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Originally posted by 瑞比 at 2006-8-2 09:13 PM:
點解會有vodafone ge??有ga咩??
man utd~~~CARRICK

Cyndi Wang
Manchester United have defended the decision to splash out £14 million on new signing Michael Carrick.

Tottenham have revealed that the fee could rise as high as £18.6 million if the player and his new club are successful, and many pundits and supporters feel it is an inflated price

http://home.skysports.com/list.a ... efend+Carrick+price
Sir Alex Ferguson has conceded he is still mulling over the striking situation at Manchester United after allowing Ruud van Nistelrooy to join Real Madrid.

Last season's top scorer will be sorely missed at Old Trafford, even though Ferguson is quick to point out that he has enough cover within the squad to compensate for the loss of a forward who guarantees goals.

"Well, we have one or two decisions to make about that," Ferguson told Sky Sports News. "For instance, [Giuseppe] Rossi.

"It's more likely he'll stay now. Ruud van Nistelrooy has left but we've got Ole [Gunnar Solskjaer] coming back and he's progressing quite well. The more games he gets now, it's going to be good for him.

"We've got some alternatives in terms of attacking roles - Ryan Giggs, Paul Scholes, Wayne Rooney, Louis Saha. And, of course, we are not saying he'll be back immediately, but Alan Smith is doing fantastic in training.

"It's a real surprise to us how he's come on. He's not far away from taking part in a real game now. I think, in three weeks' time, he'll be back into the lion's den again as a centre forward. He's got real guts and determination and is a handful to play against. It's a different option for us too so, after that, you say well, look around and there's not too many centre forwards you would really go for, for what we need."

Ferguson rejected suggestions that some supporters have been less than thrilled with the transfer activity during the close season.

"Have you got witness to that? It's just your opinion," countered the Scot. "I'm happy with the squad I've got. I must say they're a good bunch of players.

"What we need to do is make sure we don't get injuries in the early part of the season. Touch wood, that's not the case because, the last two years, it's blighted our chances. If that's the case, we'll have a great chance this year."

Chief executive David Gill confirmed there is still money available in the transfer kitty, although another midfielder is believed to be Ferguson's chief priority.

"We don't filter-004 our budgets but, as Alex has mentioned, we do have funds there if we want to bring in one or two more players," said Gill. "And we're looking at that situation at the moment.

"We've always had a short, medium and long term view of what is needed to compete in the transfer market and that's the situation. Obviously, the Jon Obi Mikel money we hadn't budgeted in, but we managed to get that in and it will be reinvested back into the team as is necessary."
Manchester United star Cristiano Ronaldo will not take part in this weekend's Amsterdam tournament.

The Portuguese ace has only just returned to training this week after his involvement at the World Cup.

United boss Sir Alex Ferguson has decided not to include Ronaldo, Louis Saha and Mikael Silvestre for the trip to Holland due to their extended summer holiday.

"Obviously some players will go and some won't," said Ferguson.

"Because for instance Saha, Silvestre and Ronaldo were just back in training on Monday. They won't go."

Ferguson also revealed Gabriel Heinze and Nemanja Vidic will not be involved as they battle to shake off injuries.

"Heinze and Vidic are still recovering from injuries and they won't travel either," he added.

"All the rest will go including Michael (Carrick)."
Reds may spend again this summer
United could spend again this summer after defending their expenditure on Michael Carrick.

Talking at Wednesday's press conference for Carrick, Sir Alex Ferguson said: "We may bring in another player."

Originally posted by iknow at 2006-8-2 09:56 PM:

點解會有vodafone ge??有ga咩??
Originally posted by harvey22 at 2006-8-2 09:33 PM:
i saw on the street $4XX without numbers n names
but i think every where about the same price right??

i wanted to get vanit but well i might settle for rio or gneve.
giggs for sure
beckham,van,giggs,veron,scholes,keane,so c,
要乜有乜,d cast仲勁過而家既車仔..

Originally posted by 瑞比 at 2006-8-3 08:28 AM:

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