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Originally posted by 瑞比 at 2006-8-2 08:56 PM:

Originally posted by babo at 2006-8-2 09:02 PM:

no way is so plain!!!!
i am getting the red one this weekend~~
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"


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Originally posted by babo at 2006-8-2 09:02 PM:


Edwin van der Sar is prolonging his international career with Holland after being named in the squad for the friendly against Republic of Ireland.

Marco van Basten is still able to call upon the Manchester United keeper, who is 36 later this year, even though some felt he would retire after the World Cup finals in Germany.

The former Fulham number one is keen to aid a crack at Euro 2008 with his promising international team-mates and will take part in the Dublin fixture on August 16.

Van Basten has named a preliminary squad of 31 players, which will be reduced on August 11.

Klaas-Jan Huntelaar, a surprise omission from the World Cup squad, will get the chance to stake his claim for a regular place in the coach's plans while Gijs Luirink, who has switched from Groningen to AZ Alkmaar, is included for the first time.

Denny Landzaat and Ruud van Nistelrooy are included after summer moves - to Wigan and Real Madrid respectively - and there is also a place for Middlesbrough's new captain George Boateng.


Maarten Stekelenburg (Ajax), Henk Timmer (Feyenoord), Edwin van der Sar (Manchester United); Urby Emanuelson (Ajax), John Heitinga (Ajax), Tim de Cler (AZ), Kew Jaliens (AZ), Joris Mathijsen (AZ), Gijs Luirink (AZ), Barry Opdam (AZ), Giovanni van Bronckhorst (Barcelona), Ron Vlaar (Feyenoord), Khalid Boulahrouz (Hamburg), Jan Kromkamp (Liverpool), Andre Ooijer (PSV Eindhoven); Hedwiges Maduro (Ajax), Wesley Sneijder (Ajax), Stijn Schaars (AZ), Mark van Bommel (Barcelona), Nigel de Jong (Hamburg), Rafael van der Vaart (Hamburg), George Boateng (Middlesbrough), Denny Landzaat (Wigan); Ryan Babel (Ajax), Klaas-Jan Huntelaar (Ajax), Robin van Persie (Arsenal), Arjen Robben (Chelsea), Romeo Castelen (Feyenoord), Dirk Kuyt (Feyenoord), Ruud van Nistelrooy (Real Madrid), Jan Vennegoor of Hesselink (PSV Eindhoven).
Originally posted by harvey22 at 2006-8-2 09:10 PM:

no way is so plain!!!!
i am getting the red one this weekend~~

i saw on the street $4XX without numbers n names
but i think every where about the same price right??

i wanted to get vanit but well i might settle for rio or gneve.
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"
United unveil new boy Carrick

Manchester United have unveiled Michael Carrick as their big summer signing for an initial fee of £14 million.

The England international has moved to Old Trafford from Tottenham Hotspur in a deal which could eventually rise to £18.6 million.

Carrick has been handed the number 16 shirt for the coming season and steps into the hole created by Roy Keane's departure last autumn.

The former West Ham United trainee was quick to downplay comparisons to the ex-Red Devils skipper and has vowed to stamp his own mark on his new side.

"People are always going to talk," said Carrick on the comparisons. "Roy's a legend in the game, he's one of the greats and always will be.

"I'm my own man. I can't stop people talking about it, it's not something I'm really focused on.

"I'm focused on playing my own game and doing the things I do best, that's the best way to go for me."

The 25-year-old had spent two seasons at White Hart Lane, but admits he wanted to head to Old Trafford once he learned of United's interest.

He added: "Once I heard United were involved, I wanted to come, simple as that.

"It's a terrific club, a fantastic club that has been successful over the years.

"I just wanted to come and improve my game, and become a better player, achieve things, win trophies.

"It's an awesome setup, it really is. I've settled in quickly to be honest. Everyone's been great, the backroom staff have been fantastic.

"I want to get to know the lads as quick as I can, it's not a problem. I'm delighted to be here and I am looking forward to playing the first game really."
Sir Alex: We were interested in signing Vieira

Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson has admitted he expressed an interest in signing Patrick Vieira

The former Arsenal midfielder has now moved on to Inter Milan from Juventus, following their relegation from Serie A as punishment for their involvement in a match-fixing scandal.

Ferguson said: 'The Italian situation was interesting because everyone wanted to find out what would happen.

'Once they were relegated, Juventus were the club everyone wanted to target.

'Milan were not affected by the ruling and their players were not leaving.

'Patrick Vieira was someone we considered but I understand he has accepted a really good deal from Inter Milan, so that is the end of it.'

In the meantime United have secured the services of midfielder Michael Carrick from Tottenham - he was unveiled on Wednesday - for a fee that could reach £18.6million and Ferguson made it clear he hopes to further strengthen his squad in that area.

'The midfield area was something that we maybe had to bolster,' said Ferguson.

'We kept saying about replacing Roy Keane and that kind of thing, you can't replace Roy Keane, we've been trying for five years.'

Ferguson is looking for Carrick to bring his passing game to the United midfield.

'Michael's an excellent footballer and a very, very good passer of the ball,' Ferguson told a press conference.

'The good thing is he's been playing English football. He went into a West Ham team very young and most players who come through West Ham get a good education.'

Ferguson revealed he could sign another player before the start of the Premiership season.

He added: 'We may bring in another one anyway

no shit...but Vieira wont join Man U.....
that's good to hear that they are progressing another signing...probably that's Senna...
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