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Originally posted by eqhigh at 2008-4-6 10:41 PM:



man utd~~~CARRICK

Cyndi Wang
Originally posted by eqhigh at 2008-4-6 10:41 PM:

因為united係成個英超, 得球最多, 失球最少既一隊ma...
Originally posted by iknow at 2008-4-7 12:13 AM:

United received some good news on the injury to Rio Ferdinand on Monday afternoon as it was confirmed the defender has not suffered a break to the foot he injured against Middlesbrough.

The 29-year-old defender was forced off after 70 minutes of Sunday's 2-2 draw at the Riverside. However, any concerns that he had broken a metatarsal in his left foot have been allayed.

A club spokesperson told ManUtd.com: "Rio went for a scan on Monday and we can confirm that he has not suffered any break."

United's medical team have not confirmed how long the defender will be out of action.

Sir Alex Ferguson will provide a further update at his pre-match press conference on Tuesday afternoon ahead of Wednesday's Champions League quarter final second leg clash with Roma.

文仙尼上半場球波有插水成份, 好彩迪羅斯炒飛機, 天有眼
Originally posted by bigfish at 2008-4-10 03:36 AM:
文仙尼上半場球波有插水成份, 好彩迪羅斯炒飛機, 天有眼
哦, 學你話事解, 邪不能勝正ma!!
有無人知道里奧傷勢如何? 上半場尾段開始又拮下拮下....

睇黎黎緊三幾場波, 要靠前面生生性性, 入多d波比後面輸先掂...
Originally posted by filter-052fans at 2008-4-10 10:15:
有無人知道里奧傷勢如何? 上半場尾段開始又拮下拮下....

睇黎黎緊三幾場波, 要靠前面生生性性, 入多d波比後面輸先掂...
Originally posted by filter-052fans at 2008-4-10 10:15:
有無人知道里奧傷勢如何? 上半場尾段開始又拮下拮下....

睇黎黎緊三幾場波, 要靠前面生生性性, 入多d波比後面輸先掂...
from this video, http://www.soccer.rubbishman.net/clip.php?action=play&cid=1955

Rio has some bleeding in his foot..but probaly a very very minor one as he could finish the 90 mins game..so he should be alright to play against Gunners' at Old Trafford on this weekend~~

i'm really scared of Brown!!!! he can't really mark Adebayor very well~~and he's not fast enough to catch Hleb as well!!hope he will do a brilliant job on this weekend~~

BTW, i missed the whole match..could anyone please tell me how's Silverstre and Pique going? Had they both done a perfect job to play as a defender???

[ Last edited by arthur8088 on 2008-4-10 at 03:50 PM ]
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 【奧脫福茶餐廳】--- 再見C朗,野獸出走...

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