and missed all that fun.  Is it fair?
2 y+ j! w2 X. M8 c: J* o0 G1 ^  y+ s2 g  N
From what I read I believe he'll move to U.S. to further his study in a few years.  The HK government should feel sorry to see him leave, but I think under the current environment in HK 陳 易 希 won't maximize his potential.  Hopefully he will return to HK after he finishes study in the U.S.
# S7 k! {6 S0 j0 }/ h佢除左有小小小聰明
1 O* {  `# H4 j+ |  {我覺得佢邊度勁~!~~~~~~& e5 K' U. X2 X7 q
我覺得比果d10優既狀元直升大學都好過叫佢升大學讀~~~# |% I5 s. f2 k
2 W. L6 k2 g3 ]1 D4 e
8 C9 e( t- \/ e4 _                 無咁大個頭  就唔好帶咁大頂帽啦~~~~~~~~
Originally posted by cgdmzlam at 2006-8-24 04:48 PM:
- q7 z6 I# j- g我覺得佢未必可以應付大學既課程
2 |3 g2 D7 k5 ?$ @佢...
9 \  B" S/ ?3 b$ n5 o2 n% P科大笠落佢個頭je
我的最愛: Miki、Stephy、阿仙奴、AC米蘭
Originally posted by pigcat at 2006-8-23 10:26 PM:7 B+ J: t/ X8 Z1 A* m0 P' D8 Z! a
6 H) t  d' p0 L2 J+ d; b& g6 Y8 K/ _7 |! h& q
+ ^* g5 Z4 p, [/ i6 n9 f8 N7 o
3 G4 N: h4 A% f! |& p) y( n
8 C+ i  n6 C$ o: J  @4 E2 |
如果我知觀星都會入到u ge
. W1 R. t0 B6 E2 D3 v: n9 ]我一早就做左la~~~- Y, B1 |' L  I/ f6 `
+ U8 D& [4 f$ _6 s& J! L6 @咁ge學習態度都可以比佢入u/ s4 n. s) i3 u/ P. _6 A
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 陳易希會考12分,應唔應該俾佢入U?

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