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Originally posted by arthur8088 at 2008-4-10 03:29 PM:

from this video, [url=http://...

施維斯達雖然完全無助攻, 又交錯幾球波差d出事,
不過都殺左幾球射門, 傷左成大半年算係咁架啦...

尋晚最神奇反而係 j.s park, 好到你唔信....
Originally posted by eqhigh at 2008-4-10 04:04 PM:
Originally posted by filter-052fans at 2008-4-10 05:30 PM:


Originally posted by 月月鳥 at 2008-4-10 17:51:

maybe Sir Alex wanna let him to rest for Weekend's match against Arsenal...especially after watching Walcott's fast pace one on four dribbling yesterday night~~it's better to rest him and C7~~
Originally posted by filter-052fans at 2008-4-10 17:30:


but it's lovely to see Silverstre and Captain back~~~

I really afraid Sir Alex may sell Pique away if he keeps him moderate performance~~

is that true that H4 and JS Park playing on both flanks last night?as from the highlights, I can only see H4 and Park went under the baseline to make crosses...I thought H4 could only able to play at DMC or RB...really unexpected him to play as R Wing~~
Originally posted by arthur8088 at 2008-4-10 20:56:

but it's lovely to see Silver...
i love your post talking about why Arsenal got knock out in Champions League
1 thing you may forget, Sir Alex blamed referee, trust me.

He blamed Steve Bennett after Portsmouth vs Man Utd this season. He forced FA that he didn't want Steve Bennett would be incharge any Man Utd any more as he thought Steve was wrongly sending off C. Ronaldo Twice

I watched both incidents and Steve Bennett did the right job to send off C Ronaldo. I got no idea why Sir Alex blamed someone who did the right job.
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Originally posted by filter-052fans at 2008-4-10 05:30 PM:


比基d header 真係要再下多d 苦工,park 都係慣常地好勤力,全埸係咁走,真係防守又見佢,轉頭又見佢係前埸攻緊。
反而施維斯達我又覺得佢幾唔錯wor,應清ge佢好快都清左,同埋都殺左上去前埸幾次,都ok穩陣,甚至好過佢傷前ge表現,至於大家話佢少助攻,其實可能大家睇得evra 多,e 家比個助攻力較弱ge你睇,好自然覺得佢少助攻。 另外其實夏格ge 表現都幾好,好多傳同斬波都好到位
Van der sar
Originally posted by brightlee at 2008-4-10 21:53:

i love your post talking...
thnx brightlee~~

true true true...i remembered that incident...I agreed that those two red card were reasonable, especially the first one~~~
probably Fergie just stood out to protect his players, like same player sent off by same ref for twice in two seperate season...it's easily linked to that Ronaldo was treated unfairly by the same ref...

I didnt say i agree with Sir Alex...but that's what he had to do to speak out for his fellow players~~especially that's Ronaldo, the most valuable player in man utd since 2003~~
Originally posted by r0211272 at 2008-4-11 00:11:

比基d header 真係要再下多d 苦工,...
that's a good news for Man Utd and Hargreaves...looks like Fergie has finally found the best formation when Carrick and Hargreaves playing on field at the same time.

Previously, H4 was the last man of the midfielders, and Carrick was like a assistant forward, focusing on passing and some long shot..

In last match, after they swapped the position and the job over with each other, Hargreaves was like finally be unleashed, his really potential came out~~~~letting him run alot is the best option to him instead of staying at the midfield...i watched the highlights, JS Park and him were swapping alot on both flanks~~and H4 made a lot of cut in to Roma's restricted area~which carrick will not and probably cannot do ~~

and Carrick's job is turning to be a play maker, similiar to Andrea Pirlo's job~~creating loads of critical pass from its back court to Ronaldo, Rooney and Tevez for fast break~~

我睇精華話佢miss next match既...
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 【奧脫福茶餐廳】--- 再見C朗,野獸出走...

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