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wow frings scored the 3rd goal!
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"

"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"


On May 9, 2006, Setanta Sports claimed to exclusively reveal the real reason behind Van Nistelrooy's non-inclusion in the squad for the game against Charlton. According to Setanta, van Nistelrooy and team-mate Cristiano Ronaldo had come to blows during a training session. Ruud allegedly criticised Ronaldo's tendency to keep the ball, instead of passing, and then the two fought. Van Nistelrooy then, allegedly, said "go running to your daddy". Ronaldo's father had died earlier in the season, though the article claims that Van Nistelrooy was not referring to Ronaldo's father, but to his fellow Portuguese Carlos Queiroz.
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"
Originally posted by 瑞比 at 2006-8-2 02:49 AM:


p.s tevez好似係曼聯定db fans..
yeh...and he said that's his sponsor's problem~~~
Originally posted by 瑞比 at 2006-8-2 02:49 AM:


p.s tevez好似係曼聯定db fans..
yeh...and he said that's his sponsor's problem~~~
Originally posted by 瑞比 at 2006-8-2 03:57 AM:

i dont know the exact value....but should be at least 14M....the rest of the fees 睇表現同出場場數俾..and can man u win the league or Euro Champ. league

[ Last edited by arthur8088 on 2006-8-2 at 08:29 AM ]
Reported Manchester United target Javier Mascherano has stated he has no desire to leave Corinthians this summer.
The Argentinian World Cup star has been linked with a move to Old Trafford as The Red Devils continue to search for midfield replacements despite the capture of Michael Carrick.

Although the 22-year-old has been heralded as a bright prospect for some time, his composed displays at the heart of Jose Pekerman's midfield in Germany saw his stock rise.

Newly-installed Serie A champions Internazionale are rumoured to have taken a strong interest in the former River Plate star, and United are clearly in the market for a physical holding midfielder having first cast a glance at Milan's Gennaro Gattuso and Juventus' Patrick Vieira before taking a close interest in Spain international Marcos Senna.

However, Mascherano has now moved to dampen speculation about his future, stating he will not be leaving his Brazilian employers during the transfer window.

"After the World Cup I returned to Corinthians and the only thing that I have in mind is to play for this team," said Mascherano.

"I am not thinking of leaving Corinthians and in addition I don't have any proposal for leaving.

"I don't think it would be correct to leave Corinthians at the moment."

Although Mascherano admits he would not rule out a move to Europe in the future, the Argentine is determined to help pull Corinthians out of the current crisis that has left them bottom of the league.

"If Corinthians receive in the future a good proposal and it's also interesting for me then I could maybe think of the chance to leave Corinthians but I want to make clear that that would be something in the future," Mascherano added.

"I am not thinking of any transfer now and I even wouldn't accept any transfer at this moment because Corinthians is in a difficult situation and we all need to help to get the team out of this."


而卡比路在練習賽中起用兩種不同的陣式,暗示來季可能可能會以4-4-2 作為主要陣式。




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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 【奧脫福茶餐廳】--- 再見C朗,野獸出走...

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